


/* Create 16-bit and 32-bit (if needed) Unicode cmaps */
static void makeUnicodecmaps(hotCtx g) {
    mapCtx h = g->ctx.map;
    long i;

    /* Create the BMP UTF-16 cmaps */
    cmapBeginEncoding(g, cmap_MS, cmap_MS_UGL, 0);
    for (i = 0; i < h->sort.uv.cnt; i++) {
        AddlUV *adUV;
        hotGlyphInfo *gi = h->sort.uv.array[i];

        if (gi->flags & GNAME_UNREC_HAS_SUPP) {

        if (!IS_SUPP_UV(gi->uv)) {
            cmapAddMapping(g, gi->uv, GET_GID(gi), 2);
        for (adUV = gi->addlUV; adUV != NULL; adUV = adUV->next) {
            if (!IS_SUPP_UV(adUV->uv)) {
                cmapAddMapping(g, adUV->uv, GET_GID(gi), 2);
    if (cmapEndEncoding(g)) {
        cmapPointToPreviousEncoding(g, cmap_UNI, cmap_UNI_UTF16_BMP);
    } else {

    /* Create UTF-32 cmaps, if needed, as supersets of the BMP UTF-16 cmaps: */
    if (h->nSuppUV == 0) {

    cmapBeginEncoding(g, cmap_MS, cmap_MS_UCS4, 0);
    for (i = 0; i < h->sort.uv.cnt; i++) {
        AddlUV *adUV;
        hotGlyphInfo *gi = h->sort.uv.array[i];

        cmapAddMapping(g, gi->uv, GET_GID(gi), 4);
        for (adUV = gi->addlUV; adUV != NULL; adUV = adUV->next) {
            cmapAddMapping(g, adUV->uv, GET_GID(gi), 4);
    if (cmapEndEncoding(g)) {
        cmapPointToPreviousEncoding(g, cmap_UNI, cmap_UNI_UTF32);

/* Make Mac cmap for CID fonts */
/* Any CMaps have already been read in by mapAddCmap */
int mapFill(hotCtx g) {
    mapCtx h = g->ctx.map;

    if (IS_CID(g) && h->cid.hor.name == SINX_UNDEF) {
        hotMsg(g, hotFATAL, "H Unicode CMap not seen");

    /* Roman Custom cmap made in mapInit(), Roman Mac cmap made in mapApplyReencoding(). */
    makeUnicodecmaps(g); <==

    if (IS_CID(g)) {
        makeCIDMaccmap(g); /* will make a Mac cmap with only a not def, if Macintosh Adobe CMap is not provided.*/
        if (h->cid.mac.name == SINX_UNDEF) {
            hotMsg(g, hotWARNING, "Macintosh Adobe CMap not seen");

        if (h->uvs.entries.cnt == 0) {
            hotMsg(g, hotWARNING, "Unicode variation Selector File not seen");

    if (h->uvs.entries.cnt > 0) {
        makeUVScmap(g); /* will make a Unicode Variation Selector cmap 14  when UVS data file was seen..*/
    if (DB_MAP(g)) {

    return 1;

afdko/map.c at 9d708d22614fbf15939956b7bd1696911a52df1c · adobe-type-tools/afdko · GitHub

afdko/hot.c at 9d708d22614fbf15939956b7bd1696911a52df1c · adobe-type-tools/afdko · GitHub

/* Convert to OTF */
void hotConvert(hotCtx g) {
    BBox old_bbox;

    old_bbox = g->font.bbox;
    if (bbox_changed(&old_bbox, &g->font.bbox)) {



    if (g->convertFlags & HOT_ADD_STUB_DSIG)
        hotAddAnonTable(g, TAG('D', 'S', 'I', 'G'), refillDSIG);


    if (g->font.debug & HOT_DB_AFM) {
#endif /* HOT_DEBUG */


/* Convert font */
void cbConvert(cbCtx h, int flags, char *clientVers,
               char *pfbfile, char *otffile,
               char *featurefile, char *hcmapfile, char *vcmapfile, char *mcmapfile, char *uvsFile,
               long otherflags, short macScript, short macLanguage,
               long addGlyphWeight, unsigned long maxNumSubrs,
               short fsSelectionMask_on, short fsSelectionMask_off,
               unsigned short os2Version, char *licenseID) {
    int psinfo;
    int type;
    char *FontName;
    char pfbpath[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
    char otfpath[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
    int freeFeatName = 0;
    unsigned long hotConvertFlags = 0;

    if (otherflags & OTHERFLAGS_DO_ID2_GSUB_CHAIN_CONXT) {
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_ID2_CHAIN_CONTXT3;

    if (otherflags & OTHERFLAGS_ALLOW_STUB_GSUB) {
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_ALLOW_STUB_GSUB;
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_OLD_SPACE_DEFAULT_CHAR;

    if (h->fcdb.syntaxVersion == 1) {
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_USE_V1_MENU_NAMES;

    if (otherflags & OTHERFLAGS_OLD_NAMEID4)
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_USE_OLD_NAMEID4;
    if (otherflags & OTHERFLAGS_OMIT_MAC_NAMES) {
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_OMIT_MAC_NAMES;

