


>spot -h
Usage: spot [-u|-h|-ht|-r] 
 [-f] [-V] [-m] [-d][-i<ids>] 
 [-o<offs>] [-t<tags>|-P<featuretags>] 
 [-p<policy>] [-@ <ptsize>]  <fontfile>+

OR: spot  -X <scriptfile>

    -u  print usage information
    -h  print usage and help information
    -ht print table-specific usage information
    -r  dump Macintosh resource map
    -n  dump glyph id/name mapping (also see '-m' below)
    -nc dump glyph id/name mapping, one per line (also see '-m' below)
    -ngid Suppress terminal gid on glyph names from TTF fonts.
    -T  list table-directory in sfnt table
    -F  list features in GPOS,GSUB tables
    -G  proof glyph synopsis
    -f  proof GPOS features in font order instead of GID order
    -V  proof glyphs in Vertical writing mode (same as -p6 below)
    -m  map glyph names into Adobe 'friendly' names, not AGL/Unicode names
    -d  suppress header info from proof
    -br proof glyph synopsis one per page
    -i  sfnt resource id list (see help)
    -o  TTC directory offsets list (see help)
    -t  table dump list (see help)
    -P  <list of feature tags from GSUB or GPOS>,
        e.g 'P cswh,frac,kern'  (use '-Proof' for all)
    -p  set proofing policies:
        1=No glyph name labels
        2=No glyph numeric labels
        4=Show KanjiStandardEMbox on glyph
        5=Show GlyphBBox on glyph
        6=Show Kanji in Vertical writing mode
        7=Don't show Kanji 'kern','vkrn' with 'palt','vpal' values applied
    -@  set proofing glyph point-size (does not apply to certain synopses)
    -X  execute a series of complete command-lines from 
        <scriptfile> [default: OTFproof.scr ]
Note: Proof options write a PostScript file to standard output, and must be redirected to a file.
Example: 'spot -P kern test.otf > kern.ps'   This file can then be converted to PDF with Distiller, or
downloaded to a printer.

Supported tables:
    SING, TYP1, VORG, WDTH, bloc, cmap, fdsc, feat, fvar, gasp,
    glyf, hdmx, head, hhea, hmtx, kern, loca, maxp, name, post,
    sfnt, trak, vhea, vmtx
    This program dumps sfnt data from plain files or Macintosh
resource files. In the latter case, when there are 2 or more sfnt
resources, or in the absence of the -i option, the resource map
is dumped as a list of resource types and ids. The program may
then be rerun with an argument to the -i option specifying a
comma-separated sfnt id list of the sfnt resources to be dumped
or the argument 'all' which dumps all sfnt resources.
    All the multiple sfnts within a TrueType Collection (TTC)
will be dumped by default but may be selectively dumped via TTC
directory offsets specified with the -o option, e.g.
-o0x14,0x170. Use the -tttcf option to view all the TTC
directory offsets available.
    The argument to the -t option specifies a list of tables to
be dumped. Tables are selected by a comma-separated list of
table tags, e.g. cmap,MMVR,fdsc. An optional dump level may be
specified by appending '=' followed by the level to a tag,
e.g. cmap=2. Higher levels print successively more information
up to a maximum of 4 (the default) although all 4 levels are not
supported by all tables. Level 1 always prints the table tag and
file offset. When a level is specified its value becomes the
default for the remaining tables in the list unless a new level
is specified, e.g. cmap=2,MMVR,HFMX,fdsc=1 dumps the cmap, MMVR,
and HFMX tables at level 2 and the fdsc table at level 1. If a
level is given as 'x', e.g. cmap=x the table is dumped in
hexadecimal format. If an unsupported table tag is specified the
table is dumped in hexadecimal format regardless of whether a
level of 'x' is specified.
    The -n option dumps glyph id to glyph name mapping for all
glyphs in the font. Naming information is extracted from post
format 1.0, 2.0, or 2.5 tables, or if they are not available,
the MS UGL cmap. In the event that none of these is available
the glyph name is simply printed as @ followed by the decimal
glyph id in decimal.
    The special tag 'sfnt' dumps the sfnt directory which lists
all the table present in the sfnt. The special tag 'uset' sets
the dump level on all unset tables in the font allowing tables
to be dumped without explicitly naming them, e.g. -tuset will
dump all tables at the default level 4. If this produces too
much information you can disable dumping of selected tables by
setting their dump level to 0, e.g. -tuset,glyf=0,hdmx.
    The -ht option provides additional table-specific help.
>spot Roboto-Regular.ttf
### [sfnt] (00000000)
--- offset subtable
version      =1.0  [TrueType]
numTables    =13
searchRange  =128
rangeShift   =80
--- table directory[index]={tag,checksum,offset,length}
[ 0]={'GDEF',e176e46f,00037234,00000376}
[ 1]={'GPOS',ac4ed7a7,000375ac,00010d1c}
[ 2]={'GSUB',92e4dc35,000482c8,00002b26}
[ 3]={'OS/2',9acfb228,00000158,00000060}
[ 4]={'cmap',6a874381,00003634,000018cc}
[ 5]={'glyf',6e1eccce,00008380,0002ebbe}
[ 6]={'head',007bf359,000000dc,00000036}
[ 7]={'hhea',10aa1831,00000114,00000024}
[ 8]={'hmtx',e96e7fc4,000001b8,0000347a}
[ 9]={'loca',16c6b5e6,00004f00,00003480}