



export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/usr/lib/pkgconfigu01@vm01:~/layout/oss/cairo-1.12.18$ pkg-config --debug Option --debug seen Error printing disabled by default, value of --print-errors: 0 Error printing disabled Adding virtual 'pkg-config' pa…


fontconfig $sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev $sudo apt-get install libexpat1-dev $./configure --prefix=$HOME/usrfreetype $sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev $sudo apt-get install harfbuzz-devpango $sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev

brew install pango

bash-3.2$ brew install pango ==> Installing dependencies for pango: gettext, libffi, glib, libpng, freetype, fontconfig, pixman, cairo, pkg-con ==> Installing pango dependency: gettext ==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/g…

brew doctor

mbp01:~ m_fujii$ brew doctor Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is working fine: please don't worry and just ignore them. T…

doxygen設定ファイル skia

doxygenの設定ファイル # Doxyfile 1.8.6 # This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system # doxygen (www.doxygen.org) for a project. # # All text after a double hash (##) is considered a comment and is placed in # fr…

Android Gerrit 検索方法

コミットメッセージ内の検索(message:) message:japanese message:font message:typeface message:FontFamily ファイル名での検索(f:) f:Typeface.java f:Typeface.cpp f:TypefaceImpl.h FontFamily.cpp f:Paint.cpp プロジェクト名での検索(project:) proje…


44 static hb_tag_t common_features[] = { 45 HB_TAG('c','c','m','p'), 46 HB_TAG('l','i','g','a'), 47 HB_TAG('l','o','c','l'), 48 HB_TAG('m','a','r','k'), 49 HB_TAG('m','k','m','k'), 50 HB_TAG('r','l','i','g'), 51 }; 54 static hb_tag_t horiz…


406 static hb_script_t codePointToScript(hb_codepoint_t codepoint) { 407 static hb_unicode_funcs_t* u = 0; 408 if (!u) { 409 u = hb_icu_get_unicode_funcs(); 410 } 411 return hb_unicode_script(u, codepoint); 412 } 423 hb_script_t 424 hb_uni…


53 /* Master OT shaper list */ 54 #define HB_COMPLEX_SHAPERS_IMPLEMENT_SHAPERS \ 55 HB_COMPLEX_SHAPER_IMPLEMENT (default) /* should be first */ \ 56 HB_COMPLEX_SHAPER_IMPLEMENT (arabic) \ 57 HB_COMPLEX_SHAPER_IMPLEMENT (hangul) \ 58 HB_COM…


341 hb_font_funcs_t* getHbFontFuncs() { 342 static hb_font_funcs_t* hbFontFuncs = 0; 343 344 if (hbFontFuncs == 0) { 345 hbFontFuncs = hb_font_funcs_create(); 346 hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_func( hbFontFuncs, harfbuzzGetGlyph, 0, 0); 347 hb_f…


79 static hb_bool_t harfbuzzGetGlyph( hb_font_t* hbFont, void* fontData, hb_codepoint_t unicode, hb_codepoint_t variationSelector, hb_codepoint_t* glyph, void* userData) 80 { 81 HarfBuzzFontData* hbFontData = reinterpret_cast<HarfBuzzFontData*>(fontData); 82</harfbuzzfontdata*>…


163 hb_font_t* createFont(hb_face_t* face, SkPaint* paint, float sizeX, float sizeY) { 164 hb_font_t* font = hb_font_create(face); 165 166 // Note: this needs to be reworked when we do subpixels 167 int x_ppem = floor(sizeX + 0.5); 168 int…

raspberry pi freetype make

pi@raspberrypi ~/freetype/freetype-2.5.3.tar/freetype-2.5.3 $ make FreeType build system -- automatic system detection The following settings are used: platform unix compiler cc configuration directory ./builds/unix configuration rules ./b…

void FontCache::invalidate()

529 void FontCache::invalidate() 530 { 531 if (!gClients) { 532 ASSERT(!gFontPlatformDataCache); 533 return; 534 } 535 536 if (gFontPlatformDataCache) { 537 deleteAllValues(*gFontPlatformDataCache); 538 delete gFontPlatformDataCache; 539 g…

GypAndroid folders

================================================================ 実験 Androidプラットフォームへの統合に適してのsrc/contentに対するFacadeを提供しています。 個々のAndroidアプリケーション(APK)での使用を目的としていません。 /android_webview/…


727 void TextRunWalker::setupFontForScriptRun() 728 { 729 const FontData* fontData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(m_run[0], false).fontData; 730 const FontPlatformData& platformData = 731 fontData->fontDataForCharacter(' ')->platformData(…


class TextRunWalker { 422 public: 423 494 private: 512 const Font* const m_font; 513 HB_ShaperItem m_item; 514 uint16_t* m_glyphs16; // A vector of 16-bit glyph ids. 515 SkPoint* m_positions; // A vector of positions for each glyph. 516 ss…

drawBidiText >> width > floatWidthForComplexText > widthOfFullRun > nextScriptRun > setupFontForScriptRun

148 void RenderEmbeddedObject::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) 149 { 150 if (!pluginCrashedOrWasMissing()) 151 return; 152 153 if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection) 154 return; 155 156 GraphicsContext* context = p…

b2g framework

./B2G/frameworks/base/core/jni/android/graphics/TextLayoutCache.h:96: SkTypeface* typeface; ./B2G/frameworks/base/core/jni/android/graphics/Typeface.cpp:7:#include "SkTypeface.h" ./B2G/frameworks/base/core/jni/android/graphics/Typeface.cpp…

gfx makefile

gecko\gfx\Makefile.in # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. DEPTH = @DEPTH@ …

b2g(FirefoxOS) ベースとなるファイル

b2g-manifest/emulator.xml at master mozilla-b2g/b2g-manifest GitHub <manifest> <remote name="aosp" fetch="https://android.googlesource.com/" /> <remote name="caf" fetch="git://codeaurora.org/" /> <remote name="b2g" fetch="https://git.mozilla.org/b2g" /> </remote></remote></remote></manifest>


ACCELERATED_COMPOSITINGは、どこで設定するんだろ? Cross Reference: /external/webkit/Android.mkViewStateSerializer.cppをコンパイルするとき、 ACCELERATED_COMPOSITINGが、有効か無効かわからないため、 LayerAndroid.hが、どのような内容になるかわ…