


     22 SkPicturePlayback::SkPicturePlayback(const SkPictureRecord& record) {
     60     record.validate();
     61     const SkWriter32& writer = record.writeStream();
     62     init();
     63     if (writer.size() == 0)
     64         return;
     66     {
     67         size_t size = writer.size();
     68         void* buffer = sk_malloc_throw(size);
     69         writer.flatten(buffer);
     70         fReader.setMemory(buffer, size);    // fReader owns buffer now
     71     }
     73     // copy over the refcnt dictionary to our reader
     74     //
     75     fRCPlayback.reset(&record.fRCSet); <================
     76     fRCPlayback.setupBuffer(fReader);
     78     fTFPlayback.reset(&record.fTFSet);
     79     fTFPlayback.setupBuffer(fReader);
     81     const SkTDArray<const SkFlatBitmap* >& bitmaps = record.getBitmaps();
     82     fBitmapCount = bitmaps.count();
     83     if (fBitmapCount > 0) {
     84         fBitmaps = SkNEW_ARRAY(SkBitmap, fBitmapCount);
     85         for (const SkFlatBitmap** flatBitmapPtr = bitmaps.begin();
     86              flatBitmapPtr != bitmaps.end(); flatBitmapPtr++) {
     87             const SkFlatBitmap* flatBitmap = *flatBitmapPtr;
     88             int index = flatBitmap->index() - 1;
     89             flatBitmap->unflatten(&fBitmaps[index], &fRCPlayback);
     90         }
     91     }
     93     const SkTDArray<const SkFlatMatrix* >& matrices = record.getMatrices();
     94     fMatrixCount = matrices.count();
     95     if (fMatrixCount > 0) {
     96         fMatrices = SkNEW_ARRAY(SkMatrix, fMatrixCount);
     97         for (const SkFlatMatrix** matrixPtr = matrices.begin();
     98              matrixPtr != matrices.end(); matrixPtr++) {
     99             const SkFlatMatrix* flatMatrix = *matrixPtr;
    100             flatMatrix->unflatten(&fMatrices[flatMatrix->index() - 1]);
    101         }
    102     }
    104     const SkTDArray<const SkFlatPaint* >& paints = record.getPaints();
    105     fPaintCount = paints.count();
    106     if (fPaintCount > 0) {
    107         fPaints = SkNEW_ARRAY(SkPaint, fPaintCount);
    108         for (const SkFlatPaint** flatPaintPtr = paints.begin();
    109              flatPaintPtr != paints.end(); flatPaintPtr++) {
    110             const SkFlatPaint* flatPaint = *flatPaintPtr;
    111             int index = flatPaint->index() - 1;
    112             SkASSERT((unsigned)index < (unsigned)fPaintCount);
    113             flatPaint->unflatten(&fPaints[index], &fRCPlayback, &fTFPlayback);
    114         }
    115     }
    117     fPathHeap = record.fPathHeap;
    118     SkSafeRef(fPathHeap);
    120     const SkTDArray<SkPicture* >& pictures = record.getPictureRefs();
    121     fPictureCount = pictures.count();
    122     if (fPictureCount > 0) {
    123         fPictureRefs = SkNEW_ARRAY(SkPicture*, fPictureCount);
    124         for (int i = 0; i < fPictureCount; i++) {
    125             fPictureRefs[i] = pictures[i];
    126             fPictureRefs[i]->ref();
    127         }
    128     }
    130     const SkTDArray<const SkFlatRegion* >& regions = record.getRegions();
    131     fRegionCount = regions.count();
    132     if (fRegionCount > 0) {
    133         fRegions = SkNEW_ARRAY(SkRegion, fRegionCount);
    134         for (const SkFlatRegion** flatRegionPtr = regions.begin();
    135              flatRegionPtr != regions.end(); flatRegionPtr++) {
    136             const SkFlatRegion* flatRegion = *flatRegionPtr;
    137             flatRegion->unflatten(&fRegions[flatRegion->index() - 1]);
    138         }
    139     }
    161 }
     30 class SkPicturePlayback {
    159 private:
    160     SkPathHeap* fPathHeap;  // reference counted
    161     SkBitmap* fBitmaps;
    162     int fBitmapCount;
    163     SkMatrix* fMatrices;
    164     int fMatrixCount;
    165     SkPaint* fPaints;
    166     int fPaintCount;
    167     SkRegion* fRegions;
    168     int fRegionCount;
    169     mutable SkFlattenableReadBuffer fReader;
    171     SkPicture** fPictureRefs;
    172     int fPictureCount;
    174     SkRefCntPlayback     fRCPlayback; <===========
    175     SkTypefacePlayback   fTFPlayback;
    176     SkFactoryPlayback*   fFactoryPlayback;
    177 #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID
    178     SkMutex fDrawMutex;
    179 #endif
    180 };