


C:\Users\m_fujii\Documents\GitHub\vcpkg>vcpkg search
abseil               2017-09-28       an open-source collection designed to augment the C++ standard library. Abseil...
ace                  6.4.5            The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment
alembic              1.7.1-4          Alembic is an open framework for storing and sharing scene data that includes ...
allegro5           Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia ...
anax                 2.1.0-3          An open source C++ entity system. <https://github.com/miguelmartin75/anax>
angle                2017-06-14-8d... A conformant OpenGL ES implementation for Windows, Mac and Linux. The goal of ...
antlr4               4.6-1            ANother Tool for Language Recognition
apr                  1.6.2-1          The Apache Portable Runtime (APR) is a C library that forms a system portabili...
apr-util             1.6.0-1          Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project mission is to create and maintain softwa...
arrow                0.6.0            Apache Arrow is a columnar in-memory analytics layer designed to accelerate bi...
asio                 1.10.8           Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming...
assimp               4.0.0-2          The Open Asset import library
atk                  2.24.0-1         GNOME Accessibility Toolkit
atlmfc               0                a stub package that ensures VS has ATL/MFC installed.
aubio                0.46~alpha-3     Aubio is a tool designed for the extraction of annotations from audio signals....
aurora               2017-06-21-c7... Aurora is an open-source C++ library providing various rather uncommon C++ uti...
aws-sdk-cpp          1.0.61-1         AWS SDK for C++
azure-storage-cpp    3.0.0-3          Microsoft Azure Storage Client SDK for C++ A client library for working with M...
beast                v84-1            HTTP/1 and WebSocket, header-only using Boost.Asio and C++11
benchmark            1.2.0            A library to support the benchmarking of functions, similar to unit-tests.
bigint               2010.04.30-1     C++ Big Integer Library
blaze                3.2              Blaze is an open-source, high-performance C++ math library for dense and spars...
bond                 6.0.0-1          Bond is a cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It suppo...
boost                1.65.1           Peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
boost-di             1.0.1            C++14 Dependency Injection Library.
botan                2.0.1            A cryptography library written in C++11
box2d                2.3.1-374664b    Box2D (http://box2d.org) is an open source C++ engine for simulating rigid bod...
brotli               0.6.0-1          a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm that compresses data using a ...
bullet3              2.86.1-1         Bullet Physics is a professional collision detection, rigid body, and soft bod...
butteraugli          2017-09-02-8c... butteraugli estimates the psychovisual difference between two images
bzip2                1.0.6-2          High-quality data compressor.
c-ares               1.13.0-1         A C library for asynchronous DNS requests
caffe2               0.8.1            Caffe2 is a lightweight, modular, and scalable deep learning framework.
cairo                1.15.8-1         Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Curre...
cairomm              1.15.3-2         A C++ wrapper for the cairo graphics library
catch                1.10.0           C++ Automated Test Cases in Headers
ccd                  2.0.0-2          Library for collision detection between two convex shapes
ccfits               2.5-1            CCfits is an object oriented interface to the cfitsio library. It is designed ...
cereal               1.2.2-1          a header-only C++11 serialization library (built in support for binary, XML an...
ceres                1.13.0-1         non-linear optimization package
cfitsio              3.410-1          Library of C and Fortran subroutines for reading and writing data files in FIT...
chakracore           1.4.3            Core part of the Chakra Javascript engine
charls               2.0.0-1          CharLS, a C++ JPEG-LS library implementation.
chmlib               0.40-1           CHMLIB is a library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files. Right no...
clapack              3.2.1-1          CLAPACK (f2c'ed version of LAPACK)
clara                2017-07-20-96... A simple to use command line parser for C++
clockutils           1.1.1-3651f23... A lightweight c++ library for commonly needed tasks. Optimized for simplicity ...
console-bridge       0.3.2-2          a ROS-independent package for logging that seamlessly pipes into rosconsole/ro...
constexpr            1.0              Small MIT License Library of general stdlib functions written as C++11 constex...
corrade              jun2017-3        C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library http://mosra.cz/blog/corrade.php
cpp-redis            3.5.2-2          cpp-redis is a C++11 Asynchronous Multi-Platform Lightweight Redis Client, wit...
cppcms               1.1.0-1          CppCMS is a Free High Performance Web Development Framework (not a CMS) aimed ...
cpprestsdk           2.9.0-3          C++11 JSON, REST, and OAuth library The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project fo...
cppunit              1.13.2           CppUnit is the C++ port of the famous JUnit framework for unit testing. Test o...
cppwinrt             spring_2017_c... C++/WinRT is a standard C++ language projection for the Windows Runtime.
cppzmq               4.2.1            lightweight messaging kernel, C++ bindings
cpr                  1.3.0-1          C++ Requests is a simple wrapper around libcurl inspired by the excellent Pyth...
cryptopp             5.6.5-1          Crypto++ is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.
ctemplate            2017-06-23-44... C++ CTemplate system
cuda                 8.0-1            A parallel computing platform and programming model
cunit                2.1.3-2          CUnit is a lightweight system for writing, administering, and running unit tes...
curl                 7.55.1-1         A library for transferring data with URLs
cxxopts              1.3.0            This is a lightweight C++ option parser library, supporting the standard GNU s...
date                 2.2              A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 <chrono> header
decimal-for-cpp      1.12             Decimal data type support, for COBOL-like fixed-point operations on currency v...
