

arm-none-eabi-gcc --help=joined

>arm-none-eabi-gcc --help=joined

>arm-none-eabi-gcc --help=joined
The following options take joined arguments:
  --assert=                   Same as -A.  Use the latter option instead.
  --define-macro=             Same as -D.  Use the latter option instead.
  --dump=                     Same as -d.  Use the latter option instead.
  --help=<class>              Display descriptions of a specific class of
                              options.  <class> is one or more of optimizers,
                              target, warnings, undocumented, params.
  --imacros=                  Same as -imacros.  Use the latter option instead.
  --include-directory-after=  Same as -idirafter.  Use the latter option
  --include-directory=        Same as -I.  Use the latter option instead.
  --include-prefix=           Same as -iprefix.  Use the latter option instead.
  --include-with-prefix-after= Same as -iwithprefix.  Use the latter option
  --include-with-prefix-before= Same as -iwithprefixbefore.  Use the latter
                              option instead.
  --include-with-prefix=      Same as -iwithprefix.  Use the latter option
  --include=                  Same as -include.  Use the latter option instead.
  --output-class-directory=   This option lacks documentation.
  --output-pch=               This option lacks documentation.
  --output=                   Same as -o.  Use the latter option instead.
  --param=                    Same as --param.  Use the latter option instead.
  --resource=                 This option lacks documentation.
  --undefine-macro=           Same as -U.  Use the latter option instead.
  -A<question>=<answer>       Assert the <answer> to <question>.  Putting '-'
                              before <question> disables the <answer> to
  -D<macro>[=<val>]           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value.  If
                              just <macro> is given, <val> is taken to be 1.
  -F <dir>                    Add <dir> to the end of the main framework
                              include path.
  -I <dir>                    Add <dir> to the end of the main include path.
  -J<directory>               Put MODULE files in 'directory'.
  -L                          This option lacks documentation.
  -MF <file>                  Write dependency output to the given file.
  -MQ <target>                Add a MAKE-quoted target.
  -MT <target>                Add an unquoted target.
  -O<number>                  Set optimization level to <number>.
  -U<macro>                   Undefine <macro>.
  -Wabi=                      Warn about things that change between the current
                              -fabi-version and the specified version.
  -Warray-bounds=             Warn if an array is accessed out of bounds.
  -Werror=                    Treat specified warning as error.
  -Wformat=                   Warn about printf/scanf/strftime/strfmon format
                              string anomalies.
  -Wframe-larger-than=<number> Warn if a function's stack frame requires more
                              than <number> bytes.
  -Wlarger-than-              Same as -Wlarger-than=.  Use the latter option
  -Wlarger-than=<number>      Warn if an object is larger than <number> bytes.
  -Wnormalized=<none|id|nfc|nfkc> Warn about non-normalised Unicode strings.
  -Wplacement-new=            Warn for placement new expressions with undefined
  -Wshift-overflow=           Warn if left shift of a signed value overflows.
  -Wstack-usage=              Warn if stack usage might be larger than
                              specified amount.
  -Wstrict-aliasing=          Warn about code which might break strict aliasing
  -Wstrict-overflow=          Warn about optimizations that assume that signed
                              overflow is undefined.
  -Wunused-const-variable=    Warn when a const variable is unused.
  -aux-info=                  Same as -aux-info.  Use the latter option instead.
  -cpp=                       This option lacks documentation.
  -d<letters>                 Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler.
  --CLASSPATH                 Deprecated; use --classpath instead.  Same as
  -fRTS=                      Select the runtime.
  -fabi-compat-version=       The version of the C++ ABI used for -Wabi
                              warnings and link compatibility aliases.
  -fabi-version=              The version of the C++ ABI in use.
  -fada-spec-parent=          -fada-spec-parent=unit  Dump Ada specs as child
                              units of given parent.
  -falign-functions=          This option lacks documentation.
  -falign-jumps=              This option lacks documentation.
  -falign-labels=             This option lacks documentation.
  -falign-loops=              This option lacks documentation.
  -fasan-shadow-offset=<number> Use custom shadow memory offset.
  -fassume-compiled=          This option lacks documentation.
  -fauto-profile=             Use sample profile information for call graph
                              node weights. The profile file is specified in
                              the argument.
  -fblas-matmul-limit=<n>     Size of the smallest matrix for which matmul will
                              use BLAS.
  --bootclasspath=<path>      Replace system path.
  -fbuiltin-                  This option lacks documentation.
  -fcall-saved-<register>     Mark <register> as being preserved across
  -fcall-used-<register>      Mark <register> as being corrupted by function
  -fcheck=[...]               Specify which runtime checks are to be performed.
  --classpath=<path>          Set class path.
  -fcoarray=<none|single|lib> Specify which coarray parallelization should be
  -fcompare-debug[=<opts>]    Compile with and without e.g. -gtoggle, and
                              compare the final-insns dump.
  -fcompile-resource=         This option lacks documentation.
  -fconst-string-class=<name> Use class <name> for constant strings.
  -fconstexpr-depth=<number>  Specify maximum constexpr recursion depth.
  -fconvert=                  -fconvert=<big-endian|little-endian|native|swap>
                              The endianness used for unformatted files.
