


 31 // Use these to declare and define a static local variable (static T;) so that
     32 //  it is leaked so that its destructors are not called at exit. Using this
     33 //  macro also allows workarounds a compiler bug present in Apple's version of GCC 4.0.1.
     34 #ifndef DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL
     35 #if COMPILER(GCC) && defined(__APPLE_CC__) && __GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 0 && __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ == 1
     36 #define DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(type, name, arguments) \
     37     static type* name##Ptr = new type arguments; \
     38     type& name = *name##Ptr
     39 #else
     40 #define DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(type, name, arguments) \
     41     static type& name = *new type arguments
     42 #endif
     43 #endif
    230 struct FontDataCacheKeyTraits : WTF::GenericHashTraits<FontPlatformData> {
    231     static const bool emptyValueIsZero = true;
    232     static const bool needsDestruction = true;
    233     static const FontPlatformData& emptyValue()
    234     {
    235         DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontPlatformData, key, (0.f, false, false));
    236         return key;
    237     }
    238     static void constructDeletedValue(FontPlatformData& slot)
    239     {
    240         new (&slot) FontPlatformData(HashTableDeletedValue);
    241     }
    242     static bool isDeletedValue(const FontPlatformData& value)
    243     {
    244         return value.isHashTableDeletedValue();
    245     }
    246 };
    235         DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontPlatformData, key, (0.f, false, false));

   static FontPlatformData& key = *new FontPlatformData (0.f, false, false);
    289 void FontCache::releaseFontData(const SimpleFontData* fontData)
    290 {
    291     ASSERT(gFontDataCache);
    292     ASSERT(!fontData->isCustomFont());
    294     FontDataCache::iterator it = gFontDataCache->find(fontData->platformData());
    295     ASSERT(it != gFontDataCache->end());
    297     if (!--it->second.second) {
    298         gInactiveFontData->add(fontData);
    299         if (gInactiveFontData->size() > cMaxInactiveFontData)
    300             purgeInactiveFontData(gInactiveFontData->size() - cTargetInactiveFontData);
    301     }
    302 }