



      1 BASE_PATH := $(call my-dir)
      2 LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
      4 ###############################################################################
      5 #
      7 #
      8 # The debug build results in changes to the Skia headers. This means that those
      9 # using libskia must also be built with the debug version of the Skia headers.
     10 # There are a few scenarios where this comes into play:
     11 #
     12 # (1) You're building debug code that depends on libskia.
     13 #   (a) If libskia is built in release, then define SK_RELEASE when building
     14 #       your sources.
     15 #   (b) If libskia is built with debugging (see step 2), then no changes are
     16 #       needed since your sources and libskia have been built with SK_DEBUG.
     17 # (2) You're building libskia in debug mode.
     18 #   (a) RECOMMENDED: You can build the entire system in debug mode. Do this by
     19 #       updating your buildspec.mk to include TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=debug
     20 #   (b) You can update all the users of libskia to define SK_DEBUG when they are
     21 #       building their sources.
     22 #
     23 # NOTE: If neither SK_DEBUG or SK_RELEASE are defined then Skia checks NDEBUG to
     24 #       determine which build type to use.
     25 ###############################################################################
     28 #############################################################
     29 #   build the skia+fretype+png+jpeg+zlib+gif+webp library
     30 #
     32 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
     34 LOCAL_ARM_MODE := arm
     36 # need a flag to tell the C side when we're on devices with large memory
     37 # budgets (i.e. larger than the low-end devices that initially shipped)
     38 ifeq ($(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_VFP),true)
     40 endif
     42 ifneq ($(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_VFP),true)
     44 endif
     46 ifeq ($(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_NEON),true)
     48 endif

        LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DSK_DEBUG <=追加

     50 # special checks for alpha == 0 and alpha == 255 in S32A_Opaque_BlitRow32
     51 # procedures (C and assembly) seriously improve skia performance
     54 # using freetype's embolden allows us to adjust fake bold settings at
     55 # draw-time, at which point we know which SkTypeface is being drawn
     58 LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= \

09-18 20:57:44.031: E/IMGSRV(117): :0: SetupuKernel : EDM status value DevVAddr: 0x0F004000 pvLinAddrKM: 0xC88FA000
09-18 20:57:44.031: E/IMGSRV(117): --------- beginning of /dev/log/system
09-18 20:57:44.046: I/Vold(116): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
09-18 20:57:44.046: E/Vold(116): Error reading configuration (No such file or directory)... continuing anyways
09-18 20:57:44.054: I/Netd(120): Netd 1.0 starting
09-18 20:57:44.054: I/DEBUG(121): debuggerd: Sep 18 2012 15:02:18
09-18 20:57:44.203: D/(122): [CP BOOT] __boot_6260: START CP BOOT
09-18 20:57:44.343: D/(122): [CP BOOT] __boot_6260: CP POWER ON DONE
09-18 20:57:44.343: D/(122): [CP BOOT] mipi_xmit_atat: SENT ATAT 0
09-18 20:57:44.445: D/(122): [CP BOOT] mipi_xmit_atat: SENT ATAT 1
09-18 20:57:44.531: D/MDnsDS(120): MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
09-18 20:57:44.531: D/MDnsDS(120): MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
09-18 20:57:44.531: D/MDnsDS(120): Going to poll with pollCount 1
09-18 20:57:44.578: I/mediaserver(126): ServiceManager: 0x418e6ce0
09-18 20:57:44.578: I/AudioFlinger(126): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
09-18 20:57:44.578: I/CameraService(126): CameraService started (pid=126)
09-18 20:57:44.601: D/(122): [CP BOOT] __boot_6260: XIMT PSI DONE
09-18 20:57:44.617: I/AudioPolicyManagerBase(126): loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf
09-18 20:57:44.625: I/AudioFlinger(126): loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from Tuna audio HW HAL (audio) handle 1
09-18 20:57:44.632: I/AudioFlinger(126): HAL output buffer size 176 frames, normal mix buffer size 1056 frames
09-18 20:57:44.656: I/AudioMixer(126): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
09-18 20:57:44.695: D/AndroidRuntime(124): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
09-18 20:57:44.695: D/AndroidRuntime(124): CheckJNI is OFF
09-18 20:57:44.695: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): SurfaceFlinger is starting
09-18 20:57:44.695: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
09-18 20:57:44.726: D/(122): [CP BOOT] __boot_6260: XIMT EBL DONE
09-18 20:57:44.742: D/(122): [CP BOOT] __boot_6260: SET EBL DONE
09-18 20:57:44.765: D/(122): [CP BOOT] __boot_6260: REQSECSTART CMD DONE
09-18 20:57:44.804: D/libEGL(123): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
09-18 20:57:44.835: D/libEGL(123): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
09-18 20:57:44.835: D/libEGL(123): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): EGL informations:
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): # of configs : 22
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): vendor    : Android
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): version   : 1.4 Android META-EGL
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): extensions: EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer 
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): Client API: OpenGL_ES
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): EGLSurface: 8-8-8-8, config=0x2
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): OpenGL informations:
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): vendor    : Imagination Technologies
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): renderer  : PowerVR SGX 540
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): version   : OpenGL ES-CM 1.1
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): extensions: GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_OES_byte_coordinates GL_OES_fixed_point GL_OES_single_precision GL_OES_matrix_get GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_matrix_palette GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_query_matrix GL_OES_texture_env_crossbar GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_OES_texture_cube_map GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_blend_func_separate GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_extended_matrix_palette GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_egl_sync GL_IMG_vertex_array_object
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 2048
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 2048 x 2048
09-18 20:57:45.164: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): flags = 00000000
09-18 20:57:45.171: I/ti_hwc(123): clone region is set to (0,0) to (720,1280)
09-18 20:57:45.171: I/ti_hwc(123): external display changed (state=0, mirror={disabled tform=0deg}, dock={disabled tform=0deg}, tv=0
09-18 20:57:45.171: I/ti_hwc(123): omap4_hwc_device_open(rgb_order=1 nv12_only=0)
09-18 20:57:45.171: I/SurfaceFlinger(123): EventThread ready to run.
