


     73     GlyphPage* page;
     74     if (variant == NormalVariant) {
     75         // Fastest loop, for the common case (normal variant).
     76         while (true) {
     77             page = node->page();
     78             if (page) {
     79                 GlyphData data = page->glyphDataForCharacter(c);
     80                 if (data.fontData && (data.fontData->platformData().orientation() == Horizontal || data.fontData->isTextOrientationFallback()))
     81                     return data;
     80     unsigned indexForCharacter(UChar32 c) const { return c % size; }
     81     GlyphData glyphDataForCharacter(UChar32 c) const
     82     {
     83         unsigned index = indexForCharacter(c);
     84         return GlyphData(m_glyphs[index], m_glyphFontData[index]);
     85     }
    207     // Returns a page of glyphs (or NULL if there are no glyphs in this page's character range).
    208     GlyphPage* page() const { return m_page.get(); }