  -fdbg-cnt=<counter>:<limit>[,<counter>:<limit>,...] Set the debug counter
  -fdebug-prefix-map=         Map one directory name to another in debug
  -fdiagnostics-color=[never|always|auto] Colorize diagnostics.
  -fdiagnostics-show-location=[once|every-line] How often to emit source
                              location at the beginning of line-wrapped
  -fdisable-                  -fdisable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-<pass>=range1+range2
                              disables an optimization pass.
  -fdisable-assertions=       This option lacks documentation.
  -fdump-<type>               Dump various compiler internals to a file.
  -fdump-final-insns=filename Dump to filename the insns at the end of
  -fdump-go-spec=filename     Write all declarations to file as Go code.
  -femit-struct-debug-detailed=<spec-list> Detailed reduced debug info for
  -fenable-                   -fenable-[tree|rtl|ipa]-<pass>=range1+range2
                              enables an optimization pass.
  -fenable-assertions=        This option lacks documentation.
  --encoding=<encoding>       Choose input encoding (defaults from your locale).
  -fexcess-precision=[fast|standard] Specify handling of excess floating-point
  -fexec-charset=<cset>       Convert all strings and character constants to
                              character set <cset>.
  --extdirs=<path>            Set the extension directory path.
  -ffixed-<register>          Mark <register> as being unavailable to the
  -ffixed-line-length-<n>     Use n as character line width in fixed mode.
  -ffp-contract=              -ffp-contract=[off|on|fast] Perform floating-
                              point expression contraction.
  -ffpe-summary=[...]         Print summary of floating point exceptions.
  -ffpe-trap=[...]            Stop on following floating point exceptions.
  -ffree-line-length-<n>      Use n as character line width in free mode.
  -fgnat-encodings=[all|gdb|minimal] Select the balance between GNAT encodings
                              and standard DWARF emitted in the debug
  -fgo-dump-<type>            Dump Go frontend internal information.
  -fgo-optimize-<type>        Turn on optimization passes in the frontend.
  -fgo-pkgpath=<string>       Set Go package path.
  -fgo-prefix=<string>        Set package-specific prefix for exported Go names.
  -fgo-relative-import-path=  -fgo-relative-import-path=<path> Treat a relative
                              import as relative to path.
  -fhelp=                     Same as --help=.  Use the latter option instead.
  -finit-character=<n>        Initialize local character variables to ASCII
                              value n.
  -finit-integer=<n>          Initialize local integer variables to n.
  -finit-logical=<true|false> Initialize local logical variables.
  -finit-real=<zero|snan|nan|inf|-inf> Initialize local real variables.
  -finline-limit-             Same as -finline-limit=.  Use the latter option
  -finline-limit=<number>     Limit the size of inlined functions to <number>.
  -finline-matmul-limit=<n>   Specify the size of the largest matrix for which
                              matmul will be inlined.
  -finput-charset=<cset>      Specify the default character set for source
  -finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list= -finstrument-functions-exclude-file-
                              list=filename,...  Do not instrument functions
                              listed in files.
  -finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list= -finstrument-functions-exclude-
                              function-list=name,...  Do not instrument listed
  -fintrinsic-modules-path=   Specify where to find the compiled intrinsic
  -fira-algorithm=            -fira-algorithm=[CB|priority] Set the used IRA
  -fira-region=               -fira-region=[one|all|mixed] Set regions for IRA.
  -fira-verbose=<number>      Control IRA's level of diagnostic messages.
  -fvisibility=[private|protected|public|package] Set the default symbol
  -flifetime-dse=             This option lacks documentation.
  -flinker-output=            Set linker output type (used internally during
                              LTO optimization)
  -flto-compression-level=<number> Use zlib compression level <number> for IL.
  -flto-partition=            Specify the algorithm to partition symbols and
                              vars at linktime.
  -flto=                      Link-time optimization with number of parallel
                              jobs or jobserver.
  -fltrans-output-list=       Specify a file to which a list of files output by
                              LTRANS is written.
  -fmax-array-constructor=<n> Maximum number of objects in an array constructor.
  -fmax-errors=<number>       Maximum number of errors to report.
  -fmax-identifier-length=<n> Maximum identifier length.
  -fmax-stack-var-size=<n>    Size in bytes of the largest array that will be
                              put on the stack.
  -fmax-subrecord-length=<n>  Maximum length for subrecords.
  -fmessage-length=<number>   Limit diagnostics to <number> characters per
                              line.  0 suppresses line-wrapping.
  -fname-mangling-version-    This option lacks documentation.  Uses of this
                              option are diagnosed.
  -fobjc-abi-version=         Specify which ABI to use for Objective-C family
                              code and meta-data generation.
  -foffload-abi=              -foffload-abi=[lp64|ilp32]     Set the ABI to use
                              in an offload compiler.
  -foffload=                  -foffload=<targets>=<options>  Specify offloading
                              targets and options for them.
  -fopenacc-dim=              Specify default OpenACC compute dimensions.
  -fopt-info[-<type>=filename] Dump compiler optimization details.
  -foutput-class-dir=         This option lacks documentation.
  -fpack-struct=<number>      Set initial maximum structure member alignment.
  -fplugin-arg-<name>-<key>[=<value>] Specify argument <key>=<value> for plugin
  -fplugin=                   Specify a plugin to load.
  -fprofile-dir=              Set the top-level directory for storing the
