

spot -ht

% spot -ht                                                     
 Table-specific usage:
--- BASE
=4  List BASE content
=5  Friendly list of BASE content
--- CFF_
=6  Proof glyph plot
    Options: [-a] [-c] [-R] [-g<list>] [-bleft,bottom,right,top]
    -a  don't show outline annotation
    -c  convert labeled points to Adobe units
    -R  apply intermediate rounding
    -g  comma separated list of glyphs. Each element is of the
        following form:
            N    glyph N
            N-M  glyphs N through M
        e.g. -g22,24,36-39
    -s  glyph scaling factor
    -b  scale glyph to this bounding box
=7  Proof glyph synopsis
    Options: [-g<list>]
    -g  as above
=8  Proof alternate glyph synopsis
    Options: [-g<list>]
    -g  as above
--- GDEF
=7  output the more readable feature file format
--- GPOS
=5  List GPOS features
=6  Dump kerning data in AFM-file style
=7  De-compile GPOS feature(s) in features-file style
=8  Proof GPOS features
--- GSUB
=4  output GlyphName/CID in dumps
=5  List GSUB Features
=7  De-compile GSUB feature(s) in features-file style
=8  Proof GSUB features
--- VORG
=4  Print glyph name and id
=8  Proof glyph in Kanji em-box, with width and Y origin annotations.
--- cmap
=5  Print hex character code to glyph id mapping
=6  Print dec character code to glyph id mapping
=7  Print hex character code to glyphName/CID mapping
=8  Print dec character code to glyphName/CID mapping
=9  Proof hex character code to glyph shape mapping
=10 Proof dec character code to glyph shape mapping
=11 List platform/script/language support
    Options: [-Cindex]
    -C  select the cmap encoding index to use (use '-tcmap=11' for indices)
--- glyf
=5  Print coordinate points
=6  Proof glyph plot
    Options: [-a] [-c] [-R] [-g<list>] [-bleft,bottom,right,top]
    -a  don't show outline annotation
    -c  convert labeled points to Adobe units
    -R  apply intermediate rounding
    -g  comma separated list of glyphs. Each element is of the
        following form:
            N    glyph N
            N-M  glyphs N through M
        e.g. -g22,24,36-39
    -s  glyph scaling factor
    -b  scale glyph to this bounding box
=7  Proof glyph synopsis
    Options: [-g<list>]
    -g  as above
=8  Proof alternate type of glyph synopsis
    Options: [-g<list>]
    -g  as above
--- hmtx
=5  Print advance widths by glyph name (font's units/em)
=6  Print advance widths by glyph name (1000 units/em)
=7  Print advance widths and left side bearings by glyph name (font's units/em)
=8  Print advance widths and left side bearings by glyph name (1000 units/em)
Note that the default dump has two sections: a first section which lists
advance width and left side bearing, and a second section which lists only
the left side bearing. The index for the second section is not the glyph ID,
as it starts at 0. To convert an index in the second section to a glyph ID,
you need to add to the index the number of entries in the first section.
--- kern
=2  low level dump of subtable headers
=3  low level dump without glyph names
=4  low level dump with glyph names
=5  Print kern pair list
--- name
=2  raw field and table dump.
=3  print single line for all name record values:
          record[index]={platformId,scriptId,languageId,nameId,length,offset} = <name value>
=4  raw field and table dump, but with descriptive names for so


sub ShowUsage {
  print STDOUT &fix(<<ENDUSAGE);
  setsnap.pl Version 02/16/2018
  setsnap.pl [-u] [-h]
  setsnap.pl < stemHist-generated-stemwidth-reports
  setsnap.pl -s [-n] < stemHist-generated-stemwidth-reports
  setsnap.pl [-o [-b<bot_pt_size>] [-t<top_pt_size>] [-r<dpi>]] [-n] < stemHist-generated-stemwidth-reports
  Calculates highest-frequency or optimal stem width values in one or more
  stemHist-generated stemwidth reports.

sub ShowHelp {
  print STDOUT &fix(<<ENDHELP);
   -u = Displays only the version and command-line options
   -h = Displays this help page

   -o = Calculate optimal values based on point size range and resolution
   -b = Bottom (lower) end of point size range; 
           used only with '-o' option
   -t = Top (upper) end of point size range; 
           used only with '-o' option
   -r = Resolution expressed in dpi; 
           used only with '-o' option

   -n = Disables the writing of a newline character
           (this is useful when executing from another script)

   -s = Writes to STDOUT a new stemHist output file that includes only the
        stem counts and their widths in decreasing stem-count order
       (this is useful when concatenating multiple stemHist output files)

       When no options are used, 
       the highest-frequency stem width value is reported, 
       along with its frequency in parentheses.

        When the '-o' option is used, 
        the '-b', '-t', and '-r' options can also be used, 
        and their default values are 9 (points), 24 (points), and 72 (dpi),

      The optimal value is output in brackets, followed by secondary
        and tertiary values.

perl-scripts/setsnap.pl at master · adobe-type-tools/perl-scripts · GitHub


This program is actually the same tool as psautohint but with a different face. It provides reports which help in selecting the global hint data and alignment zones for Type 1 hinting. You should look at the reports from this tool in order to select the most common stem widths, and then use a program such as FontLab or RoboFont to set the values in the font. This should be done before hinting the font. Works with Type 1 and OpenType/CFF fonts only.

sfntedit help

/* Print usage information */
static void printUsage(void) {
"    %s [options] <srcfile> [<dstfile>]\n"
"OR: %s  -X <scriptfile>\n"
"    -x <tag>[=<file>][,<tag>[=<file>]]+ extract table to file\n"
"    -d <tag>[,<tag>]+ delete table\n"
"    -a <tag>=<file>[,<tag>=<file>]+ add (or replace) table\n"
"    -l list sfnt directory (default)\n"
"    -c check checksums\n"
"    -f fix checksums (implies -c)\n"
"    -u print usage\n"
"    -h print help\n"
"    -X execute command-lines from <scriptfile> [default: sfntedit.scr]\n"
            "    Version: %s\n"

afdko/main.c at 01a35dacc9e8d1735b7f752f3232d38c34e6f843 · adobe-type-tools/afdko · GitHub