

Quick Settings FlashLight

     72     @Override
     73     protected void handleUpdateState(BooleanState state, Object arg) {
     74         if (state.value) {
     75             mWasLastOn = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
     76         }
     78         if (arg instanceof Boolean) {
     79             state.value = (Boolean) arg;
     80         }
     82         if (!state.value && mWasLastOn != 0) {
     83             if (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() > mWasLastOn + RECENTLY_ON_DURATION_MILLIS) {
     84                 mWasLastOn = 0;
     85             } else {
     86                 mHandler.removeCallbacks(mRecentlyOnTimeout);
     87                 mHandler.postAtTime(mRecentlyOnTimeout, mWasLastOn + RECENTLY_ON_DURATION_MILLIS);
     88             }
     89         }
     91         // Always show the tile when the flashlight is or was recently on. This is needed because
     92         // the camera is not available while it is being used for the flashlight.
     93         state.visible = mWasLastOn != 0 || mFlashlightController.isAvailable();
     94         state.label = mHost.getContext().getString(R.string.quick_settings_flashlight_label);
     95         state.iconId = state.value
     96                 ? R.drawable.ic_qs_flashlight_on : R.drawable.ic_qs_flashlight_off;
     97         int onOrOffId = state.value
     98                 ? R.string.accessibility_quick_settings_flashlight_on
     99                 : R.string.accessibility_quick_settings_flashlight_off;
    100         state.contentDescription = mContext.getString(onOrOffId); <="ライトがオフです"
    101     }
    103     @Override
    104     protected String composeChangeAnnouncement() {
    105         if (mState.value) {
    106             return mContext.getString(R.string.accessibility_quick_settings_flashlight_changed_on);
    107         } else {
    108             return mContext.getString(R.string.accessibility_quick_settings_flashlight_changed_off);
    109         }
    110     }
    164     private void handleStateChanged() {
    165         boolean delayAnnouncement = shouldAnnouncementBeDelayed();
    166         if (mCallback != null) {
    167             mCallback.onStateChanged(mState);
    168             if (mAnnounceNextStateChange && !delayAnnouncement) {
                         [  true  && [!(false)=>true] ] => true
                         [  false && [!(false)=>true] ] => false
                         [  true  && [!(true)=>false] ] => false
                         [  false && [!(true)=>false] ] => false
    169                 String announcement = composeChangeAnnouncement();
    170                 if (announcement != null) {
    171                     mCallback.onAnnouncementRequested(announcement);
    172                 }
    173             }
    174         }
                // 1回イベントの通知をずらす
    175         mAnnounceNextStateChange = mAnnounceNextStateChange && delayAnnouncement;
                                           [true  && [false => false ]] => false
                                           [false && [false => false ]] => false
                                           [true  && [true  => true  ]] => true
                                           [false && [true  => true  ]] => false

    176     }


    141     @Override
    142     protected boolean shouldAnnouncementBeDelayed() {
    143         return mStateBeforeClick.enabled == mState.enabled;
    144     }

*1424398929*[android]Quick Settings
><blockquote cite="http://tools.oesf.biz/android-5.0.1_r1.0/xref/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/QSFooter.java#107" title="Cross Reference: /frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/QSFooter.java"><
    106     public void refreshState() {
    107         mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(H.REFRESH_STATE);
    108     }