

apple mac ftxvalidator


% ftxvalidator                                                                                                [~/Desktop/Release210514][master]
ftxvalidator build 207, FontToolbox.framework build 340
Usage:  ftxvalidator [-hlrSTvV] [-t testList] [-o outputfile] fontfile
    -e An optional list of tests to exclude
    -h Output this message
    -K (--check-build-number) Check that the tool is at least the given version
        `ftxvalidator-K 200` returns -1 if the build number is not 200 or higher
    -l List available tests
    -o An optional output file for test results; stdout is used if this parameter is not specified
    -r Generate a full report
    -S Generate a summary report
    -t The tests to execute.  Valid inputs are:
        "all", execute all tests,
        "core", execute the core test set,
        "default", execute the default test set,
        or a list of font test types, separated by commas,
        or a list of test identifiers, separated by commas` 
    -T Generate a tabular report
    -v Verbose operation, additional data is output to stderr
    -V Output the tool's version to stdout
    -W (--suppress-warnings) Suppress warning messages

macOS Installation Guide — Font Bakery 0.7.34 documentation