

STM32CubeIde HardFault その17


/* Return true and set errno and stream error flag iff the given FILE
   cannot be written now.  */

#define    cantwrite(ptr, fp)                                     \
  ((((fp)->_flags & __SWR) == 0 || (fp)->_bf._base == NULL) && \
   __swsetup_r(ptr, fp))
 * Write the given string to stdout, appending a newline.

_puts_r (struct _reent *ptr,
       const char * s)
  int result = EOF;
  const char *p = s;
  FILE *fp;

  fp = _stdout_r (ptr);
  CHECK_INIT (ptr, fp);
  _newlib_flockfile_start (fp);
  ORIENT (fp, -1);
  /* Make sure we can write.  */
  if (cantwrite (ptr, fp)) <==cantwite
    goto err;

  while (*p)
      if (__sputc_r (ptr, *p++, fp) == EOF)
    goto err;
  if (__sputc_r (ptr, '\n', fp) == EOF)
    goto err;

  result = '\n';

  _newlib_flockfile_end (fp);
  return result;

#ifndef _REENT_ONLY

puts (char const * s)
  return _puts_r (_REENT, s);

#ifdef __GNUC__
    _ELIDABLE_INLINE int __sputc_r(struct _reent *_ptr, int _c, FILE *_p) {
    #ifdef __SCLE
        if ((_p->_flags & __SCLE) && _c == '\n')
      __sputc_r (_ptr, '\r', _p);
    if (--_p->_w >= 0 || (_p->_w >= _p->_lbfsize && (char)_c != '\n'))
        return (*_p->_p++ = _c);
        return (__swbuf_r(_ptr, _c, _p));
 * This has been tuned to generate reasonable code on the vax using pcc
#define       __sputc_raw_r(__ptr, __c, __p) \
   (--(__p)->_w < 0 ? \
       (__p)->_w >= (__p)->_lbfsize ? \
           (*(__p)->_p = (__c)), *(__p)->_p != '\n' ? \
               (int)*(__p)->_p++ : \
               __swbuf_r(__ptr, '\n', __p) : \
           __swbuf_r(__ptr, (int)(__c), __p) : \
       (*(__p)->_p = (__c), (int)*(__p)->_p++))
    #ifdef __SCLE
    #define __sputc_r(__ptr, __c, __p) \
            ((((__p)->_flags & __SCLE) && ((__c) == '\n')) \
              ? __sputc_raw_r(__ptr, '\r', (__p)) : 0 , \
            __sputc_raw_r((__ptr), (__c), (__p)))
    #define __sputc_r(__ptr, __c, __p) __sputc_raw_r(__ptr, __c, __p)

STM32CubeIde HardFault その16 周辺のnewlibのソース

newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/findfp.c __sinit()

 * __sinit() is called whenever stdio's internal variables must be set up.

__sinit (struct _reent *s)
  __sinit_lock_acquire ();

  if (s->__sdidinit)
      __sinit_lock_release ();

  /* make sure we clean up on exit */
  s->__cleanup = _cleanup_r; /* conservative */

  s->__sglue._next = NULL;
#ifndef _REENT_SMALL
  s->__sglue._niobs = 3;
  s->__sglue._iobs = &s->__sf[0];
  s->__sglue._niobs = 0;
  s->__sglue._iobs = NULL;
  /* Avoid infinite recursion when calling __sfp  for _GLOBAL_REENT.  The
     problem is that __sfp checks for _GLOBAL_REENT->__sdidinit and calls
     __sinit if it's 0. */
  if (s == _GLOBAL_REENT)
    s->__sdidinit = 1;
  s->_stdin = __sfp(s);
  s->_stdout = __sfp(s);
  s->_stderr = __sfp(s);
  s->_stdin = &__sf[0];
  s->_stdout = &__sf[1];
  s->_stderr = &__sf[2];

  if (__sf[0]._cookie == NULL) {
    _GLOBAL_REENT->__sglue._niobs = 3;
    _GLOBAL_REENT->__sglue._iobs = &__sf[0];
    stdin_init (&__sf[0]);
    stdout_init (&__sf[1]);
    stderr_init (&__sf[2]);
  stdin_init (s->_stdin);
  stdout_init (s->_stdout);
  stderr_init (s->_stderr);

  s->__sdidinit = 1;

  __sinit_lock_release ();


 * Find a free FILE for fopen et al.

