


/tools/node/bin/lt -> /tools/node/lib/node_modules/localtunnel/bin/client
+ localtunnel@1.9.1
updated 1 package in 2.558s
your url is: https://strong-rabbit-23.localtunnel.me
your url is: https://spicy-cougar-27.localtunnel.me
        throw err;

Error: connection refused: localtunnel.me:41522 (check your firewall settings)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/tools/node/lib/node_modules/localtunnel/lib/TunnelCluster.js:47:32)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:64:8)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
your url is: https://perfect-fox-89.localtunnel.me
your url is: https://horrible-panda-62.localtunnel.me
        throw err;

Error: connection refused: localtunnel.me:38245 (check your firewall settings)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/tools/node/lib/node_modules/localtunnel/lib/TunnelCluster.js:47:32)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:64:8)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
your url is: https://tender-wombat-80.localtunnel.me
your url is: https://silent-mayfly-4.localtunnel.me
your url is: https://lovely-pig-5.localtunnel.me
your url is: https://stupid-ladybug-4.localtunnel.me
        throw err;

Error: connection refused: localtunnel.me:34464 (check your firewall settings)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/tools/node/lib/node_modules/localtunnel/lib/TunnelCluster.js:47:32)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:64:8)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)

FileNotFoundError latest_net_G.pth

dataset [AlignedDataset] was created
initialize network with normal
model [Pix2PixModel] was created
loading the model from log_train/sub_20190130_1324/pix2pix_popRam/latest_net_G.pth
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix/test.py", line 47, in <module>
    model.setup(opt)               # regular setup: load and print networks; create schedulers
  File "/content/pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix/models/base_model.py", line 88, in setup
  File "/content/pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix/models/base_model.py", line 187, in load_networks
    state_dict = torch.load(load_path, map_location=str(self.device))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/serialization.py", line 365, in load
    f = open(f, 'rb')
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'log_train/sub_20190130_1324/pix2pix_popRam/latest_net_G.pth'


 parser.add_argument('--save_latest_freq', type=int, default=5000, help='frequency of saving the latest results')
  if total_iters % opt.save_latest_freq == 0:   # cache our latest model every <save_latest_freq> iterations
                print('saving the latest model (epoch %d, total_iters %d)' % (epoch, total_iters))
                save_suffix = 'iter_%d' % total_iters if opt.save_by_iter else 'latest'



 parser.add_argument('--save_epoch_freq', type=int, default=5, help='frequency of saving checkpoints at the end of epochs')


tensorboard --help

$ tensorboard --help
usage: tensorboard [-h] [--helpfull] [--logdir PATH] [--host ADDR]
                   [--port PORT] [--purge_orphaned_data BOOL]
                   [--reload_interval SECONDS] [--db URI] [--db_import]
                   [--db_import_use_op] [--inspect] [--tag TAG]
                   [--event_file PATH] [--path_prefix PATH]
                   [--window_title TEXT] [--max_reload_threads COUNT]
                   [--reload_task TYPE]
                   [--samples_per_plugin SAMPLES_PER_PLUGIN]
                   [--master_tpu_unsecure_channel ADDR]
                   [--debugger_data_server_grpc_port PORT]
                   [--debugger_port PORT]

