


Locale update completed

3142 private void upgradeLocaleData(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean rebuildSqliteStats) { 3143 final Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); 3144 Log.i(TAG, "Upgrading locale data for " + locale 3145 + " (ICU v" + ICU.getIcuVersion() + ")"); 3146 …


384 static void onConfigurationChanged(ANativeActivity* activity) { 385 struct android_app* android_app = (struct android_app*)activity->instance; 386 LOGV("ConfigurationChanged: %p\n", activity); 387 android_app_write_cmd(android_app, APP…


/frameworks/webview/chromium/java/com/android/webview/chromium/WebViewContentsClientAdapter.javaCross Reference: /frameworks/webview/chromium/java/com/android/webview/chromium/WebViewContentsClientAdapter.java /frameworks/webview/chromium/…


+full:ipc_message_handler +path:"external chromium_org"


230 std::string AwContentBrowserClient::GetApplicationLocale() { 231 return l10n_util::GetDefaultLocale(); 232 } 46 int AwBrowserMainParts::PreCreateThreads() { 47 browser_context_->InitializeBeforeThreadCreation(); 48 49 ui::ResourceBundl…


ここ、しかないな。 "fontcache - invalidate" 52 // static 53 void WebFontCache::clear() 54 { 55 fontCache()->invalidate(); 56 } 529 void FontCache::invalidate() 530 { 531 if (!gClients) { 532 ASSERT(!gFontPlatformDataCache); 533 return; 534…


303 PassRefPtr<SimpleFontData> FontCache::getFontResourceData(const FontPlatformData* platformData, ShouldRetain shouldRetain) 304 { 305 if (!platformData) 306 return 0; 307 308 #if !ASSERT_DISABLED 309 if (shouldRetain == DoNotRetain) 310 ASSERT(m_purgeP</simplefontdata>…




150 SimpleFontData::~SimpleFontData() 151 { 152 if (!m_fontData) 153 platformDestroy(); 154 155 if (isCustomFont()) 156 GlyphPageTreeNode::pruneTreeCustomFontData(this); 157 else 158 GlyphPageTreeNode::pruneTreeFontData(this); 159 }


78 #if PLATFORM(ANDROID) 79 void GlyphPageTreeNode::resetRoots() 80 { 81 if (roots) { 82 HashMap<int, GlyphPageTreeNode*>::iterator end = roots->end(); <=endを設定 <==============================>型 83 for (HashMap<int, GlyphPageTreeNode*>::iterator it = roots->begin(); it != end; ++it)</int,></int,>…


147 bool Font::operator==(const Font& other) const 148 { 149 // Our FontData don't have to be checked, since checking the font description will be fine. 150 // FIXME: This does not work if the font was made with the FontPlatformData constr…


347 int Font::emphasisMarkAscent(const AtomicString& mark) const 348 { 349 FontCachePurgePreventer purgePreventer; <======= こんな感じで使われてる。 このオブジェクトが消えるとき、パージが動く。 350 351 GlyphData markGlyphData; 352 if (!get…


Searched font.updateアップデートでフォントデータのキャッシュから無効リストへ追加する 165 void Font::update(PassRefPtr<FontSelector> fontSelector) const 166 { 167 // FIXME: It is pretty crazy that we are willing to just poke into a RefPtr, but it ends up</fontselector>…


ここはchromium_orgで使用していないようだ。 makeを実行してもコンパイルが動かなかった。/external/chromium_org/third_party/skia/src/core/SkGlyphCache.cpp 56 SkGlyphCache::SkGlyphCache(SkTypeface* typeface, const SkDescriptor* desc, SkScalerCo…


363 void FontCache::purgeInactiveFontDataIfNeeded() 364 { LOGD("< POS > : FontCache::purgeInactiveFontDataIfNeeded "\ "ptr=%p Count=%d cMax=%d cTarge=%d", gInactiveFontData, m_purgePreventCount, cMaxInactiveFontData, cTargetInactiveFontDat…

メモリ解放 empty.exe "could not empty working set for process"


ImportError: cannot import name MAXREPEAT

it doesn't have a MAXREPEAT attribute in Python 2.7.3:

repoでImportError: No module named siteのエラーがでる。

.bashrcに以下を追加した。 PYTHONHOME=/cygdrive/d/Python27/ PYTHONPATH=/cygdrive/d/Python27/LibPYTHONPATH, set to C:\Python27\Lib. PYTHONHOME, set to C:\Python27.


52 // static 53 void WebFontCache::clear() 54 { 55 fontCache()->invalidate(); 56 } 371 void ChromeRenderProcessObserver::OnClearCache(bool on_navigation) { 372 if (on_navigation) { 373 clear_cache_pending_ = true; 374 } else { 375 WebCache…

chromium doxygen

:/android/Kitkat44r1/external/chromium_org/remoting/host/input_injector_linux.cc:33: warning: include file ui/base/keycodes/usb_keycode_map.h not found, perhaps you forgot to add its directory to INCLUDE_PATH? D:/android/Kitkat44r1/externa…


33 static base::android::RegistrationMethod kWebViewRegisteredMethods[] = { 34 // Register JNI for android_webview classes. 35 { "AndroidProtocolHandler", RegisterAndroidProtocolHandler }, 36 { "AwAutofillManagerDelegate", RegisterAwAutofi…


1628 @Override 1629 public void onConfigurationChanged(final Configuration newConfig) { 1630 if (checkNeedsPost()) { 1631 mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { 1632 @Override 1633 public void run() { 1634 onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); 16…


2260 @Override 2261 protected void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { 2262 mProvider.getViewDelegate().onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); 2263 } 2264

webkit TRACE_API

29 public class DebugFlags { 30 31 public static final boolean COOKIE_SYNC_MANAGER = false; 32 public static final boolean TRACE_API = false; 33 public static final boolean TRACE_CALLBACK = false; 34 public static final boolean TRACE_JAVAS…

aosp nexus5: 言語切替でエラーログが出る。「Could not load native library jni_latinimegoogle」

言語切替を行うとき。 Googleキーボードが選択されていると、以下のエラーがでる。 12-05 17:59:07.452: E/JniUtils(32278): Could not load native library jni_latinimegoogle 12-05 17:59:07.452: E/JniUtils(32278): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Co…


34 public static String getDefaultLocale() { 35 Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); 36 String language = locale.getLanguage(); 37 String country = locale.getCountry(); 38 39 // Android uses deprecated lanuages codes for Hebrew and Indones…


36 void AwRenderProcessObserver::OnClearCache() { 37 if (webkit_initialized_) 38 WebKit::WebCache::clear(); 39 } 61 void WebCache::clear() 62 { 63 MemoryCache* cache = WebCore::memoryCache(); 64 if (cache) 65 cache->evictResources(); 66 }


40 41 #define LOG_TRACE(...) 42 //#define LOG_TRACE(...) ALOG(LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) 429 static void 430 onConfigurationChanged_native(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jint handle) 431 { 432 LOG_TRACE("onConfigurationChanged_native");…

Kitkat Webkit files

/external/chromium/ /external/chromium-libpac/ /external/chromium-trace/ /external/chromium_org/ /frameworks/base/core/java/android/webkit/ /packages/apps/Browser/src/com/android/browser/

Nexus5 AOSPに Widgetsタブがない。

Nexus5のAOSPだと、ウィジェットは使えないのかな?? ドロワー画面にはない。Nexus7は、ドロワー画面にある。 ホーム画面で、壁紙の辺を長押しすると出てくることを教わった。