#!/sbin/sh # # PA GApps 2.0 Shell Script Installer # Created by @TKruzze with MAJOR script contributions by @osm0sis # # Last Updated: 2015-03-14 unzip -o "$3" sizes.prop g.prop gapps-remove.txt -d /tmp; . /tmp/; . /tmp/sizes.prop; # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Declare Variables ZIP="$3"; zip_folder="$(dirname "$ZIP")"; OUTFD=/proc/self/fd/$2; g_prop=/system/etc/g.prop; b_prop=/system/build.prop; bkup_tail=/tmp/; gapps_removal_list=/tmp/gapps-remove.txt g_log=/tmp/g.log; calc_log=/tmp/calc.log; conflicts_log=/tmp/conflicts.log; rec_cache_log=/cache/recovery/log; rec_tmp_log=/tmp/recovery.log; log_close="# End PA GApps Install Log\n"; reclaimed_gapps_space_kb=0; reclaimed_removal_space_kb=0; reclaimed_aosp_space_kb=0; total_install_size_kb=0; # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Define Functions abort() { quit; ui_print "- NO changes were made to your device"; ui_print " "; ui_print "Installer will now exit..."; ui_print " "; ui_print "Error Code: $1"; sleep 5; exxit $1; } ch_con() { LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib /system/toolbox chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 $1; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib /system/bin/toolbox chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 $1; chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 $1; } ch_con_recursive() { dirs=$(echo $* | awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$1)) }'); for i in $dirs; do find "$i" -exec LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib /system/toolbox chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 {} +; find "$i" -exec LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib /system/bin/toolbox chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 {} +; find "$i" -exec chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 {} +; done; } complete_gapps_list() { cat <<EOF $full_removal_list EOF } contains() { case "$1" in *"$2"* ) return 0;; * ) return 1;; esac; } clean_inst() { if [ -f /data/system/packages.xml ]; then return 1; fi; return 0; } exxit() { set_progress 0.98; if ( ! grep -qi "nodebug" "$g_conf" ); then if [ "$g_conf" ]; then # copy gapps-config files to debug logs folder cp -f "$g_conf_orig" /tmp/logs/gapps-config_original.txt; cp -f "$g_conf" /tmp/logs/gapps-config_processed.txt; fi; ls -alZR /system > /tmp/logs/System_Files_After.txt; df -k > /tmp/logs/Device_Space_After.txt; cp -f "$log_folder/pa_gapps_log.txt" /tmp/logs; cp -f $b_prop /tmp/logs; cp -f /system/addon.d/ /tmp/logs; cp -f $gapps_removal_list "/tmp/logs/gapps-remove(revised).txt"; cp -f $rec_cache_log /tmp/logs/Recovery_cache.log; cp -f $rec_tmp_log /tmp/logs/Recovery_tmp.log; cd /tmp/logs; tar -cz -f "$log_folder/pa_gapps_debug_logs.tar.gz" *; cd /; fi; rm -rf /tmp/*; set_progress 1.0; ui_print "- Unmounting /system, /data, /cache"; ui_print " "; umount /system; umount /data; umount /cache; exit $1; } file_getprop() { grep "^$2" "$1" | cut -d= -f2; } folder_extract() { unzip -o "$ZIP" "$1/$2/*" -d /tmp; bkup_list=$'\n'"$(find /tmp/$1/$2 -type f | cut -d/ -f5-)${bkup_list}"; cp -rf "/tmp/$1/$2/." /system/; rm -rf "/tmp/$1"; } log() { printf "%30s | %s\n" "$1" "$2" >> $g_log; } log_add() { printf "%7s | %18s | + %7d | %7d\n" "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4">> $calc_log; } log_sub() { printf "%7s | %18s | - %7d | %7d\n" "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4">> $calc_log; } obsolete_gapps_list() { cat <<EOF $remove_list EOF } quit() { set_progress 0.94; install_note=$(echo "${install_note}" | sort -r | sed '/^$/d'); # sort Installation Notes & remove empty lines echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> $g_log; echo -e "$log_close" >> $g_log; # Add Installation Notes to log to help user better understand conflicts/errors for note in $install_note; do eval "error_msg=\$${note}"; echo -e "$error_msg" >> $g_log; done; # Add Duplicate Files Log if it exists if [ -r $conflicts_log ]; then echo -e "$del_conflict_msg" >> $g_log; echo "# Begin GApps <> ROM Duplicate File List" >> $g_log; cat $conflicts_log >> $g_log; rm -f $conflicts_log; echo -e "# End GApps <> ROM Duplicate File List\n" >> $g_log; fi; # Add Installation Calculations to the log if they were performed if [ -r $calc_log ]; then echo "# Begin GApps Size Calculations" >> $g_log; cat $calc_log >> $g_log; rm -f $calc_log; echo -e "\n# End GApps Size Calculations" >> $g_log; fi; set_progress 0.96; # Add gapps-config information to the log echo -e "\n# Begin User's gapps-config" >> $g_log; if [ "$g_conf" ]; then cat "$g_conf" >> $g_log; else echo -n " *** NOT USED ***" >> $g_log; fi; echo -e "\n# End User's gapps-config" >> $g_log; # Copy logs to proper folder (Same as gapps-config or same as Zip) ui_print "- Copying Log to $log_folder"; ui_print " "; cp -f $g_log "$log_folder/pa_gapps_log.txt"; rm -f $g_log; set_progress 0.97; } set_perm() { chown $1.