                              profile data. The default is 'pwd'.
  -fprofile-generate=         Enable common options for generating profile info
                              for profile feedback directed optimizations, and
                              set -fprofile-dir=.
  -fprofile-use=              Enable common options for performing profile
                              feedback directed optimizations, and set
  -frandom-seed=<string>      Make compile reproducible using <string>.
  -freorder-blocks-algorithm= -freorder-blocks-algorithm=[simple|stc] Set the
                              used basic block reordering algorithm.
  -fresolution=               The resolution file.
  -fsanitize-recover=         After diagnosing undefined behavior attempt to
                              continue execution.
  -fsanitize-sections=<sec1,sec2,...> Sanitize global variables in user-defined
  -fsanitize=                 Select what to sanitize.
  -fsched-stalled-insns-dep=<number> Set dependence distance checking in
                              premature scheduling of queued insns.
  -fsched-stalled-insns=<number> Set number of queued insns that can be
                              prematurely scheduled.
  -fsched-verbose=<number>    Set the verbosity level of the scheduler.
  -fsimd-cost-model=          Specifies the vectorization cost model for code
                              marked with a simd directive.
  -fsource-filename=          This option lacks documentation.
  -fsource=                   Set the source language version.
  -fsso-struct=[big-endian|little-endian] Set the default scalar storage order.
  -fstack-check=[no|generic|specific] Insert stack checking code into the
  -fstack-limit-register=<register> Trap if the stack goes past <register>.
  -fstack-limit-symbol=<name> Trap if the stack goes past symbol <name>.
  -fstack-reuse=              -fstack-reuse=[all|named_vars|none] Set stack
                              reuse level for local variables.
  -ftabstop=<number>          Distance between tab stops for column reporting.
  -ftarget=                   Set the target VM version.
  -ftemplate-backtrace-limit= Set the maximum number of template instantiation
                              notes for a single warning or error.
  -ftemplate-depth-           Same as -ftemplate-depth=.  Use the latter option
  -ftemplate-depth=<number>   Specify maximum template instantiation depth.
  -ftls-model=[global-dynamic|local-dynamic|initial-exec|local-exec] Set the
                              default thread-local storage code generation
  -ftrack-macro-expansion     This option lacks documentation.
  -ftrack-macro-expansion=    -ftrack-macro-expansion=<0|1|2>  Track locations
                              of tokens coming from macro expansion and display
                              them in error messages.
  -ftree-parallelize-loops=   Enable automatic parallelization of loops.
  -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=  Does nothing.  Preserved for backward
  -fvect-cost-model=          Specifies the cost model for vectorization.
  -fvisibility=[default|internal|hidden|protected] Set the default symbol
  -fvtable-verify=            Validate vtable pointers before using them.
  -fwide-exec-charset=<cset>  Convert all wide strings and character constants
                              to character set <cset>.
  -fwpa=                      Whole program analysis (WPA) mode with number of
                              parallel jobs specified.
  -g                          Generate debug information in default format.
  -gant                       Catch typos.
  -gcoff                      Generate debug information in COFF format.
  -gdwarf                     Generate debug information in default version of
                              DWARF format.
  -gdwarf-                    Generate debug information in DWARF v2 (or later)
  -ggdb                       Generate debug information in default extended
  -gnat<options>              Specify options to GNAT.
  -gstabs                     Generate debug information in STABS format.
  -gstabs+                    Generate debug information in extended STABS
  -gvms                       Generate debug information in VMS format.
  -gxcoff                     Generate debug information in XCOFF format.
  -gxcoff+                    Generate debug information in extended XCOFF
  -gz=<format>                Generate compressed debug sections in format
  -idirafter <dir>            Add <dir> to the end of the system include path.
  -imacros <file>             Accept definition of macros in <file>.
  -imultiarch <dir>           Set <dir> to be the multiarch include
  -imultilib <dir>            Set <dir> to be the multilib include subdirectory.
  -include <file>             Include the contents of <file> before other files.
  -iplugindir=<dir>           Set <dir> to be the default plugin directory.
  -iprefix <path>             Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options.
  -iquote <dir>               Add <dir> to the end of the quote include path.
  -isysroot <dir>             Set <dir> to be the system root directory.
  -isystem <dir>              Add <dir> to the start of the system include path.
  -iwithprefix <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include path.
  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>    Add <dir> to the end of the main include path.
  -mabi=                      Specify an ABI.
  -march=                     Specify the name of the target architecture.
  -mcpu=                      Specify the name of the target CPU.
  -mfloat-abi=                Specify if floating point hardware should be used.
  -mfp16-format=              Specify the __fp16 floating-point format.
  -mfpu=                      Specify the name of the target floating point
  -mpic-register=             Specify the register to be used for PIC
  -mstructure-size-boundary=  Specify the minimum bit alignment of structures.
  -mtls-dialect=              Specify thread local storage scheme.
  -mtp=                       Specify how to access the thread pointer.
  -mtune=                     Tune code for the given processor.
  -o <file>                   Place output into <file>.