dimcli               2.0.0-1          C++ command line parser toolkit
directxmesh          oct2016          DirectXMesh geometry processing library
directxtex           dec2016          DirectXTex texture processing library
directxtk            dec2016-1        A collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 11.x code in C++.
directxtk12          dec2016          A collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 12 code in C++.
dirent               2017-06-23-5c... Dirent is a C/C++ programming interface that allows programmers to retrieve in...
dlfcn-win32          1.1.1-1          dlfcn-win32 is an implementation of dlfcn for Windows.
dlib                 19.4-5           Modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creati...
doctest              1.2.0            The fastest feature-rich C++ single-header testing framework for unit tests an...
double-conversion    3.0.0-1          Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary conversion routines for IEEE doubles.
draco                0.10.0-1         A library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clou...
duktape              2.0.3-4          Embeddable Javascript engine with a focus on portability and compact footprint.
dx                   1.0.1            A modern C++ library for DirectX programming
dxut                 11.14-2          A "GLUT"-like framework for Direct3D 11.x Win32 desktop applications
ecm                  5.37.0-1         Extra CMake Modules (ECM), extra modules and scripts for CMake
eigen3               3.3.4-1          C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers,...
embree               2.16.4-2         High Performance Ray Tracing Kernels.
enet                 1.3.13           Reliable UDP networking library
entityx              1.2.0-1          EntityX - A fast, type-safe C++ Entity-Component system. <https://github.com/a...
evpp                 0.6.1-1          A modern C++ network library based on libevent for developing high performance...
exiv2                4f4add2cdcbe7... Image metadata library and tools http://www.exiv2.org
expat                2.2.4-2          XML parser library written in C
fadbad               2.1.0            FADBAD++ Templates for Automatic Differentiation
fastlz               1.0-1            A lightning-fast lossless compression library
fcl                  0.5.0-2          a library for performing three types of proximity queries on a pair of geometr...
ffmpeg               3.3.3            a library to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pr...
fftw3                3.3.6-p12-1      FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (D...
flann                1.9.1-6          Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
flatbuffers          1.7.1-1          Memory Efficient Serialization Library http://google.github.io/flatbuffers/ Fl...
fltk                 1.3.4-5          FLTK (pronounced fulltick) is a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit for UNIX/Linux ...
fmt                  4.0.0-1          Formatting library for C++. It can be used as a safe alternative to printf or ...
folly                v2017.07.17.01-1 An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook. The library is UNST...
fontconfig           2.12.4-1         Library for configuring and customizing font access.
freeglut             3.0.0-2          Open source implementation of GLUT with source and binary backwards compatibil...
freeimage            3.17.0-3         Support library for graphics image formats
freerdp              2.0.0-rc0~vcp... A free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
freetype             2.8-1            A library to render fonts.
freexl               1.0.4            FreeXL is an open source library to extract valid data from within an Excel (....
fuzzylite            6.0-1            A fuzzy logic control library in C++
g2o                  20170730_git-2   g2o: A General Framework for Graph Optimization http://openslam.org/g2o.html
gdal                 1.11.3-5         The Geographic Data Abstraction Library for reading and writing geospatial ras...
gdcm2                2.6.8-1          Grassroots DICOM library
gdk-pixbuf           2.36.9-1         Image loading library.
geogram              1.4.9-1          Geogram is a programming library of geometric algorithms.
geographiclib        1.47-patch1-4    a small set of C++ classes for performing conversions between geographic, UTM,...
geos                 3.6.2            Geometry Engine Open Source
gettext              0.19-2           The GNU gettext utilities are a set of tools that provides a framework to help...
gflags               2.2.0-5          A C++ library that implements commandline flags processing
giflib               5.1.4-1          A library for reading and writing gif images.
gl2ps                1.4.0-1          OpenGL to PostScript Printing Library
glbinding            2.1.1-2          glbinding is an MIT licensed, cross-platform C++ binding for the OpenGL API
glew                 2.1.0-1          The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) is a cross-platform open-source C...
glfw3                3.2.1-2          GLFW is a free, Open Source, multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and ...
gli                  0.8.2-1          OpenGL Image (GLI) https://gli.g-truc.net
glib                 2.52.3-1         Portable, general-purpose utility library.
glm                OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) https://glm.g-truc.net
globjects            1.0.0-1          C++ library strictly wrapping OpenGL objects. <https://github.com/cginternals/...
glog                 0.3.5-1          C++ implementation of the Google logging module
glslang              3a21c880500ea... Khronos reference front-end for GLSL and ESSL, and sample SPIR-V generator
graphicsmagick       1.3.26-2         Image processing library
grpc                 1.6.0-1          An RPC library and framework
gsl                  2.4-2            The GNU Scientific Library is a numerical library for C and C++ programmers
gsl-lite             0.24.0           A single-file header-only version of ISO C++ Guideline Support Library (GSL) f...
gtest                1.8-1            GoogleTest and GoogleMock testing frameworks.
gtk                  3.22.19-1        Portable library for creating graphical user interfaces.
gts                  0.7.6            A Library intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal with 3D surfac...
