TypeError: toXML() takes exactly 3 arguments (4 given) その2
def _tableToXML(self, writer, tag, progress): if self.has_key(tag): table = self[tag] report = "Dumping '%s' table..." % tag else: report = "No '%s' table found." % tag if progress: progress.setLabel(report) elif self.verbose: debugmsg(report) else: print report if not self.has_key(tag): return xmlTag = tagToXML(tag) if hasattr(table, "ERROR"): writer.begintag(xmlTag, ERROR="decompilation error") else: writer.begintag(xmlTag) writer.newline() if tag in ("glyf", "CFF "): table.toXML(writer, self, progress) <==ここでtableのObjectがDefaultTableなため,TypeErrorになる。 else: table.toXML(writer, self) writer.endtag(xmlTag) writer.newline() writer.newline()
table GlyphOrder: <fontTools.ttLib.GlyphOrder instance at 0x0000000002B6D848> table table__h_e_a_d: <'head' table at 2b6d7c8> table table__h_h_e_a: <'hhea' table at 2bf34c8> table table__m_a_x_p: <'maxp' table at 2b70c88> table table_O_S_2f_2: <'OS/2' table at 2bf3d48> table DefaultTable: <'hmtx' table at 2bf3a08> table DefaultTable: <'VDMX' table at 2bf3d08> table DefaultTable: <'cmap' table at 2bf3a88> table DefaultTable: <'loca' table at 2bf3c48> table DefaultTable: <'glyf' table at 2bf3d88> <== glyfのときのオブジェクトがDefaultTableになっている
site-packages/FontTools/fontTools/ttLib/__init__.py def getTableClass(tag): """Fetch the packer/unpacker class for a table. Return None when no class is found. """ module = getTableModule(tag) if module is None: from tables.DefaultTable import DefaultTable return DefaultTable <======================= pyTag = tagToIdentifier(tag) tableClass = getattr(module, "table_" + pyTag) return tableClass
site-packages/FontTools/fontTools/ttLib/tables/DefaultTable.py DefaultテーブルのtoXMLは引数が3つなので、4つだとエラーになる。 def toXML(self, writer, ttFont): if hasattr(self, "ERROR"): writer.comment("An error occurred during the decompilation of this table") writer.newline() writer.comment(self.ERROR) writer.newline() writer.begintag("hexdata") writer.newline() writer.dumphex(self.compile(ttFont)) writer.endtag("hexdata") writer.newline()
修正方法その1 progressを追加する。
site-packages/FontTools/fontTools/ttLib/tables/DefaultTable.py def toXML(self, writer, ttFont, progress=None): if hasattr(self, "ERROR"): writer.comment("An error occurred during the decompilation of this table") writer.newline() writer.comment(self.ERROR) writer.newline() writer.begintag("hexdata") writer.newline() writer.dumphex(self.compile(ttFont)) writer.endtag("hexdata") writer.newline()