$2 $4; chown $1:$2 $4; chmod $3 $4; } set_perm_recursive() { dirs=$(echo $* | awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$5)) }'); for i in $dirs; do chown -R $1.$2 $i; chown -R $1:$2 $i; find "$i" -type d -exec chmod $3 {} +; find "$i" -type f -exec chmod $4 {} +; done; } set_progress() { echo "set_progress $1" > $OUTFD; } sys_app() { if ( grep -q "codePath=\"/system/app/$1" /data/system/packages.xml ); then return 0; fi; return 1; } ui_print() { echo -ne "ui_print $1\n" > $OUTFD; echo -ne "ui_print\n" > $OUTFD; } # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Gather Pre-Install Info # Get GApps Version and GApps Type from g.prop extracted at top of script gapps_version=$(file_getprop /tmp/g.prop ro.addon.pa_version); gapps_type=$(file_getprop /tmp/g.prop ro.addon.pa_type); # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Begin GApps Installation ui_print " "; ui_print "#########################################"; ui_print " ___ _ ___ _ "; ui_print "| _ \ /_\ / __| /_\ _ __ _ __ ___"; ui_print "| _// _ \ | (_ | / _ \ | '_ \| '_ \(_-<"; ui_print "|_| /_/ \_\ \___|/_/ \_\| .__/| .__//__/"; ui_print " |_| |_| "; ui_print "#########################################"; ui_print " "; ui_print "$installer_name$gapps_version"; ui_print " "; ui_print "- Mounting /system, /data, /cache"; ui_print " "; set_progress 0.01; busybox mount /system; busybox mount /data; busybox mount /cache; busybox mount -o rw,remount /system; # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Gather Device & GApps Package Information # Locate gapps-config (if used) for i in "$zip_folder/.gapps-config" "$zip_folder/gapps-config.txt" /sdcard/PA-GApps/.gapps-config /sdcard/PA-GApps/gapps-config.txt "$zip_folder/.gapps-config.txt" /sdcard/PA-GApps/.gapps-config.txt; do if [ -r "$i" ]; then g_conf="$i"; break; fi; done; if [ "$g_conf" ]; then config_file="$g_conf"; log_folder="$(dirname "$g_conf")"; sed -e 's|#.*||g' -e 's/\r//g' -e '/^$/d' "$g_conf" > /tmp/proc_gconf; g_conf_orig=$g_conf; g_conf=/tmp/proc_gconf; else config_file="Not Used"; log_folder="$zip_folder"; fi; # Unless this is a NoDebug install - create folder and take 'Before' snapshots if ( ! grep -qi "nodebug" "$g_conf" ); then mkdir /tmp/logs; ls -alZR /system > /tmp/logs/System_Files_Before.txt; df -k > /tmp/logs/Device_Space_Before.txt; fi; # Get ROM android version from build.prop ui_print "- Gathering device & ROM information"; ui_print " "; rom_android_version=$(file_getprop $b_prop; # Get device name any which way we can for field in ro.product.device; do for file in $b_prop /default.prop; do device_name=$(file_getprop $file $field); if [ ${#device_name} -ge 2 ]; then break 2; fi; done; device_name="Bad ROM/Recovery"; done; # Get Device Type (phone or tablet) from build.prop if echo "$(file_getprop $b_prop" | grep -qi "tablet"; then device_type=tablet; else device_type=phone; fi; # Get Rom Version from build.prop for field in ro.modversion; do rom_version=$(file_getprop $b_prop $field); if [ ${#rom_version} -ge 2 ]; then break; fi; rom_version="non-standard build.prop"; done; echo "# Begin PA GApps Install Log" > $g_log; echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> $g_log; log "ROM Android Version" $rom_android_version; # Check to make certain user has proper version ROM Installed if [ ! ${rom_android_version:0:3} == $req_android_version ]; then ui_print "*** Incompatible Android ROM detected ***"; ui_print " "; ui_print "This GApps pkg is for Android $req_android_version.x ONLY"; ui_print " "; ui_print "******* GApps Installation failed *******"; ui_print " "; install_note="${install_note}rom_version_msg"$'\n'; # make note that ROM Version is not compatible with these GApps abort $E_ROMVER; fi; # Check to make certain that user is not using a 64-bit device if echo "$(file_getprop $b_prop ro.product.cpu.abilist64)" | grep -qi "arm64"; then ui_print "***** Incompatible Device Detected *****"; ui_print " "; ui_print "PA GApps can ONLY be installed on 32-bit"; ui_print "devices. Your device has been detected"; ui_print "as a 64-bit device. You will need to"; ui_print "find a 64-bit compatible GApps package."; ui_print " "; ui_print "******* GApps Installation failed *******"; ui_print " "; install_note="${install_note}64bit_compat_msg"$'\n'; # make note that PA GApps are not 64-bit compatible abort $E_64BIT; fi; # Determine Recovery Type and Version for rec_log in $rec_tmp_log $rec_cache_log; do recovery=$(busybox grep -m 2 -E " Recovery v|Starting TWRP|Welcome to|PhilZ" $rec_log); case "$recovery" in *Welcome*) recovery="$(grep -m 1 "Welcome to" $rec_log | awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$3)) }')$(grep -m 1 "^ext.version" $rec_log | cut -d\" -f2)"; break;; *Recovery*) recovery=$(grep -m 1 "Recovery