

tx -afm

% tx -afm -h
[-afm options: default none]

AFM mode write an Adobe Font Metrics format representation of an abstract font.
This is a lightweight implementation that is primarily intended for testing and
debugging usage; it departs from the AFM specification in a number of ways:

o the metrics data is expressed in the font's character space units which may
  not be 1000 units/em as required by the specification. The character space
  units are recorded in UnitPerEm comment in the font metrics section
o the character count specified by the StartCharMetrics keyword may be too
  large if the font has been subset using the -g option

For example, the command:

    tx -afm -a rdr_____.pfb

will write an AFM representation of the font file "rdr_____.pfb" to the file

afdko/afm.h at 01a35dacc9e8d1735b7f752f3232d38c34e6f843 · adobe-type-tools/afdko · GitHub

afdko/absfont_afm.c at 01a35dacc9e8d1735b7f752f3232d38c34e6f843 · adobe-type-tools/afdko · GitHub

    /* update top dict's font bounding box with aggregate values */
    top->FontBBox[0] = (float)h->font_bbox.left;
    top->FontBBox[1] = (float)h->font_bbox.bottom;
    top->FontBBox[2] = (float)h->font_bbox.right;
    top->FontBBox[3] = (float)h->font_bbox.top;
void abfAFMEndFont(abfAFMCtx h, abfTopDict *top) {
    time_t seconds_since_epoch = time(NULL);
    struct tm local_time;
    char time_text[32];
    int c;

    /* update top dict's font bounding box with aggregate values */
    top->FontBBox[0] = (float)h->font_bbox.left;
    top->FontBBox[1] = (float)h->font_bbox.bottom;
    top->FontBBox[2] = (float)h->font_bbox.right;
    top->FontBBox[3] = (float)h->font_bbox.top;

    if (top->sup.flags & ABF_CID_FONT)
        fprintf(h->fp, "StartFontMetrics 4.1\n");
        fprintf(h->fp, "StartFontMetrics 2.0\n");

    SAFE_LOCALTIME(&seconds_since_epoch, &local_time);
            "Comment Copyright %d Adobe Systems Incorporated. "
            "All Rights Reserved.\n",
            local_time.tm_year + 1900);
    SAFE_CTIME(&seconds_since_epoch, time_text);
    fprintf(h->fp, "Comment Creation Date: %s", time_text);
    if (top->UniqueID != ABF_UNSET_INT)
        fprintf(h->fp, "Comment UniqueID %ld\n", top->UniqueID);
    if (top->sup.UnitsPerEm != 1000)
        fprintf(h->fp, "Comment UnitsPerEm %ld\n", top->sup.UnitsPerEm);

    if (top->sup.flags & ABF_CID_FONT) {
        /* Write header for cid-keyed font */
        fprintf(h->fp, "MetricsSets 2\n");
        writeString(h, "FontName", &top->cid.CIDFontName);
        writeString(h, "Weight", &top->Weight);
        fprintf(h->fp, "FontBBox %g %g %g %g\n",
                top->FontBBox[0], top->FontBBox[1],
                top->FontBBox[2], top->FontBBox[3]);
        fprintf(h->fp, "Version %.3f\n", top->cid.CIDFontVersion);
        writeString(h, "Notice", &top->Notice);
        fprintf(h->fp, "CharacterSet %s-%s-%ld\n", top->cid.Registry.ptr,
                top->cid.Ordering.ptr, top->cid.Supplement);
        fprintf(h->fp, "Characters %ld\n", top->sup.nGlyphs);
        fprintf(h->fp, "IsBaseFont true\n");
        fprintf(h->fp, "IsCIDFont true\n");
        fprintf(h->fp, "StartDirection 2\n");
        fprintf(h->fp, "UnderlinePosition %g\n", top->UnderlinePosition);
        fprintf(h->fp, "UnderlineThickness %g\n", top->UnderlineThickness);
        fprintf(h->fp, "ItalicAngle %g\n", top->ItalicAngle);
        fprintf(h->fp, "IsFixedPitch %s\n",
                top->isFixedPitch ? "true" : "false");
        fprintf(h->fp, "EndDirection\n");
        fprintf(h->fp, "StartCharMetrics %ld\n", top->sup.nGlyphs);
    } else {
        /* Write header for name-keyed font */
        writeString(h, "FontName", &top->FDArray.array[0].FontName);
        writeString(h, "FullName", &top->FullName);
        writeString(h, "FamilyName", &top->FamilyName);
        writeString(h, "Weight", &top->Weight);
        fprintf(h->fp, "ItalicAngle %g\n", top->ItalicAngle);
        fprintf(h->fp, "IsFixedPitch %s\n",
                top->isFixedPitch ? "true" : "false");
        fprintf(h->fp, "FontBBox %g %g %g %g\n",
                top->FontBBox[0], top->FontBBox[1],
                top->FontBBox[2], top->FontBBox[3]);
        fprintf(h->fp, "UnderlinePosition %g\n", top->UnderlinePosition);
        fprintf(h->fp, "UnderlineThickness %g\n", top->UnderlineThickness);
        writeString(h, "Version", &top->version);
        writeString(h, "Notice", &top->Notice);
        fprintf(h->fp, "StartCharMetrics %ld\n", top->sup.nGlyphs - 1L);