


bash-3.2$ pango-view --help
  pango-view [オプション...] - FILE

  -h, --help                                         ヘルプのオプションを表示する
  --help-all                                         ヘルプのオプションをすべて表示する
  --help-cairo                                       Options understood by the cairo backend

  --no-auto-dir                                      No layout direction according to contents
  --backend=cairo/ft2                                Pango backend to use for rendering (default: cairo)
  --background=red/#rrggbb/#rrggbbaa/transparent     Set the background color
  -q, --no-display                                   Do not display (just write to file or whatever)
  --dpi=number                                       Set the resolution
  --align=left/center/right                          Text alignment
  --ellipsize=start/middle/end                       Ellipsization mode
  --font=description                                 Set the font description
  --foreground=red/#rrggbb/#rrggbbaa                 Set the text color
  --gravity=south/east/north/west/auto               Base gravity: glyph rotation
  --gravity-hint=natural/strong/line                 Gravity hint
  --header                                           Display the options in the output
  --height=+points/-numlines                         Height in points (positive) or number of lines (negative) for ellipsizing
  --hinting=none/auto/full                           Hinting style
  --indent=points                                    Width in points to indent paragraphs
  --justify                                          Align paragraph lines to be justified
  --language=en_US/etc                               Language to use for font selection
  --margin=CSS-style numbers in pixels               Set the margin on the output in pixels
  --markup                                           Interpret text as Pango markup
  -o, --output=file                                  Save rendered image to output file
  --pixels                                           Use pixel units instead of points (sets dpi to 72)
  --rtl                                              Set base direction to right-to-left
  --rotate=degrees                                   Angle at which to rotate results
  -n, --runs=integer                                 Run Pango layout engine this many times
  --single-par                                       Enable single-paragraph mode
  -t, --text=string                                  Text to display (instead of a file)
  --version                                          Show version numbers
  --waterfall                                        Create a waterfall display
  -w, --width=points                                 Width in points to which to wrap lines or ellipsize
  --wrap=word/char/word-char                         Text wrapping mode (needs a width to be set)