v" $rec_log); recovery=${recovery/Recovery v/Recovery }; break;; *PhilZ*) recovery=$(grep -m 2 -E "PhilZ|ClockworkMod" $rec_log); recovery="${recovery/ClockworkMod v/(ClockworkMod })"; break;; Starting*) recovery=$(echo $recovery | awk -F"Starting " '{ print $2 }' | awk -F" on " '{ print $1 }'); break;; esac; done; # Get display density using getprop from Recovery density=$(getprop ro.sf.lcd_density); # If the density returned by getprop is empty or non-standard - read from default.prop instead case $density in 160|240|320|480) ;; *) density=$(file_getprop /default.prop ro.sf.lcd_density);; esac; # If the density from default.prop is still empty or non-standard - read from build.prop instead case $density in 160|240|320|480) ;; *) density=$(file_getprop $b_prop ro.sf.lcd_density);; esac; case $density in 160) gms=0;; # should be 2 remove in pico(uni) 240) gms=4;; # remove in pico(uni) 320) gms=6;; # remove in pico(uni) 480) gms=8;; # remove in pico(uni) *) gms=0;; esac; # Set density to unknown if it's still empty test -z $density && density=unknown; # Remove any files from gapps-list.txt that should not be processed for automatic removal for bypass_file in $removal_bypass_list; do sed -i "\:${bypass_file}:d" $gapps_removal_list; done; # Is this a 'Clean' or 'Dirty' install if ( clean_inst ); then install_type="Clean[Data Wiped]"; cameragoogle_inst=Clean; keyboardgoogle_inst=Clean; else install_type="Dirty[Data NOT Wiped]"; # Was Google Camera previously installed (in /system) if ( sys_app GoogleCamera ); then cameragoogle_inst=true; else cameragoogle_inst=false; fi; # Was Google Keyboard previously installed (in /system) if ( sys_app LatinImeGoogle ); then keyboardgoogle_inst=true; else keyboardgoogle_inst=false; fi; fi; # Is device FaceUnlock compatible if ( ! grep -qE "Victory|herring|sun4i" /proc/cpuinfo ) && [ -e /system/etc/permissions/ ]; then faceunlock_compat=true; else faceunlock_compat=false; fi; # Check device name for devices that are incompatible with Google Camera # bacon or A0001=OnePlus One | find7=Oppo Find7 and Find7a case $device_name in A0001|bacon|find7) cameragoogle_compat=false;; *) cameragoogle_compat=true;; esac; log "ROM ID" "$(file_getprop $b_prop"; log "ROM Version" "$rom_version"; log "Device Recovery" "$recovery"; log "Device Name" "$device_name"; log "Device Model" "$(file_getprop $b_prop ro.product.model)"; log "Device Type" "$device_type"; log "Device CPU" "$(file_getprop $b_prop ro.product.cpu.abilist32)"; log "getprop Density" "$(getprop ro.sf.lcd_density)"; log "default.prop Density" "$(file_getprop /default.prop ro.sf.lcd_density)"; log "build.prop Density" "$(file_getprop $b_prop ro.sf.lcd_density)"; log "Display Density Used" "${density}ppi"; log "Install Type" "$install_type"; log "Google Camera Installedケ" "$cameragoogle_inst"; log "Google Keyboard Installedケ" "$keyboardgoogle_inst"; log "FaceUnlock Compatible" "$faceunlock_compat"; log "Google Camera Compatible" "$cameragoogle_compat"; log_close=" ケ Previously installed with PA GApps\n$log_close"; # Determine if a GApps package is installed and # the version, type, and whether it's a PA GApps package if [ -e /system/priv-app/GoogleServicesFramework/GoogleServicesFramework.apk -a -e /system/priv-app/GoogleLoginService/GoogleLoginService.apk ]; then if [ -n "$(grep ro.addon.pa_version $g_prop)" ]; then log "Current GApps Version" "$(file_getprop $g_prop ro.addon.pa_version)"; if [ -n "$(grep ro.addon.pa_type $g_prop)" ]; then log "Curent PA GApps Package" "$(file_getprop $g_prop ro.addon.pa_type)"; else log "Curent PA GApps Package" "Unknown"; fi; else log "Current GApps Version" "NON PA GApps Currently Installed (FAILURE)"; ui_print "* Incompatible GApps Currently Installed *"; ui_print " "; ui_print "PA GApps can ONLY be installed on top of"; ui_print "an existing installation of PA GApps. You"; ui_print "must wipe (format) your system partition"; ui_print "BEFORE installing any PA GApps package."; ui_print " "; ui_print "See FAQ #6 in XDA thread for more details"; ui_print " "; ui_print "******* GApps Installation failed *******"; ui_print " "; install_note="${install_note}non_pa_gapps_msg"$'\n'; # make note that currently installed GApps are non-PA abort $E_NONPA; fi; else # User does NOT have a GApps package installed on their device log "Current GApps Version" "NO GApps Installed"; log "Curent PA GApps Package" "NO GApps Installed"; # Use the opportunity of No GApps installed to check for potential ROM conflicts when deleting existing GApps files while read gapps_file; do if [ -e $gapps_file ]; then echo $gapps_file >> $conflicts_log; fi; done < $gapps_removal_list; fi; # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Prepare the list of GApps being installed and AOSP/Stock apps being removed # Build list of available GApps that can be installed (and check for a user