


Cross Reference: /frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java

   3078     @Override
   3079     public void notifyActivityDrawn(IBinder token) {
   3080         if (DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.d(TAG_VISIBILITY, "notifyActivityDrawn: token=" + token);
   3081         synchronized (this) {
   3082             ActivityRecord r = mStackSupervisor.isInAnyStackLocked(token);
   3083             if (r != null) {
   3084                 r.task.stack.notifyActivityDrawnLocked(r);
   3085             }
   3086         }
   3087     }

Cross Reference: /frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityStack.java

   2009     /**
   2010      * Called as activities below the top translucent activity are redrawn. When the last one is
   2011      * redrawn notify the top activity by calling
   2012      * {@link Activity#onTranslucentConversionComplete}.
   2013      *
   2014      * @param r The most recent background activity to be drawn. Or, if r is null then a timeout
   2015      * occurred and the activity will be notified immediately.
   2016      */
   2017     void notifyActivityDrawnLocked(ActivityRecord r) {
   2018         mActivityContainer.setDrawn();
   2019         if ((r == null)
   2020                 || (mUndrawnActivitiesBelowTopTranslucent.remove(r) &&
   2021                         mUndrawnActivitiesBelowTopTranslucent.isEmpty())) {
   2022             // The last undrawn activity below the top has just been drawn. If there is an
   2023             // opaque activity at the top, notify it that it can become translucent safely now.
   2024             final ActivityRecord waitingActivity = mTranslucentActivityWaiting;
   2025             mTranslucentActivityWaiting = null;
   2026             mUndrawnActivitiesBelowTopTranslucent.clear();
   2027             mHandler.removeMessages(TRANSLUCENT_TIMEOUT_MSG);
   2029             if (waitingActivity != null) {
   2030                 mWindowManager.setWindowOpaque(waitingActivity.appToken, false);
   2031                 if (waitingActivity.app != null && waitingActivity.app.thread != null) {
   2032                     try {
   2033                         waitingActivity.app.thread.scheduleTranslucentConversionComplete(
   2034                                 waitingActivity.appToken, r != null);
   2035                     } catch (RemoteException e) {
   2036                     }
   2037                 }
   2038             }
   2039         }