guetzli              2017-09-02-cb... Perceptual JPEG encoder
gumbo                0.10.1-1         An HTML5 parsing library in pure C99
harfbuzz             1.4.6-2          HarfBuzz OpenType text shaping engine
hdf5                 1.10.0-patch1-2  HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data
highfive             1.3              HighFive is a modern C++/C++11 friendly interface for libhdf5
hpx                  1.0.0-5          The C++ Standards Library for Concurrency and Parallelism HPX is a C++ Standar...
http-parser          2.7.1-2          HTTP Parser.
hunspell             1.6.1-2          The most popular spellchecking library.
hwloc                1.11.7-2         Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) The Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) soft...
hypre                2.11.2-1         SCALABLE LINEAR SOLVERS AND MULTIGRID METHODS
icu                  59.1-1           Mature and widely used Unicode and localization library.
ilmbase              2.2.0-1          Base libraries from ILM for OpenEXR
jansson              v2.10-1          Jansson is a C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
jasper               2.0.13-1         Open source implementation of the JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard
jbigkit              2.1-1            A software implementation of the JBIG1 data compression standard (ITU-T T.82)
jemalloc             4.3.1-2          jemalloc is a general purpose malloc(3) implementation that emphasizes fragmen...
jsoncpp              1.8.1-1          jsoncpp is an implementation of a JSON reader and writer in C++. JSON (JavaScr...
jsonnet              2017-09-02-11... Jsonnet - The data templating language
jxrlib               1.1-4            Open source implementation of the jpegxr image format standard.
kf5plotting          5.37.0           Lightweight plotting framework
kinectsdk1           1.8-1            Kinect for Windows SDK for Kinect v1 sensor.
lcms                 2.8-3            Little CMS.
leptonica            1.74.4-1         An open source library containing software that is broadly useful for image pr...
libarchive           3.3.2-1          Library for reading and writing streaming archives
libbson              1.6.2-2          libbson is a library providing useful routines related to building, parsing, a...
libconfig            1.6.0-1          C/C++ library for processing configuration files
libepoxy             1.4.3-1          Epoxy is a library for handling OpenGL function pointer management for you
libevent             2.1.8-3          An event notification library
libexif              0.6.21-1         a library for parsing, editing, and saving EXIF data
libffi               3.1-1            Portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions
libflac              1.3.2-3          Library for manipulating FLAC files
libfreenect2         0.2.0            Open source drivers for the Kinect for Windows v2 device
libgd                2.2.4-3          Open source code library for the dynamic creation of images by programmers.
libharu              2017-08-15-d8... libharu - free PDF library
libiconv             1.14-1           GNU Unicode text conversion
libjpeg-turbo        1.5.2-1          libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SIMD instructions (MMX, SSE2, NE...
libkml               1.3.0-1          Reference implementation of OGC KML 2.2
liblzma              5.2.3-2          Compression library with an API similar to that of zlib.
libmad               0.15.1-1         high-quality MPEG audio decoder
libmariadb           2.3.2-1          MariaDB Connector/C is used to connect C/C++ applications to MariaDB and MySQL...
libmicrohttpd        0.9.55-1         GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run...
libmikmod         Mikmod is a module player and library supporting many formats, including mod, ...
libmodplug         The ModPlug mod file playing library.
libmysql             5.7.17-2         A MySQL client library for C development.
libnice              0.1.13-1         Libnice is an implementation of the IETF's Interactive Connectivity Establishm...
libodb               2.4.0-1          ODB library, base runtime for the ODB ORM solution
libodb-pgsql         2.4.0-1          Description: PostgreSQL support for the ODB ORM library
libodb-sqlite        2.4.0-1          Sqlite support for the ODB ORM library
libogg               1.3.2-cab46b1-3  Ogg is a multimedia container format, and the native file and stream format fo...
libopusenc           0.1-1            Library for encoding .opus audio files and live streams.
libp7-baical         4.4-2            P7 is a library for high-speed sending telemetry & trace data from application
libpng               1.6.32-1         libpng is a library implementing an interface for reading and writing PNG (Por...
libpopt              1.16-10~vcpkg1-1 Library for parsing command line parameters
libpq                9.6.1-1          The official database access API of postgresql
libraw               0.18.2-4         raw image decoder library
libsigcpp            2.99-1           Typesafe callback framework for C++
libsndfile           libsndfile-1.... Library to read, write and manipulate many soundfile types. Authored by Eric d...
libssh               0.7.5-1          libssh is a multiplatform C library implementing the SSHv2 and SSHv1 protocol ...
libssh2              1.8.0-2          The SSH library
libstemmer           2017-9-3         Snowball is a small string processing language designed for creating stemming ...
libtheora            1.2.0alpha1-2... Theora is a free and open video compression format from the Xiph.org Foundation.
libtorrent           1.1.4-1          An efficient feature complete C++ BitTorrent implementation
libunibreak          4.0-1            an implementation of the line breaking and word breaking algorithms as describ...
libusb               1.0.21-fc99620   A library for USB device access from Windows userspace.
libusb-win32        Allows user space applications to access many USB device on Windows.
libuv                1.14.1-1         libuv is a multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O.
libvorbis            1.3.5-143caf4-3  Ogg Vorbis is a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-...
libvpx               1.6.1-1          The reference software implementation for the video coding formats VP8 and VP9.
libwebm           WebM File Parser
libwebp              0.6.0-2          Lossy compression of digital photographic images.
libwebsockets        2.0.0-2          Libwebsockets is a lightweight pure C library built to use minimal CPU and mem...
libxml2              2.9.4-2          Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project (but u...