package preset) for pkg in $pkg_names; do eval "addto=\$${pkg}_gapps_list"; # Look for method to combine this with line below all_gapps_list=${all_gapps_list}${addto}; # Look for method to combine this with line above if ( grep -qi "${pkg}gapps" "$g_conf" ); then # user has selected a 'preset' install gapps_type=$pkg; sed -i "/ro.addon.pa_type/c\ro.addon.pa_type=$pkg" /tmp/g.prop; # modify g.prop to new package type break; fi; done; # Prepare list of User specified GApps that will be installed if [ "$g_conf" ]; then if ( grep -qi "include" "$g_conf" ); then # User is indicating the apps they WANT installed config_type=include; for gapp_name in $all_gapps_list; do if ( grep -qi "$gapp_name" "$g_conf" ); then gapps_list="$gapps_list$gapp_name"$'\n'; fi; done; else # User is indicating the apps they DO NOT WANT installed config_type=exclude; for gapp_name in $all_gapps_list; do if ( ! grep -qi "$gapp_name" "$g_conf" ); then gapps_list="$gapps_list$gapp_name"$'\n'; fi; done; fi; else # User is not using a gapps-config and we're doing the 'full monty' config_type=[Default]; gapps_list=$all_gapps_list; fi; # Configure default removal of Stock/AOSP apps - if we're installing Stock GApps if [ $gapps_type = "stock" ]; then remove_browser=true[default]; remove_email=true[default]; remove_gallery=true[default]; remove_launcher=true[default]; remove_mms=true[default]; remove_picotts=true[default]; else # Do not perform any default removals - but make them optional optional_aosp_remove_list=${default_aosp_remove_list}${optional_aosp_remove_list}; unset default_aosp_remove_list; remove_browser=false[default]; remove_email=false[default]; remove_gallery=false[default]; remove_launcher=false[default]; remove_mms=false[default]; remove_picotts=false[default]; fi; # Prepare list of AOSP/ROM files that will be deleted using gapps-config # Since Stock GApps has default removal of Browser, Launcher, MMS, and PicoTTS # we will look for +Browser, +Launcher, +MMS, and +PicoTTS to override set_progress 0.03; if [ "$g_conf" ]; then for default_name in $default_aosp_remove_list; do if ( grep -qi "+$default_name" "$g_conf" ); then eval "remove_${default_name}=false"; else if ( grep -qi "$default_name" "$g_conf" ); then eval "remove_${default_name}=true"; fi; aosp_remove_list="$aosp_remove_list$default_name"$'\n'; fi; done; # Check gapps-config for other optional AOSP/ROM files that will be deleted for opt_name in $optional_aosp_remove_list; do if ( grep -qi "$opt_name" "$g_conf" ); then aosp_remove_list="$aosp_remove_list$opt_name"$'\n'; fi; done; else aosp_remove_list=$default_aosp_remove_list; fi; # Verify device is FaceUnlock compatible BEFORE we allow it in $gapps_list if ( contains "$gapps_list" "faceunlock" ) && [ $faceunlock_compat = "false" ]; then gapps_list=${gapps_list/faceunlock}; install_note="${install_note}faceunlock_msg"$'\n'; # make note that FaceUnlock will NOT be installed as user requested fi; # If we're NOT installing chrome make certain 'browser' is NOT in $aosp_remove_list UNLESS 'browser' is in $g_conf if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "chrome" ) && ( ! grep -qi "browser" "$g_conf" ); then aosp_remove_list=${aosp_remove_list/browser}; remove_browser=false[default]; fi; # Add bksync to $gapps_list IF $config_type != "include" AND $g_conf does NOT contain bksync AND we're NOT removing 'browser' #if ( ! contains "$aosp_remove_list" "browser" ) && [ $config_type != "include" ] && ( ! grep -qi "bksync" "$g_conf" ); then # gapps_list="${gapps_list}bksync"$'\n'; #fi; # If we're NOT installing gmail make certain 'email' is NOT in $aosp_remove_list UNLESS 'email' is in $g_conf if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "gmail" ) && ( ! grep -qi "email" "$g_conf" ); then aosp_remove_list=${aosp_remove_list/email}; remove_email=false[default]; fi; # If we're NOT installing googleplus make certain 'gallery' is NOT in $aosp_remove_list UNLESS 'gallery' is in $g_conf if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "googleplus" ) && ( ! grep -qi "gallery" "$g_conf" ); then aosp_remove_list=${aosp_remove_list/gallery}; remove_gallery=false[default]; fi; # If $device_type is 'tablet' make certain we're not installing messenger if ( contains "$gapps_list" "messenger" ) && [ $device_type = "tablet" ]; then gapps_list=${gapps_list/messenger}; # we'll prevent messenger from being installed since this isn't a phone fi; # If we're NOT installing hangouts or messenger make certain 'mms' is NOT in $aosp_remove_list UNLESS 'mms' is in $g_conf if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "hangouts" ) && ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "messenger" ) && ( ! grep -qi "mms" "$g_conf" ); then aosp_remove_list=${aosp_remove_list/mms}; remove_mms=false[default]; fi; # If we're NOT installing hangouts or messenger and mms is in $aosp_remove_list