



% ls msmincho.ttc % otc2otf msmincho.ttc % ls MS-Mincho.ttf MS-PMincho.ttf msmincho.ttc % otc2otf -h usage: otc2otf [-h] [--version] [-v] [-r] TTC FONT Extract all OpenType fonts from the parent OpenType Collection font. positional argumen…

OS/2 fsSelection

OS/2のfsSelection docs.microsoft.com typedrawers.com

mac pyenv miniconda

なんか、PythonのVersionがおかしい miniCondaは3.7.4のはずなのに、3.7.7と別の値が表示される。 % pyenv global 3.7.2 % pyenv versions [~/Pycharm] system * 3.7.2 (set by /Users/m_fujii/.pyenv/version) 3.7.7 3.8.3 miniconda3-4.7.12 miniconda3-4.…

mac pyenv minicondaは、正常に切り替えの動作する

元の環境(3.7.7) % which python /Users/m_fujii/.pyenv/shims/python % pyenv global 3.7.7 % python --version Python 3.7.7 % pyenv versions system 3.7.2 * 3.7.7 (set by /Users/m_fujii/.pyenv/version) 3.8.3 miniconda3-4.7.12 minicondaへ切り替え…

vscode microsoft pylance


VS Code、python、virtualenvを使用したとき、パス("python.pythonPath")の設定の仕方。

View>Command Palletを開く Python: Select Interpreter Enter interpreter path... Find... "/Users/m_fujii/(Folder)/virtualenv/bin/python3.7" を選ぶと、以下のようなパスになってしまう。 { "python.pythonPath": "/Users/m_fujii/.pyenv/versions/3.…

mac path default

% cat /etc/zprofile # System-wide profile for interactive zsh(1) login shells. # Setup user specific overrides for this in ~/.zprofile. See zshbuiltins(1) # and zshoptions(1) for more details. if [ -x /usr/libexec/path_helper ]; then eval …


shiftを押しながら、なにか操作をしていると、findが開いて使いづらかったです。 shiftを2回押すと、findが開くようです。 以下の方法で治りました。 stackoverflow.com

TrueType Bitmapフォント msgothic.ttc


Unicode Range

def test_recalcUnicodeRanges(self): font = TTFont() font['OS/2'] = os2 = newTable('OS/2') font['cmap'] = cmap = newTable('cmap') st = getTableModule('cmap').CmapSubtable.newSubtable(4) st.platformID, st.platEncID, st.language = 3, 1, 0 st.…

tx -h

tx -h tx Help ======= [Note: brief usage is available with -u (usage) option.] tx (Type eXchange) is a test harness for the CoreType libraries but also provides many useful font conversion and analysis facilities. These facilities are buil…

tx -afm

% tx -afm -h [-afm options: default none] AFM mode write an Adobe Font Metrics format representation of an abstract font. This is a lightweight implementation that is primarily intended for testing and debugging usage; it departs from the …

"tx -u" コマンドライン オプション

% tx -u tx {[mode][mode options][shared options][files]}* tx [other options] [modes: default -dump] -dump write text dump of font data -ps write PostScript dump of font data -pdf write PDF dump of font data -dcf write text dump of CFF font…