TensorBoard is a suite of web applications for inspecting and understanding
your TensorFlow runs and graphs. https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --helpfull            show full help message and exit
  --logdir PATH         Directory where TensorBoard will look to find
                        TensorFlow event files that it can display.
                        TensorBoard will recursively walk the directory
                        structure rooted at logdir, looking for .*tfevents.*
                        files. You may also pass a comma separated list of log
                        directories, and TensorBoard will watch each
                        directory. You can also assign names to individual log
                        directories by putting a colon between the name and
                        the path, as in: `tensorboard
  --host ADDR           What host to listen to. Defaults to serving on all
                        interfaces. Other commonly used values are
                        (localhost) and :: (for IPv6).
  --port PORT           Port to serve TensorBoard on. Pass 0 to request an
                        unused port selected by the operating system.
                        (default: 6006)
  --purge_orphaned_data BOOL
                        Whether to purge data that may have been orphaned due
                        to TensorBoard restarts. Setting
                        --purge_orphaned_data=False can be used to debug data
                        disappearance. (default: True)
  --reload_interval SECONDS
                        How often the backend should load more data, in
                        seconds. Set to 0 to load just once at startup and a
                        negative number to never reload at all. Not relevant
                        for DB read-only mode. (default: 5.0)
  --db URI              [experimental] sets SQL database URI and enables DB
                        backend mode, which is read-only unless --db_import is
                        also passed.
  --db_import           [experimental] enables DB read-and-import mode, which
                        in combination with --logdir imports event files into
                        a DB backend on the fly. The backing DB is temporary
                        unless --db is also passed to specify a DB path to
  --db_import_use_op    [experimental] in combination with --db_import, if
                        passed, use TensorFlow's import_event() op for
                        importing event data, otherwise use TensorBoard's own
                        sqlite ingestion logic.
  --inspect             Prints digests of event files to command line. This is
                        useful when no data is shown on TensorBoard, or the
                        data shown looks weird. Example usage: `tensorboard
                        --inspect --logdir mylogdir --tag loss` See
                        tensorflow/python/summary/event_file_inspector.py for
                        more info.
  --tag TAG             tag to query for; used with --inspect
  --event_file PATH     The particular event file to query for. Only used if
                        --inspect is present and --logdir is not specified.
  --path_prefix PATH    An optional, relative prefix to the path, e.g.
                        "/path/to/tensorboard". resulting in the new base url
                        being located at localhost:6006/path/to/tensorboard
                        under default settings. A leading slash is required
                        when specifying the path_prefix, however trailing
                        slashes can be omitted. The path_prefix can be
                        leveraged for path based routing of an elb when the
                        website base_url is not available e.g.
  --window_title TEXT   changes title of browser window
  --max_reload_threads COUNT
                        The max number of threads that TensorBoard can use to
                        reload runs. Not relevant for db read-only mode. Each
                        thread reloads one run at a time. (default: 1)
  --reload_task TYPE    [experimental] The mechanism to use for the background
                        data reload task. The default "auto" option will
                        conditionally use threads for legacy reloading and a
                        child process for DB import reloading. The "process"
                        option is only useful with DB import mode. The
                        "blocking" option will block startup until reload
                        finishes, and requires --load_interval=0. (default:
  --samples_per_plugin SAMPLES_PER_PLUGIN
                        An optional comma separated list of
                        plugin_name=num_samples pairs to explicitly specify
                        how many samples to keep per tag for that plugin. For
                        unspecified plugins, TensorBoard randomly downsamples
                        logged summaries to reasonable values to prevent out-
                        of-memory errors for long running jobs. This flag
                        allows fine control over that downsampling. Note that
                        0 means keep all samples of that type. For instance
                        "scalars=500,images=0" keeps 500 scalars and all
                        images. Most users should not need to set this flag.

profile plugin:
  --master_tpu_unsecure_channel ADDR
                        IP address of "master tpu", used for getting streaming
                        trace data through tpu profiler analysis grpc. The
                        grpc channel is not secured.

debugger plugin:
  --debugger_data_server_grpc_port PORT
                        The port at which the non-interactive debugger data
                        server should receive debugging data via gRPC from one
                        or more debugger-enabled TensorFlow runtimes. No
                        debugger plugin or debugger data server will be
                        started if this flag is not provided. This flag
                        differs from the `--debugger_port` flag in that it
                        starts a non-interactive mode. It is for use with the
                        "health pills" feature of the Graph Dashboard. This
                        flag is mutually exclusive with `--debugger_port`.
  --debugger_port PORT  The port at which the interactive debugger data server
                        (to be started by the debugger plugin) should receive
                        debugging data via gRPC from one or more debugger-
                        enabled TensorFlow runtimes. No debugger plugin or
                        debugger data server will be started if this flag is
                        not provided. This flag differs from the
                        `--debugger_data_server_grpc_port` flag in that it
                        starts an interactive mode that allows user to pause
                        at selected nodes inside a TensorFlow Graph or between
                        Session.runs. It is for use with the interactive
                        Debugger Dashboard. This flag is mutually exclusive
                        with `--debugger_data_server_grpc_port`.