then user must override removal protection if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "hangouts" ) && ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "messenger" ) && ( contains "$aosp_remove_list" "mms" ) && ( ! grep -qi "override" "$g_conf" ); then aosp_remove_list=${aosp_remove_list/mms}; # we'll prevent mms from being removed so user isn't left with no way to receive text messages install_note="${install_note}nomms_msg"$'\n'; # make note that MMS can't be removed unless user Overrides fi; # If we're NOT installing googletts make certain 'picotts' is NOT in $aosp_remove_list UNLESS 'picotts' is in $g_conf if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "googletts" ) && ( ! grep -qi "picotts" "$g_conf" ); then aosp_remove_list=${aosp_remove_list/picotts}; remove_picotts=false[default]; fi; # If we're NOT installing search then we MUST REMOVE googlenow from $gapps_list (if it's currently there) if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "search" ) && ( contains "$gapps_list" "googlenow" ); then gapps_list=${gapps_list/googlenow}; install_note="${install_note}googlenow_msg"$'\n'; # make note that Google Now Launcher will NOT be installed as user requested fi; # If we're NOT installing googlenow make certain 'launcher' is NOT in $aosp_remove_list UNLESS 'launcher' is in $g_conf if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "googlenow" ) && ( ! grep -qi "launcher" "$g_conf" ); then aosp_remove_list=${aosp_remove_list/launcher}; remove_launcher=false[default]; fi; # If we're NOT installing googlenow and launcher is in $aosp_remove_list then user must override removal protection if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "googlenow" ) && ( contains "$aosp_remove_list" "launcher" ) && ( ! grep -qi "override" "$g_conf" ); then aosp_remove_list=${aosp_remove_list/launcher}; # we'll prevent launcher from being removed so user isn't left with no Launcher install_note="${install_note}nolauncher_msg"$'\n'; # make note that Launcher can't be removed unless user Overrides fi; # If we're installing calendargoogle we must ADD calendarstock to $aosp_remove_list (if it's not already there) if ( contains "$gapps_list" "calendargoogle" ) && ( ! contains "$aosp_remove_list" "calendarstock" ); then aosp_remove_list="${aosp_remove_list}calendarstock"$'\n'; fi; # If we're NOT installing calendargoogle we will ADD calsync to $gapps_list IF $config_type != "include" AND $g_conf does NOT contain calsync if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "calendargoogle" ) && [ $config_type != "include" ] && ( ! grep -qi "calsync" "$g_conf" ); then gapps_list="${gapps_list}calsync"$'\n'; fi; # Add bksync or calsync to $gapps_list IF $config_type = "include" AND $g_conf contain bksync or calsync #for i in bksync calsync; do # if [ $config_type = "include" ] && ( grep -qi "$i" "$g_conf" ); then # gapps_list="${gapps_list}$i"$'\n'; # fi; #done; # REMOVE 3 LINES BELOW ONCE bksync HAS BEEN ADDED BACK if [ $config_type = "include" ] && ( grep -qi "calsync" "$g_conf" ); then gapps_list="${gapps_list}calsync"$'\n'; fi; # If user wants to install keyboardgoogle then it MUST be a Clean Install OR keyboardgoogle was previously installed in system partition if ( contains "$gapps_list" "keyboardgoogle" ) && ( ! clean_inst ) && [ $keyboardgoogle_inst = "false" ]; then gapps_list=${gapps_list/keyboardgoogle}; # we must DISALLOW keyboardgoogle from being installed aosp_remove_list=${aosp_remove_list/keyboardstock}; # and we'll prevent keyboardstock from being removed so user isn't left with no keyboard install_note="${install_note}keyboard_sys_msg"$'\n'; # make note that Google Keyboard will NOT be installed as user requested fi; # If we're installing keyboardgoogle we must ADD keyboardstock to $aosp_remove_list (if it's not already there) if ( contains "$gapps_list" "keyboardgoogle" ) && ( ! contains "$aosp_remove_list" "keyboardstock" ); then aosp_remove_list="${aosp_remove_list}keyboardstock"$'\n'; fi; # If we're NOT installing keyboardgoogle and keyboardstock is in $aosp_remove_list then user must override removal protection if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "keyboardgoogle" ) && ( contains "$aosp_remove_list" "keyboardstock" ) && ( ! grep -qi "override" "$g_conf" ); then aosp_remove_list=${aosp_remove_list/keyboardstock}; # we'll prevent keyboardstock from being removed so user isn't left with no keyboard install_note="${install_note}nokeyboard_msg"$'\n'; # make note that Stock Keyboard can't be removed unless user Overrides fi; # Verify device is Google Camera compatible BEFORE we allow it in $gapps_list if ( contains "$gapps_list" "cameragoogle" ) && [ $cameragoogle_compat = "false" ]; then gapps_list=${gapps_list/cameragoogle}; # we must DISALLOW cameragoogle from being installed install_note="${install_note}camera_compat_msg"$'\n'; # make