libxmp-lite          4.4.1            Lightweight version of libxmp that supports MOD, S3M, XM and IT modules.
libxslt              1.1.29           Libxslt is a XSLT library implemented in C for XSLT 1.0 and most of EXSLT
libzip               1.2.0-2          A library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives.
live555              2017.06.04-1     A complete RTSP server application
llvm                 5.0.0-1          The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
lmdb                 0.9.18-3         LMDB is an extraordinarily fast, memory-efficient database
lodepng              2017-09-01-8a... PNG encoder and decoder in C and C++
log4cplus            REL_1_2_1-RC2-1  A simple to use C++ logging API providing thread--safe, flexible, and arbitrar...
lpeg                 1.0.1-3          LPeg is a pattern-matching library for Lua, based on Parsing Expression Gramma...
lua                  5.3.4-2          a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language
luafilesystem          LuaFileSystem is a Lua library developed to complement the set of functions re...
luajit               2.0.5            LuaJIT is a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for the Lua programming language.
lz4                  1.8.0-1          Lossless compression algorithm, providing compression speed at 400 MB/s per core.
lzfse                1.0-1            Lempel-Ziv style data compressor using Finite State Entropy coding.
lzo                  2.10-2           Lossless data compression library
magnum               jun2017-6        C++11/C++14 and OpenGL graphics engine http://mosra.cz/blog/magnum.php
magnum-plugins       jun2017-5        Plugins for C++11/C++14 and OpenGL graphics engine http://mosra.cz/blog/magnum...
matio                1.5.10-2         MATLAB MAT File I/O Library
mdnsresponder        765.30.11        The mDNSResponder project is a component of Bonjour, Apple's ease-of-use IP ne...
meschach             1.2b-1           Matrix computations in C
metis                5.1.0-1          Serial Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering
minizip              1.2.11-2
mongo-c-driver       1.6.2-1          Client library written in C for MongoDB.
mongo-cxx-driver     3.1.1-1          MongoDB C++ Driver.
mpfr                 3.1.5-1          The MPFR library is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computat...
mpg123               1.24.0-1         mpg123 is a real time MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 audio player/decoder for layers 1, 2 an...
mpir                 3.0.0-2          Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals.
ms-gsl               20170425-8b32... Microsoft implementation of the Guidelines Support Library
msgpack              2.1.5-1          MessagePack is an efficient binary serialization format, which lets you exchan...
msinttypes           2017-06-26-f9... msinttypes is a package to provide missing ISO C9x compliant headers for Micro...
msmpi                8.1              Microsoft MPI
nana                 1.5.4-1          Cross-platform library for GUI programming in modern C++ style.
nanodbc              2.12.4-1         A small C++ wrapper for the native C ODBC API.
netcdf-c           a set of self-describing, machine-independent data formats that support the cr...
netcdf-cxx4          4.3.0-1          a set of machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, a...
nlohmann-json        2.1.1-1          JSON for Modern C++
nlopt                2.4.2-c43afa0... a library for nonlinear local and global optimization, for functions with and ...
nuklear              2017-06-15-5c... This is a minimal state immediate mode graphical user interface toolkit writte...
octomap              cefed0c1d79af... An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees
ode                  0.15.1           Open Dynamics Engine
ogre                 1.9.0 -1         3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
openal-soft          1.18.1-1         OpenAL Soft is an LGPL-licensed, cross-platform, software implementation of th...
openblas             v0.2.20-2        OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version.
opencv               3.3.0-4          computer vision library
openexr              2.2.0-1          OpenEXR is a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industria...
opengl               0.0-3            Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)[3][4][5] is a cross-language, cross-platform ap...
openimageio          1.7.15-1         An library for reading and writing images, and a bunch of related classes, uti...
openjpeg             2.2.0-1          JPEG 2000 image library
openni2           OpenNI is open source library for access to Natural Interaction (NI) devices s...
openssl              1.0.2l-3         OpenSSL is an open source project that provides a robust, commercial-grade, an...
openvr               1.0.9            an API and runtime that allows access to VR hardware from multiple vendors wit...
opus                 1.2.1            Totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec
opusfile             0.9-1            Stand-alone decoder library for .opus streams
osg                  3.5.6-1          The OpenSceneGraph is an open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit.
paho-mqtt            1.2.0-2          Paho project provides open-source client implementations of MQTT and MQTT-SN m...
pango                1.40.11-1        Text and font handling library.
pangolin             0.5-2            Lightweight GUI Library
parmetis             4.0.3-1          Parallel Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering
pcl                  1.8.1-1          Point Cloud Library (PCL) is open source library for 2D/3D image and point clo...
pcre                 8.41-1           Perl Compatible Regular Expresions
pcre2                10.30-1          PCRE2 is a re-working of the original Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
pdcurses             3.4-1            Public Domain Curses - a curses library for environments that don't fit the te...
physfs               2.0.3-2          a library to provide abstract access to various archives
picojson             1.3.0            A header-file-only, JSON parser serializer in C++.
picosha2             2017-09-01-c5... PicoSHA2 - a C++ SHA256 hash generator
piex                 2017-09-01-47... The Preview Image Extractor (PIEX) is designed to find and extract the largest
pixman               0.34.0-2         Pixman is a low-level software library for pixel manipulation, providing featu...
plibsys              0.0.3-1          Highly portable C system library: threads and synchronization, sockets, IPC, d...