09-18 20:57:45.320: D/dalvikvm(124): Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
09-18 20:57:45.359: D/libEGL(288): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
09-18 20:57:45.359: D/libEGL(288): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
09-18 20:57:45.367: D/libEGL(288): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
09-18 20:57:45.406: D/dalvikvm(124): Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
09-18 20:57:45.445: D/dalvikvm(124): Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
09-18 20:57:45.445: D/dalvikvm(124): Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
09-18 20:57:45.976: I/SamplingProfilerIntegration(124): Profiling disabled.
09-18 20:57:46.007: I/Zygote(124): Preloading classes...
09-18 20:57:46.031: W/Zygote(124): Class not found for preloading: android.animation.ValueAnimator$2
09-18 20:57:46.031: W/Zygote(124): Class not found for preloading: android.animation.ValueAnimator$3
09-18 20:57:46.031: W/Zygote(124): Class not found for preloading: android.animation.ValueAnimator$4
09-18 20:57:46.031: W/Zygote(124): Class not found for preloading: android.animation.ValueAnimator$5
09-18 20:57:46.062: W/Zygote(124): Class not found for preloading: android.content.res.Resources$1
09-18 20:57:46.132: W/Zygote(124): Class not found for preloading: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCompiledSql
09-18 20:57:46.132: W/Zygote(124): Class not found for preloading: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase$DatabaseReentrantLock
09-18 20:57:46.148: D/skia(124): ---- We have 37 system fonts
09-18 20:57:46.375: D/dalvikvm(124): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 0ms
09-18 20:57:46.375: D/dalvikvm(124): GC_EXPLICIT freed 31K, 85% free 630K/4096K, paused 1ms+0ms, total 4ms
09-18 20:57:46.398: D/TextLayoutCache(124): Using debug level = 0 - Debug Enabled = 0
09-18 20:57:46.398: A/libc(124): Fatal signal 7 (SIGBUS) at 0x00000000 (code=128), thread 124 (zygote)
09-18 20:57:46.515: I/DEBUG(121): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
09-18 20:57:46.515: I/DEBUG(121): Build fingerprint: 'Android/full_maguro/maguro:4.1.1/JRO03L/eng.m_fujii.20120918.145406:userdebug/test-keys'
09-18 20:57:46.515: I/DEBUG(121): pid: 124, tid: 124, name: zygote  >>> zygote <<<
09-18 20:57:46.515: I/DEBUG(121): signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 128 (?), fault addr 00000000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     r0 5a122485  r1 5a122481  r2 00000001  r3 5a122485
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     r4 5a124338  r5 00000000  r6 5a122481  r7 5a350aa0
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     r8 5a122481  r9 00000000  sl 5a350aa0  fp 00000001
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     ip 40438dcc  sp be9fa350  lr 403208b4  pc 400d7050  cpsr 20000010
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d0  656c62616e452064  d1  00000002f47ef120
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d2  00000002f47f683d  d3  5762b2785762b220
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d4  5775a1585762b2b0  d5  5775a1c85775a190
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d6  5775a2385775a200  d7  3f8000003f800000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d8  0000000000000000  d9  3c8000003c800000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d16 0000000012e54a20  d17 0000000012e4d2ea
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d18 0000000000000000  d19 0000000000000000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d20 0000000000000000  d21 0000000000000000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d22 0000000000000000  d23 0000000000000000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d24 0000000000000000  d25 0000000000000000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d26 0000000000000000  d27 0000000000000000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d28 0000000000000000  d29 0000000000000000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     d30 0000000000000000  d31 0000000000000000
09-18 20:57:46.570: I/DEBUG(121):     scr 60000010
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121): backtrace:
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #00  pc 00005050  /system/lib/libcutils.so (android_atomic_inc+8)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #01  pc 000ad8b0  /system/lib/libskia.so (SkPaint::setTypeface(SkTypeface*)+32)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #02  pc 00070e8f  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::TextLayoutShaper::shapeFontRun(SkPaint const*, bool)+130)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #03  pc 0007119b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::TextLayoutShaper::computeRunValues(SkPaint const*, unsigned short const*, unsigned int, bool, android::Vector<float>*, float*, android::Vector<unsigned short>*)+702)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #04  pc 00071499  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::TextLayoutShaper::computeValues(SkPaint const*, unsigned short const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, android::Vector<float>*, float*, android::Vector<unsigned short>*)+452)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #05  pc 00071503  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::TextLayoutShaper::computeValues(android::TextLayoutValue*, SkPaint const*, unsigned short const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int)+38)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #06  pc 00071a35  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::TextLayoutCache::getValue(SkPaint const*, unsigned short const*, int, int, int, int)+228)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #07  pc 00071d51  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::TextLayoutEngine::getValue(SkPaint const*, unsigned short const*, int, int, int, int)+36)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #08  pc 0007035d  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::TextLayout::getTextRunAdvances(SkPaint*, unsigned short const*, int, int, int, int, float*, float*)+42)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #09  pc 0006cb1d  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #10  pc 0001de30  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #11  pc 0004d083  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+394)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #12  pc 00027260  /system/lib/libdvm.so