note that Google Camera will NOT be installed as user requested fi; # If user wants to install cameragoogle then it MUST be a Clean Install OR cameragoogle was previously installed in system partition if ( contains "$gapps_list" "cameragoogle" ) && ( ! clean_inst ) && [ $cameragoogle_inst = "false" ]; then gapps_list=${gapps_list/cameragoogle}; # we must DISALLOW cameragoogle from being installed aosp_remove_list=${aosp_remove_list/camerastock}; # and we'll prevent camerastock from being removed so user isn't left with no camera install_note="${install_note}camera_sys_msg"$'\n'; # make note that Google Camera will NOT be installed as user requested fi; # If we're installing cameragoogle we MUST ADD camerastock to $aosp_remove_list (if it's not already there) if ( contains "$gapps_list" "cameragoogle" ) && ( ! contains "$aosp_remove_list" "camerastock" ); then aosp_remove_list="${aosp_remove_list}camerastock"$'\n'; fi; # If we're installing exchangegoogle we must ADD exchangestock to $aosp_remove_list (if it's not already there) if ( contains "$gapps_list" "exchangegoogle" ) && ( ! contains "$aosp_remove_list" "exchangestock" ); then aosp_remove_list="${aosp_remove_list}exchangestock"$'\n'; fi; # Read in gapps removal list from file full_removal_list=$(cat $gapps_removal_list); # Clean up and sort our lists for space calculations and installation set_progress 0.04; gapps_list=$(echo "${gapps_list}" | sort | sed '/^$/d'); # sort GApps list & remove empty lines aosp_remove_list=$(echo "${aosp_remove_list}" | sort | sed '/^$/d'); # sort AOSP Remove list & remove empty lines full_removal_list=$(echo "${full_removal_list}" | sed '/^$/d'); # Remove empty lines from FINAL GApps Removal list remove_list=$(echo "${remove_list}" | sed '/^$/d'); # Remove empty lines from remove_list log "Installing GApps Version" $gapps_version; log "Installing GApps Type" $gapps_type; log "Config Type" $config_type; log "Using gapps-config" "$config_file"; log "Remove Stock/AOSP Browser" $remove_browser; log "Remove Stock/AOSP Email" $remove_email; log "Remove Stock/AOSP Gallery" $remove_gallery; log "Remove Stock/AOSP Launcher" $remove_launcher; log "Remove Stock/AOSP MMS App" $remove_mms; log "Remove Stock/AOSP Pico TTS" $remove_picotts; log "Installing Play Services" "$gms_base$gms)"; # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Perform space calculations ui_print "- Performing system space calculations"; ui_print " "; # Perform calculations of device specific applications eval "gms_size=\$gms_${gms}_size"; # Determine size of GMSCore eval "playgames_size=\$pg_${gms}_size"; # Determine size of PlayGames eval "setupwiz_size=\$setupwiz_${device_type}_size"; # Determine size of SetupWizard # Determine final size of Core Apps if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "keyboardgoogle" ); then core_size=$((core_size + setupwiz_size + keybd_lib_size)); # Add SetupWizard & Keyboard Lib size to core else core_size=$((core_size + setupwiz_size)); # Add SetupWizard size to core fi; # Read and save system partition size details df=$(busybox df -k /system | tail -n 1); case $df in /dev/block/*) df=$(echo $df | awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$2)) }');; esac; total_system_size_kb=$(echo $df | awk '{ print $1 }'); used_system_size_kb=$(echo $df | awk '{ print $2 }'); free_system_size_kb=$(echo $df | awk '{ print $3 }'); log "Total System Size (KB)" $total_system_size_kb; log "Used System Space (KB)" $used_system_size_kb; log "Current Free Space (KB)" $free_system_size_kb; # Perform storage space calculations of existing GApps that will be deleted/replaced reclaimed_gapps_space_kb=$(du -ck `complete_gapps_list` | tail -n1 | awk '{ print $1 }'); # Perform storage space calculations of other Removals that need to be deleted (Obsolete and Conflicting Apps) set_progress 0.05; reclaimed_removal_space_kb=$(du -ck `obsolete_gapps_list` | tail -n1 | awk '{ print $1 }'); # Add information to calc.log that will later be added to pa_gapps.log to assist user with app removals post_install_size_kb=$((free_system_size_kb + reclaimed_gapps_space_kb)); # Add opening calculations echo -------------------------------------------------- > $calc_log; printf "%7s | %18s | %7s | %7s\n" "TYPE " "DESCRIPTION " "SIZE" " TOTAL" >> $calc_log; printf "%7s | %18s | %7d | %7d\n" "" "Current Free Space" $free_system_size_kb $free_system_size_kb >> $calc_log; printf "%7s | %18s | + %7d | %7d\n" "Remove" "Existing GApps" $reclaimed_gapps_space_kb $post_install_size_kb >> $calc_log; post_install_size_kb=$((post_install_size_kb + reclaimed_removal_space_kb)); # Add reclaimed_removal_space_kb printf "%7s | %18s | + %7d | %7d\n" "Remove" "Obsolete Files" $reclaimed_removal_space_kb $post_install_size_kb >> $calc_log; # Perform calculations of AOSP/ROM files that will be deleted