


Searched font.update


 165 void Font::update(PassRefPtr<FontSelector> fontSelector) const
    166 {
    167     // FIXME: It is pretty crazy that we are willing to just poke into a RefPtr, but it ends up
    168     // being reasonably safe (because inherited fonts in the render tree pick up the new
    169     // style anyway. Other copies are transient, e.g., the state in the GraphicsContext, and
    170     // won't stick around long enough to get you in trouble). Still, this is pretty disgusting,
    171     // and could eventually be rectified by using RefPtrs for Fonts themselves.
    172     if (!m_fontFallbackList)
    173         m_fontFallbackList = FontFallbackList::create();
    174     m_fontFallbackList->invalidate(fontSelector); <========
    175     m_typesettingFeatures = computeTypesettingFeatures();
    176 }
     49 void FontFallbackList::invalidate(PassRefPtr<FontSelector> fontSelector)
     50 {
     51     releaseFontData();  <==========
     52     m_fontList.clear();
     53     m_pageZero = 0;
     54     m_pages.clear();
     55     m_cachedPrimarySimpleFontData = 0;
     56     m_familyIndex = 0;
     57     m_pitch = UnknownPitch;
     58     m_loadingCustomFonts = false;
     59     m_fontSelector = fontSelector;
     60     m_fontSelectorVersion = m_fontSelector ? m_fontSelector->version() : 0;
     61     m_generation = fontCache()->generation();
     62     m_widthCache.clear();
     63 }
     65 void FontFallbackList::releaseFontData()
     66 {
     67     unsigned numFonts = m_fontList.size();
     68     for (unsigned i = 0; i < numFonts; ++i) {
     69         if (!m_fontList[i]->isCustomFont()) {
     70             ASSERT(!m_fontList[i]->isSegmented());
     71             fontCache()->releaseFontData(static_cast<const SimpleFontData*>(m_fontList[i].get())); <=====
     72         }
     73     }
     74 }
    348 void FontCache::releaseFontData(const SimpleFontData* fontData)
    349 {
    350     ASSERT(gFontDataCache);
    351     ASSERT(!fontData->isCustomFont());
    353     FontDataCache::iterator it = gFontDataCache->find(fontData->platformData());
    354     ASSERT(it != gFontDataCache->end());
    355     if (it == gFontDataCache->end())              fontDataCacheにない。
    356         return;
    358     ASSERT(it->value.second);         
    359     if (!--it->value.second)                     プレデクリメントして、2番めの値が0でない場合、
    360         gInactiveFontData->add(it->value.first); gInactiveFontDataへ追加する。あとで処理するのかな?
    361 }
    281 typedef HashMap<
                    FontPlatformData,                         1番目
                    pair<RefPtr<SimpleFontData>, unsigned>,   2番目
                    FontDataCacheKeyHash,                     3番目
                    FontDataCacheKeyTraits> FontDataCache;    4番目

    369 void FontCache::purgeInactiveFontData(int count)
    370 {
    371     if (!gInactiveFontData || m_purgePreventCount)
    372         return;
    374     static bool isPurging;  // Guard against reentry when e.g. a deleted FontData releases its small caps FontData.
    375     if (isPurging)
    376         return;
    378     isPurging = true;
    380     Vector<RefPtr<SimpleFontData>, 20> fontDataToDelete;
    381     ListHashSet<RefPtr<SimpleFontData> >::iterator end = gInactiveFontData->end();
    382     ListHashSet<RefPtr<SimpleFontData> >::iterator it = gInactiveFontData->begin();
    383     for (int i = 0; i < count && it != end; ++it, ++i) {
    384         RefPtr<SimpleFontData>& fontData = *it.get();
    385         gFontDataCache->remove(fontData->platformData()); <============リムーブしてるとこ
    386         // We should not delete SimpleFontData here because deletion can modify gInactiveFontData. See http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/44011
    387         fontDataToDelete.append(fontData);
    388     }
    390     if (it == end) {
    391         // Removed everything
    392         gInactiveFontData->clear();
    393     } else {
    394         for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
    395             gInactiveFontData->remove(gInactiveFontData->begin());
    396     }
    398     fontDataToDelete.clear();
    400     if (gFontPlatformDataCache) {
    401         Vector<FontPlatformDataCacheKey> keysToRemove;
    402         keysToRemove.reserveInitialCapacity(gFontPlatformDataCache->size());
    403         FontPlatformDataCache::iterator platformDataEnd = gFontPlatformDataCache->end();
    404         for (FontPlatformDataCache::iterator platformData = gFontPlatformDataCache->begin(); platformData != platformDataEnd; ++platformData) {
    405             if (platformData->value && !gFontDataCache->contains(*platformData->value))
    406                 keysToRemove.append(platformData->key);
    407         }
    409         size_t keysToRemoveCount = keysToRemove.size();
    410         for (size_t i = 0; i < keysToRemoveCount; ++i)
    411             delete gFontPlatformDataCache->take(keysToRemove[i]);
    412     }
    415     FontVerticalDataCache& fontVerticalDataCache = fontVerticalDataCacheInstance();
    416     if (!fontVerticalDataCache.isEmpty()) {
    417         // Mark & sweep unused verticalData
    418         FontVerticalDataCache::iterator verticalDataEnd = fontVerticalDataCache.end();
    419         for (FontVerticalDataCache::iterator verticalData = fontVerticalDataCache.begin(); verticalData != verticalDataEnd; ++verticalData) {
    420             if (verticalData->value)
    421                 verticalData->value->m_inFontCache = false;
    422         }
    423         FontDataCache::iterator fontDataEnd = gFontDataCache->end();
    424         for (FontDataCache::iterator fontData = gFontDataCache->begin(); fontData != fontDataEnd; ++fontData) {
    425             OpenTypeVerticalData* verticalData = const_cast<OpenTypeVerticalData*>(fontData->value.first->verticalData());
    426             if (verticalData)
    427                 verticalData->m_inFontCache = true;
    428         }
    429         Vector<FontFileKey> keysToRemove;
    430         keysToRemove.reserveInitialCapacity(fontVerticalDataCache.size());
    431         for (FontVerticalDataCache::iterator verticalData = fontVerticalDataCache.begin(); verticalData != verticalDataEnd; ++verticalData) {
    432             if (!verticalData->value || !verticalData->value->m_inFontCache)
    433                 keysToRemove.append(verticalData->key);
    434         }
    435         for (size_t i = 0, count = keysToRemove.size(); i < count; ++i)
    436             fontVerticalDataCache.take(keysToRemove[i]);
    437     }
    438 #endif
    440     isPurging = false;
    441 }