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #13  pc 0002bb68  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #14  pc 0005f7f1  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+272)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #15  pc 0005f81b  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethod(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, JValue*, ...)+20)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #16  pc 0006a4a5  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInitClass+1036)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #17  pc 0006a31b  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInitClass+642)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #18  pc 0006a31b  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInitClass+642)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #19  pc 0006a619  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmFindClass(char const*, Object*)+16)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #20  pc 0006415f  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmFindClassByName(StringObject*, Object*, bool)+78)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #21  pc 00065d8d  /system/lib/libdvm.so
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #22  pc 00027260  /system/lib/libdvm.so
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #23  pc 0002bb68  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #24  pc 0005f7f1  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+272)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #25  pc 00049673  /system/lib/libdvm.so
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #26  pc 0004698d  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #27  pc 0004746f  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, char const*)+390)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #28  pc 00000dcf  /system/bin/app_process
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121): stack:
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa310  00052722  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa314  42151330  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa318  408891a8  /system/lib/libdvm.so
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa31c  420d3f88  [heap]
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa320  408891a8  /system/lib/libdvm.so
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa324  42151330  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa328  6c58ed8b  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa32c  00000001  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa330  0000000c  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa334  be9fa3b0  [stack]
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa338  00000001  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa33c  5a1242e4  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa340  ffffffff  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa344  42143fa8  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa348  df0027ad  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa34c  00000000  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #00  be9fa350  5a1242d8  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          ........  ........
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #01  be9fa350  5a1242d8  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa354  00000000  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa358  00000000  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa35c  40207e93  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::TextLayoutShaper::shapeFontRun(SkPaint const*, bool)+134)
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):     #02  be9fa360  00000000  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa364  be9fa3b4  [stack]
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa368  be9fa3bc  [stack]
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa36c  5a1242d8  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa370  be9fa3b4  [stack]
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa374  5a1242d8  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa378  be9fa3b4  [stack]
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa37c  00000000  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa380  ffffffff  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa384  00000000  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa388  00000000  
09-18 20:57:46.578: I/DEBUG(121):          be9fa38c  4020819f  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::TextLayoutShaper::computeRunValues(SkPaint const*, unsigned short const*, unsigned int, bool, android::Vector<float>*, float*, android::Vector<unsigned short>*)+706)
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): memory near r0:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122464 00000000 20656874 00000013 6d6d7564  ....the ....dumm
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122474 74742e79 696c0066 00000023 40438580  y.ttf.li#.....C@
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122484 00000004 00000001 00000000 746e0100  ..............nt
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122494 5a123b88 5a123b90 00000023 59a576b0  .;.Z.;.Z#....v.Y
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a1224a4 5a4e92d8 59987be0 599874f8 4204a200  ..NZ.{.Y.t.Y...B
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): memory near r1:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122460 00000000 00000000 20656874 00000013  ........the ....
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122470 6d6d7564 74742e79 696c0066 00000023  dummy.ttf.li#...
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122480 40438580 00000004 00000001 00000000  ..C@............
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122490 746e0100 5a123b88 5a123b90 00000023  ..nt.;.Z.;.Z#...