set_progress 0.07; for aosp_name in $aosp_remove_list; do eval "list_name=\$${aosp_name}_list"; aosp_size_kb=0; # Reset counter for file_name in $list_name; do if [ -e /system/$file_name ]; then file_size_kb=$(du -ck /system/$file_name | tail -n1 | awk '{ print $1 }'); aosp_size_kb=$((file_size_kb + aosp_size_kb)); post_install_size_kb=$((post_install_size_kb + file_size_kb)); fi; done; log_add "Remove" "$aosp_name" $aosp_size_kb $post_install_size_kb; done; # Perform calculations of GApps files that will be installed set_progress 0.09; post_install_size_kb=$((post_install_size_kb - core_size)); # Add Core GApps log_sub "Install" "Coreイ" $core_size $post_install_size_kb; post_install_size_kb=$((post_install_size_kb - gms_size)); # Add Google Play Services log_sub "Install" "GMSCoreイ" $gms_size $post_install_size_kb; for gapp_name in $gapps_list; do eval "gapp_size_kb=\$${gapp_name}_size"; # Determine size of GApp being installed post_install_size_kb=$((post_install_size_kb - gapp_size_kb)); log_sub "Install" "$gapp_nameウ" $gapp_size_kb $post_install_size_kb; done; # Perform calculations of required Buffer Size set_progress 0.11; if ( grep -qi "smallbuffer" "$g_conf" ); then buffer_size_kb=$small_buffer_size; fi; post_install_size_kb=$((post_install_size_kb - buffer_size_kb)); log_sub "" "Buffer Spaceイ" $buffer_size_kb $post_install_size_kb; echo -------------------------------------------------- >> $calc_log; if [ "$post_install_size_kb" -ge 0 ]; then printf "%40s | %7d\n" " Post Install Free Space" $post_install_size_kb >> $calc_log; log "Post Install Free Space (KB)" "$post_install_size_kb << See Calculations Below"; else additional_size_kb=$((post_install_size_kb * -1)); printf "%40s | %7d\n" "Additional Space Required" $additional_size_kb >> $calc_log; log "Additional Space Required (KB)" "$additional_size_kb << See Calculations Below"; fi; # Finish up Calculation Log echo -------------------------------------------------- >> $calc_log; echo " イ Required (ALWAYS Installed)" >> $calc_log; echo " ウ Optional (may be removed)" >> $calc_log; # Check whether there's enough free space to complete this installation if [ "$post_install_size_kb" -lt 0 ]; then # We don't have enough system space to install everything user requested ui_print "Insufficient storage space available in"; ui_print "System partition. You may want to use a"; ui_print "smaller PA GApps package or consider"; ui_print "removing some apps using gapps-config."; ui_print "See:'$log_folder/pa_gapps_log.txt'"; ui_print "for complete details and information."; ui_print " "; install_note="${install_note}system_space_msg"$'\n'; # make note that there is insufficient space in system to install abort $E_NOSPACE; fi; # Check to see if this is the 'real thing' or only a test if ( grep -qi "test" "$g_conf" ); then # user has selected a 'test' install ONLY ui_print "- Exiting Simulated Install"; ui_print " "; install_note="${install_note}simulation_msg"$'\n'; # make note that this is only a test installation quit; exxit 0; fi; # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Perform Removals # Remove ALL Existing GApps files set_progress 0.13; ui_print "- Removing existing/obsolete Apps"; ui_print " "; rm -rf $(complete_gapps_list); # Remove Obsolete and Conflicting Apps rm -rf $(obsolete_gapps_list); # Remove Stock/AOSP Apps and add Removals to addon.d script aosp_remove_list=$(echo "${aosp_remove_list}" | sort -r); # reverse sort list for more readable output for aosp_name in $aosp_remove_list; do eval "list_name=\$${aosp_name}_list"; list_name=$(echo "${list_name}" | sort -r); # reverse sort list for more readable output for file_name in $list_name; do rm -rf /system/$file_name; sed -i "\:# Remove Stock/AOSP apps (from GApps Installer):a \ rm -rf /system/$file_name" $bkup_tail; done; done; # Remove any empty folders we may have created during the removal process for i in /system/app /system/priv-app /system/vendor/pittpatt /system/usr/srec /system/etc/preferred-apps; do find $i -type d | xargs rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty; done; # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Perform Installs ui_print "- Installing updated GApps"; ui_print " "; set_progress 0.15; folder_extract Core required; # Install Core GApps folder_extract SetupWizard $device_type; # Install SetupWizard if ( ! contains "$gapps_list" "keyboardgoogle" ); then folder_extract Optional keybd_lib; # Install Keyboard lib to add swipe capabilities to AOSP Keyboard mkdir -p /system/app/LatinIME/lib/arm; ln -sf /system/lib/$keybd_lib_filename1 /system/lib/$keybd_lib_filename2; # create required symlink ln -sf /system/lib/$keybd_lib_filename1 /system/app/LatinIME/lib/arm/$keybd_lib_filename1; # create required symlink ln -sf /system/lib/$keybd_lib_filename1 /system/app/LatinIME/lib/arm/$keybd_lib_filename2; # create required