



34 class SkGlyphCache { 35 public: 197 198 private: 231 SkGlyphCache* fNext, *fPrev; 232 SkDescriptor* fDesc; 233 SkScalerContext* fScalerContext; 234 SkPaint::FontMetrics fFontMetricsY; 235 241 SkGlyph* fGlyphHash[kHashCount]; 242 SkTDArr…


248 struct CharGlyphRec { 249 uint32_t fID; // unichar + subpixel 250 SkGlyph* fGlyph; 251 }; 37 struct SkGlyph { 38 void* fImage; 39 SkPath* fPath; 40 SkFixed fAdvanceX, fAdvanceY; 41 42 uint32_t fID; 43 uint16_t fWidth, fHeight; 44 int16…


164 class SkScalerContext { 165 public: 207 322 protected: 323 Rec fRec; 324 unsigned fBaseGlyphCount; 325 339 private: 342 SkPathEffect* fPathEffect; 343 SkMaskFilter* fMaskFilter; 344 SkRasterizer* fRasterizer; 345 SkScalar fDevFrameWidt…


127 float SimpleFontData::platformWidthForGlyph(Glyph glyph) const 128 { 129 SkASSERT(sizeof(glyph) == 2); // compile-time assert 130 131 SkPaint paint; 132 133 m_platformData.setupPaint(&paint); 134 135 float advanceWidth; 136 if (EmojiFo…


91 bool GlyphPage::fill(unsigned offset, unsigned length, UChar* buffer, unsigned bufferLength, const SimpleFontData* fontData) 92 { 93 if (SkUTF16_IsHighSurrogate(buffer[bufferLength-1])) { 94 SkDebugf("%s last char is high-surrogate", __…


145 uint16_t EmojiFont::UnicharToGlyph(int32_t unichar) { 146 // do a quick range check before calling the search routine 147 if (unichar >= GMOJI_PUA_MIN && unichar <= GMOJI_PUA_MAX) { 148 // our table is stored relative to GMOJI_PUA_MIN …


73 GlyphPage* page; 74 if (variant == NormalVariant) { 75 // Fastest loop, for the common case (normal variant). 76 while (true) { 77 page = node->page(); 78 if (page) { 79 GlyphData data = page->glyphDataForCharacter(c); 80 if (data.fontD…


class SimpleFontData Cross Reference: /external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/SimpleFontData.hclass FontPlatformData Cross Reference: /external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontPlatformData.h class GlyphPage Cross Refe…


71 class GlyphPage : public RefCounted<GlyphPage> { 72 public: 78 static const size_t size = 256; // Covers Latin-1 in a single page. 79 136 private: 143 Glyph m_glyphs[size]; 144 const SimpleFontData* m_glyphFontData[size]; 145 146 GlyphPageTreeNode</glyphpage>…