

void AtomicString::remove

    422 void AtomicString::remove(StringImpl* r)
    423 {
    424     HashSet<StringImpl*>::iterator iterator;
    425     if (r->is8Bit())
    426         iterator = findString<LChar>(r);
    427     else
    428         iterator = findString<UChar>(r);
    429     RELEASE_ASSERT(iterator != stringTable().end());
    430     stringTable().remove(iterator);
    431 }
    398 static inline HashSet<StringImpl*>::iterator findString(const StringImpl* stringImpl)
    399 {
    400     HashAndCharacters<CharacterType> buffer = 
               { stringImpl->existingHash(), 
                 stringImpl->length() };
    401     return stringTable().find<HashAndCharactersTranslator<CharacterType> >(buffer);
    402 }
     63 static inline HashSet<StringImpl*>& stringTable()
     64 {
     65     // Once possible we should make this non-lazy (constructed in WTFThreadData's constructor).
     66     WTFThreadData& data = wtfThreadData();
     67     AtomicStringTable* table = data.atomicStringTable();
     68     if (UNLIKELY(!table))
     69         table = AtomicStringTable::create(data);
     70     return table->table();
     71 }
     71 inline WTFThreadData& wtfThreadData()
     72 {
     73     // WRT WebCore:
     74     //    WTFThreadData is used on main thread before it could possibly be used
     75     //    on secondary ones, so there is no need for synchronization here.
     76     // WRT JavaScriptCore:
     77     //    wtfThreadData() is initially called from initializeThreading(), ensuring
     78     //    this is initially called in a pthread_once locked context.
     79     if (!WTFThreadData::staticData)
     80         WTFThreadData::staticData = new ThreadSpecific<WTFThreadData>;
     81     return **WTFThreadData::staticData;
     82 }
    251 template<typename T>
    252 inline ThreadSpecific<T>::operator T*()
    253 {
    254     T* ptr = static_cast<T*>(get());
    255     if (!ptr) {
    256         // Set up thread-specific value's memory pointer before invoking constructor,
                   in case any function it calls
    257         // needs to access the value, to avoid recursion.
    258         ptr = static_cast<T*>(fastZeroedMalloc(sizeof(T)));
    259         set(ptr);
    260         new (NotNull, ptr) T;
    261     }
    262     return ptr;
    263 }
    142 template<typename T>
    143 inline T* ThreadSpecific<T>::get()
    144 {
    145     Data* data = static_cast<Data*>(pthread_getspecific(m_key));
    146     return data ? data->value : 0;
    147 }
    233 void* pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key) {
    234   if (!IsValidUserKey(key)) {
    235     return NULL;
    236   }
    238   // For performance reasons, we do not lock/unlock the global TLS map
    239   // to check that the key is properly allocated. If the key was not
    240   // allocated, the value read from the TLS should always be NULL
    241   // due to pthread_key_delete() clearing the values for all threads.
    242   return (void *)(((unsigned *)__get_tls())[key]);
    243 }