symlink # Add same code to backup script to insure symlinks are recreated on addon.d restore sed -i "\:# Recreate required symlinks (from GApps Installer):a \ ln -sf /system/lib/$keybd_lib_filename1 /system/app/LatinIME/lib/arm/$keybd_lib_filename2" $bkup_tail; sed -i "\:# Recreate required symlinks (from GApps Installer):a \ ln -sf /system/lib/$keybd_lib_filename1 /system/app/LatinIME/lib/arm/$keybd_lib_filename1" $bkup_tail; sed -i "\:# Recreate required symlinks (from GApps Installer):a \ ln -sf /system/lib/$keybd_lib_filename1 /system/lib/$keybd_lib_filename2" $bkup_tail; sed -i "\:# Recreate required symlinks (from GApps Installer):a \ mkdir -p /system/app/LatinIME/lib/arm" $bkup_tail; fi; set_progress 0.20; folder_extract GMSCore common; # Install Google Play Services libs set_progress 0.25; folder_extract GMSCore $gms; # Install Google Play Services apk # Install PlayGames if it's in $gapps_list if ( contains "$gapps_list" "playgames" ); then folder_extract PlayGames $gms; # Install Google PlayGames gapps_list=${gapps_list/playgames}; # remove PlayGames from gapps list since it's now installed fi; # Progress Bar increment calculations for GApps Install process set_progress 0.30; gapps_count=$(echo "${gapps_list}" | wc -w); # Count number of GApps left to be installed if [ $gapps_count -lt 1 ]; then gapps_count=1; fi; # Prevent 'division by zero' incr_amt=$(( 5000 / $gapps_count )); # Determine increment factor of progress bar during GApps installation prog_bar=3000; # Set Progress Bar start point (0.3000) for below # Install the rest of GApps still in $gapps_list for gapp_name in $gapps_list; do folder_extract GApps $gapp_name; # Installing User Selected GApps prog_bar=$((prog_bar + incr_amt)); set_progress 0.$prog_bar; done; # Create FaceLock lib symlink if FaceLock was installed if ( contains "$gapps_list" "faceunlock" ); then mkdir -p /system/app/FaceLock/lib/arm; ln -sf /system/lib/$FaceLock_lib_filename /system/app/FaceLock/lib/arm/$FaceLock_lib_filename; # create required symlink # Add same code to backup script to insure symlinks are recreated on addon.d restore sed -i "\:# Recreate required symlinks (from GApps Installer):a \ ln -sf /system/lib/$FaceLock_lib_filename /system/app/FaceLock/lib/arm/$FaceLock_lib_filename" $bkup_tail; sed -i "\:# Recreate required symlinks (from GApps Installer):a \ mkdir -p /system/app/FaceLock/lib/arm" $bkup_tail; fi; # Copy g.prop over to /system/etc cp -f /tmp/g.prop $g_prop; # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Build and Install Addon.d Backup Script # Add 'other' Removals to addon.d script set_progress 0.80; other_list=$(echo "${other_list}" | sort -r); # reverse sort list for more readable output for other_name in $other_list; do sed -i "\:# Remove 'other' apps (per \ rm -rf $other_name" $bkup_tail; done; # Add 'priv-app' Removals to addon.d script privapp_list=$(echo "${privapp_list}" | sort -r); # reverse sort list for more readable output for privapp_name in $privapp_list; do sed -i "\:# Remove 'priv-app' apps from 'app' (per \ rm -rf $privapp_name" $bkup_tail; done; # Add 'required' Removals to addon.d script reqd_list=$(echo "${reqd_list}" | sort -r); # reverse sort list for more readable output for reqdapp_name in $reqd_list; do sed -i "\:# Remove 'required' apps (per \ rm -rf $reqdapp_name" $bkup_tail; done; # Create final addon.d script in system bkup_header="#!/sbin/sh\n# \n# /system/addon.d/\n#\n. /tmp/backuptool.functions\n\nlist_files() {\ncat <<EOF" bkup_list="$bkup_list"$'\n'etc/g.prop; # add g.prop to backup list bkup_list=$(echo "${bkup_list}" | sort -u| sed '/^$/d'); # sort list & remove duplicates and empty lines mkdir -p /system/addon.d; echo -e "$bkup_header" > /system/addon.d/; echo -e "$bkup_list" >> /system/addon.d/; cat $bkup_tail >> /system/addon.d/; # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # Fix Permissions and say 'Goodnight Gracie' set_progress 0.83; ui_print "- Fixing permissions & contexts"; ui_print " "; set_perm_recursive 0 0 755 644 "/system/app" "/system/framework" "/system/lib" "/system/priv-app" "/system/usr/srec/en-US" "/system/vendor/pittpatt" "/system/etc/permissions" "/system/etc/preferred-apps"; set_progress 0.85; set_perm_recursive 0 0 755 755 "/system/addon.d"; set_progress 0.87; find /system/vendor/pittpatt -type d -exec chown 0.2000 '{}' \; -exec chown 0:2000 '{}' \; # Change pittpatt folders to root:shell per Google Factory Settings set_perm 0 0 644 $g_prop; # Set contexts on all files we installed set_progress 0.88; ch_con_recursive "/system/app" "/system/framework" "/system/lib" "/system/priv-app" "/system/usr/srec/en-US" "/system/vendor/pittpatt" "/system/etc/permissions" "/system/etc/preferred-apps" "/system/addon.d"; ch_con $g_prop; set_progress 0.92; quit; # 'Goodnight Gracie' ui_print "- Installation complete!"; ui_print " "; exxit 0;