__sfp (struct _reent *d)
  FILE *fp;
  int n;
  struct _glue *g;

  _newlib_sfp_lock_start ();

  if (!_GLOBAL_REENT->__sdidinit)
    __sinit (_GLOBAL_REENT);
  for (g = &_GLOBAL_REENT->__sglue;; g = g->_next)
      for (fp = g->_iobs, n = g->_niobs; --n >= 0; fp++)
    if (fp->_flags == 0)
      goto found;
      if (g->_next == NULL &&
      (g->_next = __sfmoreglue (d, NDYNAMIC)) == NULL)
  _newlib_sfp_lock_exit ();
  d->_errno = ENOMEM;
  return NULL;

  fp->_file = -1;       /* no file */
  fp->_flags = 1;       /* reserve this slot; caller sets real flags */
  fp->_flags2 = 0;
#ifndef __SINGLE_THREAD__
  __lock_init_recursive (fp->_lock);
  _newlib_sfp_lock_end ();

  fp->_p = NULL;        /* no current pointer */
  fp->_w = 0;           /* nothing to read or write */
  fp->_r = 0;
  fp->_bf._base = NULL;     /* no buffer */
  fp->_bf._size = 0;
  fp->_lbfsize = 0;     /* not line buffered */
  memset (&fp->_mbstate, 0, sizeof (_mbstate_t));
  /* fp->_cookie = <any>; */   /* caller sets cookie, _read/_write etc */
  fp->_ub._base = NULL;     /* no ungetc buffer */
  fp->_ub._size = 0;
  fp->_lb._base = NULL;     /* no line buffer */
  fp->_lb._size = 0;

  return fp;


struct glue_with_file {
  struct _glue glue;
  FILE file;

struct _glue *
__sfmoreglue (struct _reent *d,
       register int n)
  struct glue_with_file *g;

  g = (struct glue_with_file *)
    _malloc_r (d, sizeof (*g) + (n - 1) * sizeof (FILE));
  if (g == NULL)
    return NULL;
  g->glue._next = NULL;
  g->glue._niobs = n;
  g->glue._iobs = &g->file;
  memset (&g->file, 0, n * sizeof (FILE));
  return &g->glue;
#if (defined (__OPTIMIZE_SIZE__) || defined (PREFER_SIZE_OVER_SPEED))
static void
std (FILE *ptr,
            int flags,
            int file)
  ptr->_p = 0;
  ptr->_r = 0;
  ptr->_w = 0;
  ptr->_flags = flags;
  ptr->_flags2 = 0;
  ptr->_file = file;
  ptr->_bf._base = 0;
  ptr->_bf._size = 0;
  ptr->_lbfsize = 0;
  memset (&ptr->_mbstate, 0, sizeof (_mbstate_t));
  ptr->_cookie = ptr;
  ptr->_read = __sread;
#ifndef __LARGE64_FILES
  ptr->_write = __swrite;
#else /* __LARGE64_FILES */
  ptr->_write = __swrite64;
  ptr->_seek64 = __sseek64;
  ptr->_flags |= __SL64;
#endif /* __LARGE64_FILES */
  ptr->_seek = __sseek;
  ptr->_close = __sclose;
  ptr->_close = NULL;
#if !defined(__SINGLE_THREAD__) && !(defined(_REENT_SMALL) && !defined(_REENT_GLOBAL_STDIO_STREAMS))
  __lock_init_recursive (ptr->_lock);
   * #else
   * lock is already initialized in __sfp

#ifdef __SCLE
  if (__stextmode (ptr->_file))
    ptr->_flags |= __SCLE;