    if (otherflags & OTHERFLAGS_STUB_CMAP4) {
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_STUB_CMAP4;
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_OVERRIDE_MENUNAMES;
    if (otherflags & OTHERFLAGS_DO_NOT_OPTIMIZE_KERN) {
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_DO_NOT_OPTIMIZE_KERN;
    if (otherflags & OTHERFLAGS_ADD_STUB_DSIG) {
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_ADD_STUB_DSIG;

    if (otherflags & OTHERFLAGS_VERBOSE) {
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_CONVERT_VERBOSE;

    if (otherflags & OTHERFLAGS_FINAL_NAMES) {
        hotConvertFlags |= HOT_CONVERT_FINAL_NAMES;

    hotSetConvertFlags(h->hot.ctx, hotConvertFlags);

    if (flags & HOT_RENAME) {
        h->alias.useFinalNames = 1;
    } else {
        h->alias.useFinalNames = 0;
    /* Make PFB path */
    sprintf(pfbpath, "%s%s", h->dir.pfb, pfbfile);

    /*CFFDBG part of hack to print out temp cff file for CID fonts */
    /*h->CMap.file.name set here is used only to trigger dbg behavior in tempClose() */
    if (hcmapfile != NULL) {
        h->tmp.file.name = pfbpath;

    if (!fileExists(pfbpath)) {
        cbFatal(h, "Source font file not found: %s \n", pfbpath);
    if ((featurefile != NULL) && (!fileExists(featurefile))) {
        cbFatal(h, "Feature file not found: %s \n", featurefile);

    /* Convert font to CFF */
        hotReadFontOverrides fontOverrides;
        fontOverrides.syntheticWeight = addGlyphWeight;
        fontOverrides.maxNumSubrs = maxNumSubrs;
        FontName = psConvFont(h, flags, pfbpath, &psinfo, &fontOverrides);

    type = psinfo & HOT_TYPE_MASK;
    if (h->cff.euroAdded) {
        psinfo |= HOT_EURO_ADDED;

    if (uvsFile != NULL) {
        hotAddUVSMap(h->hot.ctx, uvsFile);

    /* Determine dir that feature file's in */
    h->feat.mainFile = featurefile;
    if (featurefile != NULL) {
        char *p;
        p = findDirName(featurefile);
        if (p == NULL) {
            h->feat.includeDir[0] = curdir();
        } else {
            char featDir[FILENAME_MAX];
            strncpy(featDir, featurefile, p - featurefile);
            featDir[p - featurefile] = '\0';
            copyStr(h, &h->feat.includeDir[0], featDir);
            freeFeatName = 1;

    if (type == hotCID) {
        /* Add CMaps */
        if (hcmapfile == NULL) {
            cbFatal(h, "no CMaps specified [%s]\n", pfbpath);

        addCMap(h, hcmapfile);
        addCMap(h, vcmapfile);
        addCMap(h, mcmapfile);

    // Get database data via callbacks
    if (h->fcdb.files.cnt == 0) {
            fcdbGetRec(h->fcdb.ctx, FontName);
            cbWarning(h, "FontMenuNameDB file was not specified or not found. [%s]", FontName);
    } else if (fcdbGetRec(h->fcdb.ctx, FontName)) {
            cbWarning(h, "not in FontMenuNameDB [%s]", FontName);

    // Make sure that GOADB file has been read in, if required
    if ((flags & HOT_RENAME) && (h->alias.recs.cnt < 1) && (type != hotCID)) {
        cbWarning(h, "Glyph renaming was requested, but the GlyphOrderAndAliasDB file was not specified.");

    h->mac.cmapScript = macScript; /* Used in hotAddmiscData, in ProcessFontInfo */
    h->mac.cmapLanguage = macLanguage;

    ProcessFontInfo(h->hot.ctx, clientVers, FontName, psinfo,
                    &h->mac, otherflags, fsSelectionMask_on, fsSelectionMask_off, os2Version, licenseID);

    /* Make OTF path */
    if (otffile == NULL) {
        makeOTFPath(h, otfpath, FontName);
    } else {
        sprintf(otfpath, "%s%s", h->dir.otf, otffile);

    /* Write OTF file */
    fileOpen(&h->otf.file, h, otfpath, "w+b");
    hotConvert(h->hot.ctx);<==<==<== <==<==<== <==<==<== <==<==<==

    if (freeFeatName) {
        cbMemFree(h, h->feat.includeDir[0]);
    h->feat.anon.cnt = 0;

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apple mac ftxvalidator


% ftxvalidator                                                                                                [~/Desktop/Release210514][master]
ftxvalidator build 207, FontToolbox.framework build 340
Usage:  ftxvalidator [-hlrSTvV] [-t testList] [-o outputfile] fontfile
    -e An optional list of tests to exclude
    -h Output this message
    -K (--check-build-number) Check that the tool is at least the given version
        `ftxvalidator-K 200` returns -1 if the build number is not 200 or higher
    -l List available tests
    -o An optional output file for test results; stdout is used if this parameter is not specified
    -r Generate a full report
    -S Generate a summary report
    -t The tests to execute.  Valid inputs are:
        "all", execute all tests,
        "core", execute the core test set,
        "default", execute the default test set,
        or a list of font test types, separated by commas,
        or a list of test identifiers, separated by commas` 
    -T Generate a tabular report
    -v Verbose operation, additional data is output to stderr
    -V Output the tool's version to stdout
    -W (--suppress-warnings) Suppress warning messages

macOS Installation Guide — Font Bakery 0.7.34 documentation