  Known ARM ABIs (for use with the -mabi= option):
    aapcs aapcs-linux apcs-gnu atpcs iwmmxt

  Known ARM architectures (for use with the -march= option):
    armv2 armv2a armv3 armv3m armv4 armv4t armv5 armv5e armv5t armv5te armv6
    armv6-m armv6j armv6k armv6kz armv6s-m armv6t2 armv6z armv6zk armv7 armv7-a
    armv7-m armv7-r armv7e-m armv7ve armv8-a armv8-a+crc armv8-m.base
    armv8-m.main armv8-m.main+dsp armv8.1-a armv8.1-a+crc iwmmxt iwmmxt2 native

  Known __fp16 formats (for use with the -mfp16-format= option):
    alternative ieee none

  Known ARM FPUs (for use with the -mfpu= option):
    crypto-neon-fp-armv8 fp-armv8 fpv4-sp-d16 fpv5-d16 fpv5-sp-d16 neon
    neon-fp-armv8 neon-fp16 neon-vfpv4 vfp vfp3 vfpv3 vfpv3-d16 vfpv3-d16-fp16
    vfpv3-fp16 vfpv3xd vfpv3xd-fp16 vfpv4 vfpv4-d16

  Valid arguments to -mtp=:
    auto cp15 soft

  Known floating-point ABIs (for use with the -mfloat-abi= option):
    hard soft softfp

  Known ARM CPUs (for use with the -mcpu= and -mtune= options):
    arm1020e arm1020t arm1022e arm1026ej-s arm10e arm10tdmi arm1136j-s
    arm1136jf-s arm1156t2-s arm1156t2f-s arm1176jz-s arm1176jzf-s arm2 arm250
    arm3 arm6 arm60 arm600 arm610 arm620 arm7 arm70 arm700 arm700i arm710
    arm7100 arm710c arm710t arm720 arm720t arm740t arm7500 arm7500fe arm7d
    arm7di arm7dm arm7dmi arm7m arm7tdmi arm7tdmi-s arm8 arm810 arm9 arm920
    arm920t arm922t arm926ej-s arm940t arm946e-s arm966e-s arm968e-s arm9e
    arm9tdmi cortex-a12 cortex-a15 cortex-a15.cortex-a7 cortex-a17
    cortex-a17.cortex-a7 cortex-a32 cortex-a35 cortex-a5 cortex-a53 cortex-a57
    cortex-a57.cortex-a53 cortex-a7 cortex-a72 cortex-a72.cortex-a53 cortex-a8
    cortex-a9 cortex-m0 cortex-m0.small-multiply cortex-m0plus
    cortex-m0plus.small-multiply cortex-m1 cortex-m1.small-multiply cortex-m23
    cortex-m3 cortex-m33 cortex-m4 cortex-m7 cortex-r4 cortex-r4f cortex-r5
    cortex-r7 cortex-r8 ep9312 exynos-m1 fa526 fa606te fa626 fa626te fa726te
    fmp626 generic-armv7-a iwmmxt iwmmxt2 marvell-pj4 mpcore mpcorenovfp native
    qdf24xx strongarm strongarm110 strongarm1100 strongarm1110 xgene1 xscale

  TLS dialect to use:
    gnu gnu2