plog                 1.1.3            Portable, simple and extensible C++ logging library.
poco                 1.7.8-1          Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for building network and inte...
podofo               0.9.5-1          PoDoFo is a library to work with the PDF file format
portaudio        PortAudio Portable Cross-platform Audio I/O API PortAudio is a free, cross-pla...
pqp                  1.3-2            a proximity query package
proj                 0                a stub package that pulls in proj4. Do not depend on this package.
proj4                4.9.3-1          PROJ.4 library for cartographic projections
protobuf             3.4.1-1          Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
ptex                 2.1.28-1         Per-Face Texture Mapping for Production Rendering.
pthreads             2.9.1-1          pthreads for windows
pugixml              1.8.1-1          C++ XML processing library
pybind11             2.2.0            pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types in Python...
pystring             1.1.3-1          Pystring is a collection of C++ functions which match the interface and behavi...
python3              3.6.1            The Python programming language as an embeddable library
qca                  2.2.0-1          Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA). Sources: https://cgit.kde.org/qca.git/
qhull                2015.2-1         computes the convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram
qscintilla           2.10-1           QScintilla is a port to Qt of the Scintilla editing component. Features syntax...
qt5                  5.8-6            Qt5 application framework main components. Webengine, examples and tests not i...
qwt                  6.1.3-2          Qt widgets library for technical applications
ragel                6.10-1           Ragel State Machine Compiler
range-v3             20151130-vcpkg4  Range library for C++11/14/17.
rapidjson            1.1.0            A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API <http://rapid...
rapidxml             1.13             RapidXml is an attempt to create the fastest XML parser possible, while retain...
readosm              1.1.0            ReadOSM is an open source library to extract valid data from within an Open St...
redshell             1.0.0            RedShell C++ SDK. Steam attribution tracking, www.redshell.io
rhash                1.3.5-1          C library for computing a wide variety of hash sums
rocksdb              2017-06-28-18... A library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast sto...
rtmidi               2.1.1-2          A set of C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime MIDI input/output ...
rttr                 0.9.5-1          an easy and intuitive way to use reflection in C++
rxcpp                4.0.0-1          Reactive Extensions for C++
sciter               4.0.3            Sciter is an embeddable HTML/CSS/scripting engine.
sdl2                 2.0.6-1          Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to p...
sdl2-gfx             1.0.3-2          Graphics primitives (line, circle, rectangle etc.) with AA support, rotozoomer...
sdl2-image           2.0.1-2          SDL_image is an image file loading library. It loads images as SDL surfaces an...
sdl2-mixer           2.0.1-2          Multi-channel audio mixer library for SDL.
sdl2-net             2.0.1-2          Networking library for SDL
sdl2-ttf             2.0.14-2         A library for rendering TrueType fonts with SDL
sery                 1.0.0-1          Simple binary (de)serialization library
sfml                 2.4.2-2          Simple and fast multimedia library
shaderc              12fb656ab20ea... A collection of tools, libraries and tests for shader compilation.
shapelib             1.4.1            Shapefile C Library is simple C API for reading and writing ESRI Shapefiles
signalrclient        1.0.0-beta1-1    C++ client for SignalR.
smpeg2               2.0.0-2          SDL MPEG Player Library
snappy               1.1.7-1          A fast compressor/decompressor.
sobjectizer       SObjectizer is a C++ in-process message dispatching framework with implementat...
soci                 2016.10.22-1     SOCI database access library
sophus               1.0.0-1          Lie group library for C++
spdlog               0.14.0-1         Very fast, header only, C++ logging library
speex                1.2.0-1          Speex is an Open Source/Free Software patent-free audio compression format des...
speexdsp             1.2rc3-2         A patent-free, Open Source/Free Software DSP library.
spirit-po            1.1.2            A header-only C++ library for localization using GNU gettext po files, based o...
spirv-tools          v2017.1-dev-7... API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules
sqlite-modern-cpp    2.4              The C++14 wrapper around sqlite library
sqlite3              3.20.1           SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zer...
stb                  20170724-9d9f75e stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++
strtk                2017.01.02-1e... robust, optimized and portable string processing algorithms for the C++ language
suitesparse          4.5.5-3          algebra library
sundials             2.7.0-1          SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers)
szip                 2.1-2            Szip compression software, providing lossless compression of scientific data
tacopie              2.4.1-2          Tacopie is a TCP Client & Server C++11 library
taglib               1.11.1-4         TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library
tbb                  2017_U7          Intel's Threading Building Blocks.
tclap                1.2.1            Templatized command-line argument parser for C++
tesseract            3.05.01-1        An OCR Engine that was developed at HP Labs between 1985 and 1995... and now a...
theia                0.7-d15154a-1    An open source library for multiview geometry and structure from motion
think-cell-range     498839d          think-cell's range library <https://think-cell.com>, <https://github.com/think...
thor                 v2.0-1           Extends the multimedia library SFML with higher-level features
thrift               20172805-72ca... Apache Thrift is a software project spanning a variety of programming language...
tiff                 4.0.8-1          A library that supports the manipulation of TIFF image files
tinyexr              v0.9.5-d16ea6    Library to load and save OpenEXR(.exr) images
tinythread           1.1-1            Implements a fairly compatible subset of the C++11 thread management classes
tinyxml              2.6.2-2          A simple, small, minimal, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into o...
