$ ttx
usage: ttx [options] inputfile1 [... inputfileN]
TTX 2.5 -- From OpenType To XML And Back
If an input file is a TrueType or OpenType font file, it will be
dumped to an TTX file (an XML-based text format).
If an input file is a TTX file, it will be compiled to a TrueType
or OpenType font file.
Output files are created so they are unique: an existing file is
never overwritten.
General options:
-h Help: print this message
-d <outputfolder> Specify a directory where the output files are
to be created.
-o <outputfile> Specify a file to write the output to. A special
value of of - would use the standard output.
-v Verbose: more messages will be written to stdout about what
is being done.
-q Quiet: No messages will be written to stdout about what
is being done.
-a allow virtual glyphs ID's on compile or decompile.
Dump options:
-l List table info: instead of dumping to a TTX file, list some
minimal info about each table.
-t <table> Specify a table to dump. Multiple -t options
are allowed. When no -t option is specified, all tables
will be dumped.
-x <table> Specify a table to exclude from the dump. Multiple
-x options are allowed. -t and -x are mutually exclusive.
-s Split tables: save the TTX data into separate TTX files per
table and write one small TTX file that contains references
to the individual table dumps. This file can be used as
input to ttx, as long as the table files are in the
same directory.
-i Do NOT disassemble TT instructions: when this option is given,
all TrueType programs (glyph programs, the font program and the
pre-program) will be written to the TTX file as hex data
instead of assembly. This saves some time and makes the TTX
file smaller.
-z <format> Specify a bitmap data export option for EBDT:
{'raw', 'row', 'bitwise', 'extfile'} or for the CBDT:
{'raw', 'extfile'} Each option does one of the following:
-z raw
* export the bitmap data as a hex dump
-z row
* export each row as hex data
-z bitwise
* export each row as binary in an ASCII art style
-z extfile
* export the data as external files with XML references
If no export format is specified 'raw' format is used.
-e Don't ignore decompilation errors, but show a full traceback
and abort.
-y <number> Select font number for TrueType Collection,
starting from 0.
Compile options:
-m Merge with TrueType-input-file: specify a TrueType or OpenType
font file to be merged with the TTX file. This option is only
valid when at most one TTX file is specified.
-b Don't recalc glyph bounding boxes: use the values in the TTX
file as-is.