


octave svd 特異値分解

特異値分解 mathtrain.jprank mathtrain.jpeigenvectors 固有ベクトル、固有値ベクトル ejje.weblio.jp

octave closest 距離

scicomp.stackexchange.com ノルム mathtrain.jp

octave bsxfun

> help bsxfun 'bsxfun' is a built-in function from the file libinterp/corefcn/bsxfun.cc -- bsxfun (F, A, B) The binary singleton expansion function performs broadcasting, that is, it applies a binary function F element-by-element to two ar…

Octave max

>> help max 'max' is a built-in function from the file libinterp/corefcn/max.cc -- max (X) -- max (X, [], DIM) -- [W, IW] = max (X) -- max (X, Y) Find maximum values in the array X. For a vector argument, return the maximum value. For a ma…

Octave fmincg options

>> help optimset 'optimset' is a function from the file C:\Octave\Octave-4.2.0\share\octave\4.2.0\m\optimization\optimset.m -- optimset () -- OPTIONS = optimset () -- OPTIONS = optimset (PAR, VAL, ...) -- OPTIONS = optimset (OLD, PAR, VAL,…

Octave Plot

>> figure; % 図を表示するためのウィンドウを開く >> hold on; % 続けて表示するようにする。 >> plot(1,1,'bo', 'MarkerSize', 10); >> plot(2,2,'rx', 'MarkerSize', 10); >> plot(3,3,'c+', 'MarkerSize', 10); >> hold off; %解除 Octaveの精義―フリー…