tinyxml2             5.0.1-1          A simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser
units                2.3.0            A compile-time, header-only, dimensional analysis and unit conversion library ...
unrar                5.5.8            rarlab's unrar libary
urdfdom              1.0.0-2          Provides core data structures and a simple XML parsers for populating the clas...
urdfdom-headers      1.0.0-2          The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) headers provides core data structure hea...
uriparser            0.8.4-1          uriparser is a strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing and handling library wr...
utf8proc             2.1.0-1          Clean C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data.
utfcpp               2.3.5            UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way
utfz                 1.2-1            A tiny C++ library for parsing and encoding utf-8
uvatlas              sept2016         UVAtlas isochart texture atlas
uwebsockets          0.14.4-1         Highly scalable cross-platform WebSocket & HTTP library for C++11 and Node.js
vtk                  8.0.0-2          Software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization
websocketpp          0.7.0            Library that implements RFC6455 The WebSocket Protocol
wildmidi             0.4.1            MIDI software synthesizer library.
winpcap              4.1.3-1          WinPcap is the industry-standard tool for link-layer network access in Windows...
wt                   3.3.7-2          Wt is a C++ library for developing web applications
wtl                  9.1              Windows Template Library (WTL) is a C++ library for developing Windows applica...
wxwidgets            3.1.0-1          wxWidgets is a widget toolkit and tools library for creating graphical user in...
xalan-c              1.11-1           Xalan is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or ...
xerces-c             3.1.4-3          Xerces-C++ is a XML parser, for parsing, generating, manipulating, and validat...
xlnt                 1.1.0-1          Cross-platform user-friendly xlsx library for C++14
xxhash               0.6.3-1          Extremely fast hash algorithm
yaml-cpp             0.5.4-rc-2       yaml-cpp is a YAML parser and emitter in C++ matching the YAML 1.2 spec.
zeromq               20170908-1849... The ZeroMQ lightweight messaging kernel is a library which extends the standar...
zlib                 1.2.11-3         A compression library
zstd                 1.3.1-1          Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm http://www.zstd.net
zziplib              0.13.62-1        library providing read access on ZIP-archives
If your library is not listed, please open an issue at and/or consider making a pull request:

C:\Users\m_fujii\Documents\GitHub\vcpkg>vcpkg search freetype
freetype             2.8-1            A library to render fonts.

If your library is not listed, please open an issue at and/or consider making a pull request:

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\m_fujii\Documents\GitHub\vcpkg> vcpkg search freetype
vcpkg : 用語 'vcpkg' は、コマンドレット、関数、スクリプト ファイル、または操作可能なプログラムの名前として認識されませ
発生場所 行:1 文字:1
+ vcpkg search freetype
+ ~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (vcpkg:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Suggestion [3,General]: コマンド vcpkg は見つかりませんでしたが、現在の場所に存在します。Windows PowerShell は、既定では、現在の場所からコマンドを読み込みません。このコマンドを信頼する場合は、".\vcpkg" と入力してください。詳細については、"get-help about_Command_Precedence" と入力してヘルプを参照してください。
PS C:\Users\m_fujii\Documents\GitHub\vcpkg> vcpkg search freetype
vcpkg : 用語 'vcpkg' は、コマンドレット、関数、スクリプト ファイル、または操作可能なプログラムの名前として認識されませ
発生場所 行:1 文字:1
+ vcpkg search freetype
+ ~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (vcpkg:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Suggestion [3,General]: ココママンンドド vcpkg はは見見つつかかりりまませせんんででししたたがが、、現現在在のの場場所所にに存存在在ししまますす。。Windows PowerShell はは、、既既定定でではは
、現在の場所からコマンドを読み込みません。このコマンドを信頼する場合は、".\vcpkg" と入力してください。詳細については、"get-help about_Command_Precedence" と入力してヘルプを参照してください。
PS C:\Users\m_fujii\Documents\GitHub\vcpkg> .\vcpkg search freetype
freetype             2.8-1            A library to render fonts.

If your library is not listed, please open an issue at and/or consider making a pull request:
PS C:\Users\m_fujii\Documents\GitHub\vcpkg> .\vcpkg install freetype
The following packages will be built and installed:
  * bzip2:x86-windows
  * libpng:x86-windows
  * zlib:x86-windows
Additional packages (*) will be installed to complete this operation.
Starting package 1/4: zlib:x86-windows
Building package zlib:x86-windows...
A suitable version of cmake was not found (required v3.9.3). Downloading portable cmake v3.9.3...
-- CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows
-- DOWNLOADS=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads
-- CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/packages/zlib_x86-windows
-- CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/buildtrees/zlib
-- CURRENT_PORT_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/zlib/.
-- Downloading http://www.zlib.net/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz...
-- Downloading http://www.zlib.net/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz... OK
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file...
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file... OK
-- Extracting source C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads/zlib1211.tar.gz
-- Extracting done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/zlib/cmake_dont_build_more_than_needed.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/zlib/cmake_dont_build_more_than_needed.patch done
-- [download 0% complete]
-- [download 9% complete]
-- [download 18% complete]
-- [download 27% complete]
-- [download 36% complete]
-- [download 37% complete]
-- [download 45% complete]
-- [download 46% complete]
-- [download 55% complete]
-- [download 64% complete]
-- [download 73% complete]
-- [download 74% complete]
-- [download 82% complete]
-- [download 83% complete]
-- [download 91% complete]
-- [download 92% complete]
-- [download 100% complete]
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel done
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg done
-- Package x86-windows-rel
-- Package x86-windows-rel done
-- Package x86-windows-dbg
-- Package x86-windows-dbg done
-- Installing: C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/packages/zlib_x86-windows/share/zlib/copyright
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package zlib:x86-windows... done
Installing package zlib:x86-windows...