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a1224a0 59a576b0 5a4e92d8 59987be0 599874f8  .v.Y..NZ.{.Y.t.Y
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): memory near r3:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122464 00000000 20656874 00000013 6d6d7564  ....the ....dumm
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122474 74742e79 696c0066 00000023 40438580  y.ttf.li#.....C@
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122484 00000004 00000001 00000000 746e0100  ..............nt
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122494 5a123b88 5a123b90 00000023 59a576b0  .;.Z.;.Z#....v.Y
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a1224a4 5a4e92d8 59987be0 599874f8 4204a200  ..NZ.{.Y.t.Y...B
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): memory near r4:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a124318 00000000 00000000 00000000 40235ed0  .............^#@
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a124328 00010001 00000001 00000001 5a124338  ............8C.Z
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a124338 00000000 41400000 3f800000 00000000  ......@A...?....
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a124348 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a124358 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): memory near r6:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122460 00000000 00000000 20656874 00000013  ........the ....
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122470 6d6d7564 74742e79 696c0066 00000023  dummy.ttf.li#...
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122480 40438580 00000004 00000001 00000000  ..C@............
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122490 746e0100 5a123b88 5a123b90 00000023  ..nt.;.Z.;.Z#...
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a1224a0 59a576b0 5a4e92d8 59987be0 599874f8  .v.Y..NZ.{.Y.t.Y
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): memory near r7:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a350a80 72642f73 0000001b 420e94d8 2e64696f  s/dr.......Boid.
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a350a90 70617267 73636968 6172642e 00000053  graphics.draS...
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a350aa0 00000000 41400000 3f800000 00000000  ......@A...?....
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a350ab0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a350ac0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): memory near r8:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122460 00000000 00000000 20656874 00000013  ........the ....
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122470 6d6d7564 74742e79 696c0066 00000023  dummy.ttf.li#...
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122480 40438580 00000004 00000001 00000000  ..C@............
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a122490 746e0100 5a123b88 5a123b90 00000023  ..nt.;.Z.;.Z#...
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a1224a0 59a576b0 5a4e92d8 59987be0 599874f8  .v.Y..NZ.{.Y.t.Y
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): memory near sl:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a350a80 72642f73 0000001b 420e94d8 2e64696f  s/dr.......Boid.
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a350a90 70617267 73636968 6172642e 00000053  graphics.draS...
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a350aa0 00000000 41400000 3f800000 00000000  ......@A...?....
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a350ab0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     5a350ac0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): memory near ip:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     40438dac 00000000 00000000 00000000 40075780  .............W.@
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     40438dbc 400b8907 4007516c 40075278 400d7068  ...@lQ.@xR.@hp.@
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     40438dcc 400d7048 40074d10 4007e00c 4009163d  Hp.@.M.@...@=..@
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     40438ddc 400b88f9 400c9298 400c6e90 4007dedc  ...@...@.n.@...@
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     40438dec 400b8911 40075924 40075848 40075828  ...@$Y.@HX.@(X.@
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): memory near sp:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     be9fa330 0000000c be9fa3b0 00000001 5a1242e4  .............B.Z
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     be9fa340 ffffffff 42143fa8 df0027ad 00000000  .....?.B.'......
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     be9fa350 5a1242d8 00000000 00000000 40207e93  .B.Z.........~ @
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     be9fa360 00000000 be9fa3b4 be9fa3bc 5a1242d8  .............B.Z
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     be9fa370 be9fa3b4 5a1242d8 be9fa3b4 00000000  .....B.Z........
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): code around pc:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     400d7030 e1910f9f e080c003 e1812f9c e3520000  ........./....R.
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     400d7040 1afffffa e12fff1e e1a03000 f57ff05f  ....../..0.._...
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     400d7050 e1930f9f e2801001 e1832f91 e3520000  ........./....R.
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     400d7060 1afffffa e12fff1e e1a03000 f57ff05f  ....../..0.._...
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     400d7070 e3e02000 e1930f9f e080c002 e1831f9c  . ..............
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121): code around lr:
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     40320894 e2516000 e1a04000 0a000004 e5963004  .`Q..@.......0..
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     403208a4 e3530000 da00001d e2860004 ebfe401f  ..S..........@..
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     403208b4 e5945000 e3550000 0a000007 e595e004  .P....U.........
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     403208c4 e35e0000 da000022 e2850004 ebfe4014  ..^."........@..
09-18 20:57:46.593: I/DEBUG(121):     403208d4 e3500001 e1a03000 0a000005 e594c048  ..P..0......H...
09-18 20:57:46.656: I/ServiceManager(115): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
09-18 20:57:46.656: I/ServiceManager(115): service 'media.player' died
09-18 20:57:46.656: I/ServiceManager(115): service 'media.camera' died
09-18 20:57:46.671: I/Netd(296): Netd 1.0 starting
09-18 20:57:46.859: I/mediaserver(295): ServiceManager: 0x40bffd50