Installing package zlib:x86-windows... done
Elapsed time for package zlib:x86-windows: 2.186 min
Starting package 2/4: bzip2:x86-windows
Building package bzip2:x86-windows...
-- CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows
-- DOWNLOADS=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads
-- CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/packages/bzip2_x86-windows
-- CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/buildtrees/bzip2
-- CURRENT_PORT_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/bzip2/.
-- Downloading http://www.bzip.org/1.0.6/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz...
-- Downloading http://www.bzip.org/1.0.6/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz... OK
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file...
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file... OK
-- Extracting source C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz
-- Extracting done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/bzip2/fix-import-export-macros.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/bzip2/fix-import-export-macros.patch done
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel done
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg done
-- Package x86-windows-rel
-- Package x86-windows-rel done
-- Package x86-windows-dbg
-- Package x86-windows-dbg done
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package bzip2:x86-windows... done
Installing package bzip2:x86-windows...
Installing package bzip2:x86-windows... done
Elapsed time for package bzip2:x86-windows: 32.2 s
Starting package 3/4: libpng:x86-windows
Building package libpng:x86-windows...
-- CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows
-- DOWNLOADS=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads
-- CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/packages/libpng_x86-windows
-- CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/buildtrees/libpng
-- CURRENT_PORT_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libpng/.
-- Downloading https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/libpng/libpng16/1.6.32/libpng-1.6.32.tar.xz...
-- Downloading https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/libpng/libpng16/1.6.32/libpng-1.6.32.tar.xz... OK
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file...
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file... OK
-- Extracting source C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads/libpng-1.6.32.tar.xz
-- Extracting done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libpng/use-abort-on-all-platforms.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libpng/use-abort-on-all-platforms.patch done
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel done
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg done
-- Package x86-windows-rel
-- Package x86-windows-rel done
-- Package x86-windows-dbg
-- Package x86-windows-dbg done
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package libpng:x86-windows... done
Installing package libpng:x86-windows...
Installing package libpng:x86-windows... done
Elapsed time for package libpng:x86-windows: 36.26 s
Starting package 4/4: freetype:x86-windows
Building package freetype:x86-windows...
-- CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows
-- DOWNLOADS=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads
-- CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/packages/freetype_x86-windows
-- CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/buildtrees/freetype
-- CURRENT_PORT_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/freetype/.
-- Downloading http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype/freetype-2.8.tar.bz2...
-- Downloading http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype/freetype-2.8.tar.bz2... OK
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file...
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file... OK
-- Extracting source C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads/freetype-2.8.tar.bz2
-- Extracting done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/freetype/0001-Support-Windows-DLLs-via-CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SY.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/freetype/0001-Support-Windows-DLLs-via-CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SY.patch done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/freetype/0002-Add-CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH-option.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/freetype/0002-Add-CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH-option.patch done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/freetype/0003-Fix-UWP.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/freetype/0003-Fix-UWP.patch done
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel done
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg done
-- Package x86-windows-rel
-- Package x86-windows-rel done
-- Package x86-windows-dbg
-- Package x86-windows-dbg done
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package freetype:x86-windows... done
Installing package freetype:x86-windows...
Installing package freetype:x86-windows... done
Elapsed time for package freetype:x86-windows: 1.201 min
Total time taken: 4.528 min
PS C:\Users\m_fujii\Documents\GitHub\vcpkg> .\vcpkg install harfbuzz
The following packages will be built and installed:
  * gettext:x86-windows
  * glib:x86-windows
  * libffi:x86-windows
  * libiconv:x86-windows
  * pcre:x86-windows
Additional packages (*) will be installed to complete this operation.
Starting package 1/6: pcre:x86-windows
Building package pcre:x86-windows...
-- CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows
-- DOWNLOADS=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads
-- CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/packages/pcre_x86-windows
-- CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/buildtrees/pcre
-- CURRENT_PORT_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/pcre/.
-- Downloading ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre/pcre-8.41.zip...
-- Downloading ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre/pcre-8.41.zip... OK
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file...
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file... OK
-- Extracting source C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads/pcre-8.41.zip
-- Extracting done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/pcre/fix-option-2.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/pcre/fix-option-2.patch done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/pcre/fix-arm-config-define.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/pcre/fix-arm-config-define.patch done
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel done
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg done
-- Package x86-windows-rel
-- Package x86-windows-rel done
-- Package x86-windows-dbg
-- Package x86-windows-dbg done
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package pcre:x86-windows... done
Installing package pcre:x86-windows...
Installing package pcre:x86-windows... done
Elapsed time for package pcre:x86-windows: 2.49 min
Starting package 2/6: libffi:x86-windows
Building package libffi:x86-windows...
-- CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows
-- DOWNLOADS=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads
-- CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/packages/libffi_x86-windows
-- CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/buildtrees/libffi
-- CURRENT_PORT_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libffi/.
-- Downloading https://github.com/libffi/libffi/archive/v3.1.zip...
-- Downloading https://github.com/libffi/libffi/archive/v3.1.zip... OK
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file...
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file... OK
-- Extracting source C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads/libffi-3.1.zip
-- Extracting done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libffi/export-global-data.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libffi/export-global-data.patch done
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel done
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg done
-- Package x86-windows-rel
-- Package x86-windows-rel done
-- Package x86-windows-dbg
-- Package x86-windows-dbg done
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package libffi:x86-windows... done
Installing package libffi:x86-windows...
Installing package libffi:x86-windows... done
Elapsed time for package libffi:x86-windows: 1.285 min
Starting package 3/6: gettext:x86-windows
Building package gettext:x86-windows...
-- CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows
-- DOWNLOADS=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads
-- CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/packages/gettext_x86-windows
-- CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/buildtrees/gettext
-- CURRENT_PORT_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/gettext/.
-- Downloading http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.19.tar.gz...
-- Downloading http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.19.tar.gz... OK
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file...
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file... OK
-- Extracting source C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads/gettext-0.19.tar.gz
-- Extracting done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/gettext/0001-Fix-macro-definitions.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/gettext/0001-Fix-macro-definitions.patch done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/gettext/0002-Fix-uwp-build.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/gettext/0002-Fix-uwp-build.patch done
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel done
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg done
-- Package x86-windows-rel
-- Package x86-windows-rel done
-- Package x86-windows-dbg
-- Package x86-windows-dbg done
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package gettext:x86-windows... done
Installing package gettext:x86-windows...
Installing package gettext:x86-windows... done
Elapsed time for package gettext:x86-windows: 1.68 min
Starting package 4/6: libiconv:x86-windows
Building package libiconv:x86-windows...
-- CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows
-- DOWNLOADS=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads
-- CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/packages/libiconv_x86-windows
-- CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/buildtrees/libiconv
-- CURRENT_PORT_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libiconv/.
-- Downloading https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.14.tar.gz...
-- Downloading https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libiconv/libiconv-1.14.tar.gz... OK
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file...
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file... OK
-- Extracting source C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads/libiconv-1.14.tar.gz
-- Extracting done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libiconv/0001-Add-export-definitions.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libiconv/0001-Add-export-definitions.patch done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libiconv/0002-Config-for-MSVC.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libiconv/0002-Config-for-MSVC.patch done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libiconv/0003-Fix-uwp.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/libiconv/0003-Fix-uwp.patch done
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel done
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg done
-- Package x86-windows-rel
-- Package x86-windows-rel done
-- Package x86-windows-dbg
-- Package x86-windows-dbg done
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package libiconv:x86-windows... done
Installing package libiconv:x86-windows...
Installing package libiconv:x86-windows... done
Elapsed time for package libiconv:x86-windows: 1.51 min
Starting package 5/6: glib:x86-windows
Building package glib:x86-windows...
-- CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows
-- DOWNLOADS=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads
-- CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/packages/glib_x86-windows
-- CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/buildtrees/glib
-- CURRENT_PORT_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/glib/.
-- Downloading https://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/glib/2.52/glib-2.52.3.tar.xz...
-- Downloading https://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/glib/2.52/glib-2.52.3.tar.xz... OK
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file...
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file... OK
-- Extracting source C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads/glib-2.52.3.tar.xz
-- Extracting done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/glib/use-libiconv-on-windows.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/glib/use-libiconv-on-windows.patch done
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel done
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg done
-- Package x86-windows-rel
-- Package x86-windows-rel done
-- Package x86-windows-dbg
-- Package x86-windows-dbg done
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package glib:x86-windows... done
Installing package glib:x86-windows...
Installing package glib:x86-windows... done
Elapsed time for package glib:x86-windows: 2.931 min
Starting package 6/6: harfbuzz:x86-windows
Building package harfbuzz:x86-windows...
-- CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/installed/x86-windows
-- DOWNLOADS=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads
-- CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/packages/harfbuzz_x86-windows
-- CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/buildtrees/harfbuzz
-- CURRENT_PORT_DIR=C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/harfbuzz/.
-- Downloading https://github.com/behdad/harfbuzz/releases/download/1.4.6/harfbuzz-1.4.6.tar.bz2...
-- Downloading https://github.com/behdad/harfbuzz/releases/download/1.4.6/harfbuzz-1.4.6.tar.bz2... OK
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file...
-- Testing integrity of downloaded file... OK
-- Extracting source C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/downloads/harfbuzz-1.4.6.tar.bz2
-- Extracting done
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/harfbuzz/0001-fix-uwp-build.patch
-- Applying patch C:/Users/m_fujii/Documents/GitHub/vcpkg/ports/harfbuzz/0001-fix-uwp-build.patch done
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel
-- Configuring x86-windows-rel done
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg
-- Configuring x86-windows-dbg done
-- Package x86-windows-rel
-- Package x86-windows-rel done
-- Package x86-windows-dbg
-- Package x86-windows-dbg done
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Building package harfbuzz:x86-windows... done
Installing package harfbuzz:x86-windows...
Installing package harfbuzz:x86-windows... done
Elapsed time for package harfbuzz:x86-windows: 1.369 min
Total time taken: 11.26 min
PS C:\Users\m_fujii\Documents\GitHub\vcpkg>